Please help me asap: Hello. I am nearly 15 which... - Tinnitus UK

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Please help me asap

Niamh1804 profile image
20 Replies

Hello. I am nearly 15 which is next month. The start of this year I think it was 7th of January I had ringing in my left ear which started from my phone because I was watching something and I was panicking. Before i even had the ringing for about a year id be listening to loud music through earphones for a long tine. The next day I went to the doctors and she looked in my ears and said the left one had an infection. She gave me steroid spray for my ear and I think antibiotics. Then I went back to the doctors next week and it was a different woman and she said the infection's had gone. So I was worried my music had caused it because I still had the ringing. I didn't listen to music for a month until I went back again to the doctors and it was a man and he said I had to severe middLe ear infections in both ears he said the dead skin is on my ear drum which is causing the ringing and not my music. So he gave me more medication I can't remember what. Then I carried on using my earphones even though I had the ringing in both of my ears. I went back again and another doctor said I had ano ear full of wax which was my left one but my right was clear and there was no infection because it had gone. That was in April. Then she said it could be the type of music because I like rock. So I still used my earphones and I tried using headphones so it wouldn't be as bad but the ringing was still there. Then in June I went back and another doctor said my ears are clear and then booked me for a hearing test which I am still waiting for. She printed me off a tinnitus leaflet but never said I had it and she said it will go in time she thinks. So from February to August I've been using my headphones and earphones but now I'm worried I've damaged my ears to the point where the ringing won't go. My ears keep popping and my neck and spine feels stiff and I feel small bubbles in my ear sometimes and a little liquid but I went back to the doctors a week ago and he said my ears look fine he said he doubts the noise is permanent but he gave me nasal spray to clear any infection incase it hadn't gone. I also would use cotton buds and ram them into my ears and it would hurt but I'd still do it to clean them. I'm worried that if I wouldn't have listened to my music with the ringing it would be gone by now. I've looked on forums and people have said thatringing after again ear infection can take even 2 years to clear. Ive also seen people who stopped listening to music and the ringing went away a couple years after. Also my dad said my ears are growing so it will go in time. Everyone says it will but I'm still sca red it's permanent. Will it go? Please help I'm stressing so so much and I'm back in school in a week it's taking over my life. Also my ears have become very sensitive to noise lately like TV and cars and people and I feel like I can't hear as good as I used to my ears feel blocked but there's no wax so what's the cause of this constant ringing. Sometimes it gets louder and then other times I feel like it's gone but it come back. I've had this ringing 8 months straight please help me

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Niamh1804 profile image
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20 Replies
LuluCops profile image

Sweetheart, first things first, stop panicking and stressing, it isn’t going to help you lovely. If you’ve had a severe middle ear infection in your middle ear, then chances are this was an infection they call ‘labrynthitis’ part of this infection is constant ringing/ noises/ bubbling and/ or dizziness. It also makes you very sensitive to sound. You might get some of these symptoms, you might get all of them.

I know exactly what it’s like, because I had it myself. TWICE! And it’s hell, so I send you lots of hugs just for getting this far through it!

Now for the news you might not want to hear- it can take months to heal, and if like us, you are unfortunate enough to have it severely and in both ears, then chances are, and I’m sorry if I’m the bearer of bad news, it may be permanent as it causes scarring. Not all GP’s are trained well enough or are experienced enough to see the damage on your ears, that’s why, the one GP was able to pick it up and the next said it was clear- it probably wasn’t! Try and see the same GP each time you go back for the same complaint, it’s easier and you know what to expect. So try and get your parent/ carer to make an appointment with the GP that picked up the middle ear infection, go and see him with a list of your symptoms (write everything down on paper, not on your phone, they can keep the paper and scan it into your notes) and ask him to check if you have damaged your vestibular nerve on either side.

This is what has happened to me. I can’t say it ever goes away, but you do learn to live with it. The only thing I still struggle with is noise levels, it’s like I get sensory overload now. If this is a problem for you and you find it affecting things in school, get your parent/ carer to talk to your Head of Year and/ or the AENCO as they should be able to help.

So sorry you’re having to go through this so young, it’s not something I’d wish on anyone.

Good luck sweetie, big hugs

Shelley xx

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toLuluCops

Thank you x I'm just worried because I've been depressed all of this summer over it I really want it to go. I can't stop crying all the time I just want my silence back. So there is a chance it can go?

