I got depressed one time and had a flick of floating spell so I started going to EN t's next time you know they're talking me into the second hearing test next thing you know my ears ringing off the wall, The nectar a few weeks it calmed down after probably a year or so it got to worry I didn't pay a lot of attention to it but I have an upcoming MRI on the lower part of my back and I'm freaking out cause it's the hearing test made it ring what will A MRI do, The scariest if anybody else has had this kind of ring in their ear and took out MRI it's not calls from loud music it's not called from anything into that's natural, I got air blue in my ear 2 weeks later at whistled really loud and popped I guess the air was trapped, And then I went to another one he texted them and pops my ear they taught me into the second hearing test and that's when all my c*** happened, Because that left ear was sensitive to sound I had lost here and years ago and it came back and when it came back the majority of it came back in that ear I could hear a pin drop, So just curious to anybody else has this kind of problem about an MRI
Tinitus: I got depressed one time and had a... - Tinnitus UK

I’ve had two MRI’s without any issue, they give you headphones to wear and play music. Just make sure the music isn’t too loud. But it’s nothing to worry about.
Well I bought my own MRI headphones supposed to have more GB sound reduction and I don't like to hear music when there's noise in the background because it's like two people talking to me at once and that really stresses me out and it seems like stress is what causes mind most of the time I had another breakdown in my thirties because of my ex-husband tormenting me and it messed with my head so I'm going to say it got I'm on a call it well but 20 years down the road I got with somebody and I got really stressed out and had a thought I was having a heart attack and my head felt weird and then 10 years later I had another one and it was a floaty spell and I think the first episode years ago damage something in my head and when I lost hearing in my ears the majority of it came back and the left ear I could hear you talking a mile away so them messing with that left ear so much aggravated that nerve, and taking the second hearing test was my big mistake that's when it started because those Keen sounds going down in your ear drum I wish I had never took the second one but I've heard where it said MRI can cause your ringing to come back or get louder whatever and I was just scared to death
I had an MRI they gave me ear plugs and head phones they helped
I chickened out of MRI test last week for the very same reasons, Terry
And I need it on the lower part of my back cuz it's I don't know what's wrong with it besides the ruptured disc but other than being claustrophobic I can make it through that and I can make it through that thing that sounds like a jackhammer but that thing that got that makes that noise that's wasaaaaa idk, but I read somewhere that it can make tinnitus louder and it said that usually it goes back down in two to three days but I got $50 MRI headphones I was more concerned with the vibration because and that whining noise, but I told myself you go out here and sand on a dresser with a sander for 4 hours maybe the MRI won't hurt you and then something says yeah but what if it does and you have to go back through all that depression again, I wish I could go back and Google taking a second hearing test within a month I would have never took that sucker cuz it literally said yes it can make your ear ring, and a lady I was hanging out with at the time she said I wished you would have called me because I did the same thing and it may find louder so FYI no hearing test
I liken an MRI to a night at a very bad heavy metal concert. I had two a couple of years ago for back problems and I was beautifully padded out with soft pillows and was given headphones to wear, I could have had music but I didn’t want it.
I am claustrophobic and can’t bear being in small enclosed spaces and wasn’t sure if I could lie there for that long - I was told the pelvic one would last for a hour which seemed an awful long time but I was ok. I just closed my eyes and daydreamed - the end result was worth it though. T was no worse afterwards.
I I'm concerned because I have a different kind of tape I didn't get this from like people normally get T or they're round loud music or they work in the factory I got this from it started back in my 30s when my ex-husband gave me such a hard time my mom died and I was so stressed that I got it one morning and room was spinning and it was horrible and the Doctor the neurologist said honey this is stress He said get out of whatever you're in well there was no way to get out of it but I finally got back to normal as I could get so now when I find myself in a situation where I get depressed Or stressed out really bad I get a floating spell and this time instead of just working it out and taking a zannax here and there till it went away I went to 4 ear doctors actors I told me that there was nothing wrong with my hearing my ears were good it was probably stress but for some reason I was in some State of mind that I just kept going and the more I went the more they messed with my ear and then it started zzzzz ZZZ ZZZ And then after the second hearing test that night both my ears was ringing off the wall oh I got so depressed it took about a week to count a the months went by i got to county where i started ignoring it and now i notice it is don't do it for days and then all of a sudden I'll just wake up and it'll be kind of a buzzing real light so i think i have a damaged nerve it's either in my ear or in my head so that's what's wearing because it's not regular tea
I haven’t a clue what started mine. I can’t even remember when I first noticed it but I do remember lying down and getting up to see who had parked outside and left their car / truck engine running and also thinking I heard a radio left on somewhere when I lay down at night - that must have been at least six years ago.
I suppose it could be the hydroxychloroquine I take for my inflammatory arthritis. I didn’t go to a lot of concerts or listen to loud music - I’m a pretty quiet person. It might be so much easier if we knew what caused it wouldn’t it. I’m not sure the T is why I feel my hearing isn’t good.
I’ve been told I have mild hearing loss at high frequencies and it must be mild because when I was tested at Specsavers years ago they didn’t even try to sell me hearing aids plus at the hospital recently they said mild and I only got the hearing aid because I asked it it would help - still feel as if I can’t hear though and it isn’t because of the T.
Hope you can get yourself to a stress free state 🙂
The mri is loud, you can wear foam ear plugs the put the headset on and tell them no music in the head et. The mri will make your hydrogen molecules oscillate and it will be read. Also, lumbar imaging is a long ways from the upper cervical neck. The T is actually from a tiny nerve that runs from the ear to the brain. Mine is from an upper neck injury. Gentle chiropractic, reike, and meditation on healing helped me. Lately it has been worse with the exceptionally powerful solar outputs since June and now the Blue Moon Being the closest. Tides are higher and the upper west coast of the USA has suffered 2000 earthquakes in rapid succession a few days ago! Stay positive and take care of yourselves, this will pass.