LuluCops profile image
LuluCops in reply toNiamh1804

There is a chance, yes lovely. But please don’t get so upset sweetie, talk to your mum or best friend if that’s possible, anyone that you’re close to, just don’t let it get you so down as the anxiety will make it seem much worse. Big hugs lovely xx

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toLuluCops

I've had it for 8 months but I looked on the NHS website and it said "A small number of people have symptoms that persist for several months or, in some cases, years. This requires a more intensive type of treatment called vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), which is a specialised form of physiotherapy." So could it last for a few years and then go. It feels like the ringing is fading but then I hear out for it and it gets louder. I try and tell people but it's all I talk about so they do the " oh here she goes again wont shut up about it" everyone does it. And then the tell me it will go justto shut me up. Had my music had anything to do with this or is it the 2 middle ear infections. All I want is it to go

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toLuluCops

I also get headaches and ear aches and I get dizzy when I move to quickly which causes my head to spin I also have vertigo especially when I am up high. I hear bubbles in my ear and liquid and sometimes a whooshing sound and I can't walk in a straight line much

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply toNiamh1804

Hi lass 🤗🤗🤗🤗🙏

I'm very proud of you, your very strong dont ever forget that or let anyone tell you differently.

It takes a lot of strength and confidence at your age to reach out to friends and social media like this amazing site. So well done you 💪👍❤️😇🤗🙏

As our wonderful friend above @LuluCops mentioned it will make things worse if you panic as the adrenaline of your anxiety will aggravate your ears more.

Will you ask one of your parents to ring your gp surgery an tell your gp that you want a urgent referral to the ENT (ears nose and throat) consultant that you are having these uncomfortable horrible symptoms and to see also why you are having some many ear infections. In the mean time who ever is doing the food shop next, ask them to get you a small bottle of olive oil.

Then when you have the oil you put a big desert spoon of it into a small cup that no one's gone to use an you place it into the microwave for just 5 seconds no longer just 5 seconds you only want to heat the oil not boil it. You then get a cotton pleat dab it in to the oil and you place it inside your ear and tuck it in all around the rim of your ear do it to both ears at night when your going asleep. This will help ease the pain and cure the dry skin.

Also start using the beet head phones or any other set like them that just sits an covers all your ear. Start reducing the volume so that it dose not aggravate your inner ear. If your using the ear plugs ear phones this is most likely what's causing the infection as where the ones that cover all your ears won't give you a infection and will also drown out the ringing buzzing noise. I wish you well and please get one your folks to get onto your gp an demand a ENT referral to be sent marked urgent not a non urgent one.

Please let us know how you get on okay Niamh?.

Big soft healing hugs Lass an wishes for your speedy wellbeing. 🤗🤗🤗🤗😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toKeepstrong

Well I just went downstairs and the TV was reallyhurting my ears so I told my dad to turn it down a bit and he just had ago at me and told me to stop moaning honestly I give up with him one of these days I'm going to loose my temper

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply toNiamh1804

Hi there 🤗 I hope things calmed down a bit for you with your dad. Can you arrange for your family doctor to have a chat an explain your condition to him an you need his support? 🤗🤗🤗🤗

dsh2358 profile image
dsh2358 in reply toLuluCops

You explained it very sincere and truthful

Well done for this young man 😊🙏🏻

Robert1961 profile image

Hi thare sorry to hear what you are going through have you had a mri ct scan on head

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toRobert1961

No not yet. My doctors said that they would refer me to an audiologist or something for a hearing test and they said it can take up to 5 months for the waiting list but they didn't even mention an ENT doctor

Robert1961 profile image
Robert1961 in reply toNiamh1804

I see some times you have to ouch it of you feel your getting no ware but thare only so much they can send you for as it's not something that they can cure thare lots of support on hear

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toRobert1961

These past 3 weeks it's gotten worse the ringing is louder in both ears

Ricecake73 profile image
Ricecake73 in reply toNiamh1804

Hi. I've suffered with ringing and vertigo for a few months following ear syringing procedure where the nurse used extremely high pressure. I thought my ears were damaged beyond repair and was very distressed like you, couldn't stop crying and felt like I would lose my mind. I began to notice other symptoms like feeling tired a lot, and having a strange craving for smells and wanting to clean a lot. I read this can be due to low iron. I had my iron stores checked and found out I am iron deficient anaemic. The doctor prescribed me ferrous sulphate supplements for two months. One week after taking them my ringing has mostly gone completely and I'm feeling like myself again. I'm still a little lightheaded at times but this is due to the ameamia. I was also finding noise difficult to deal with but that's all fine now. I just wanted to mention this as it might be worth getting your iron checked, if nothing else but to rule it out. I never knew that tinnitus is a common symptom of anaemia, and because I thought the syringing had damaged them I didn't think to investigate into other possible causes. Don't lose hope. I've suffered ear infections and perforated ear drums all of my life and your ears take time to heal, but if you look after yourself they can heal well. God luck and I hope you feel better soon. 🤗🤗

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply toNiamh1804

Hi Niamh.

No 2 people are the same my friend so No One Can or Can Not Tell You if your going to be Cured, Or Not.

But the main thing for you to be able to do now is yes definitely keep the music down low. Do some facial stretch exercises so your ears too can exercise. There is one exercise I always use to give my clients this exercise to do to not only help their muscle tone I. Their face an ears but also to make their happy hormones kick in. It's a very good exercise to do especially in front of the mirror. You place a pencil in between your Teath for at least 2 minutes while looking in the mirror an you can't help but laugh if you see yourself as a little pup trying to hold a bone bigger then it in its Teath 😂😂😂 then just turn your head side to side like a pup dose when confused lookin at something 😂😂

Before you know it your ear muscles are less tight and they are nice an loose this will help so much with the tinnitus. Also if you use a small bit of non perfume cream or moisturiser just make sure it's non sented and place some in your ears when they are dry. But at night put some warm olive oil onto a cotton pleat an put the middle of the pleat into your ear and the rest of it out side the ear hole but tucked in around the rest the front of your ear for the night. Don't put chunk of cotton in your ear as it can get lose an travel inside of your ear an if you think you have pain now wow this would cause a full meaning of the word pain and ready to lose the head. 😵😞

Anytime your tinnitus starts just do this with the cotton pleat. Get an egg cup an pour olive oil into it. Place it into a microwave an heat for 5 or 10 Seconds. Then place it onto the middle of the pleat an put it onto the front of your ear an stick the middle of it into your ear an the rest like I already explained around the rest of the front of your ear. If you have a heat bag. Make it luke warm to warm an place it against your ear to help the muscles relax do the facial muscles exercises of opening your mouth as far as you gently an very slowly can saying the words A _E_I_O_U really stretch your mouth saying this an look in the mirror a' you will see how it's making your muscles stretch.

An as I mentioned in my earlier reply. Have a chat with your doctor an ask for the doctor to meet with your father an anyone else you feel be a support to you an have it explained that your condition is very real your not just having a moan and it is very frightening and frustrating especially for someone as young as you or a very elderly person. I hope this will help an please do try all I suggested it will help big time. An if it gets much worse even after trying all this then go to your local emergency department early in the morning an preferably the one that has an ENT specialist in and tell them how you just can't cope with the pain and you need medical help. This way they will have to get you seen urgently by an ENT or have a urgent out patient appointment for you okay? Sending you soft warm healing hugs with comfort and support dear young friend. Be well and keep strong. 💪🤗🙏 Oh an keep me posted by private message how you get on or just here. Hugs Ce., 🤗🤗🙏🙏😊😇

Niamh1804 profile image
Niamh1804 in reply toKeepstrong

My ringing has just gotten louder because I'm crying because my boyfriend broke up with me tonight and I'm getting really down because he said he needs a while to think and then we might have a 2nd chance but I'm stressing and now it's just getting louder and louder

Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply toNiamh1804

Go to your private messages lass xxxx

Bellyboo profile image

Hi Niamh, Your dad is correct! You have years ahead of you and your ears will repair in due course. You’ve probably exposed your ears to too much noise and that’s why their sensitive to other sounds. Try not to dwell on your tinnitus sounds as this will evoke fear and anxiety which in turn has a knock on effect. You won’t go mad or anything . If you suddenly had a serious diagnosis of a life threatening illness you wouldn’t care about the noise in your ears/head . There’s hormones and stuff racing thru your body trying to repair any damage. Keep the music turned down and don’t use cotton buds aggressively.

Good luck

ShakeelaBTA profile image

Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.

Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here: (information and support details) (free tinnitus management programme)

If you’d like to sign up to receive ‘Focus’, our new free monthly e-newsletter, you can sign up at

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

Kind regards


Keepstrong profile image
Keepstrong in reply toShakeelaBTA

Hi dear friend. Thank you for the wonderful support you give here you are such a kind soul. Blessings to you always and I hope you yourself are keeping well. 🙏😇🤗🤗

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