TMJ : Might have found cause of tinnatus ,went... - Tinnitus UK

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Eabxj28 profile image
28 Replies

Might have found cause of tinnatus ,went to dentist and found problem with my TMJ which hurts a lot and close to ear where I had fluid in dentist put me through to dental surgeon to have a look when ever .Y out through all these waste of space ent doctor and it’s a dentist finds ear problems. Any good luck stories with tmj troubles and feedback

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Eabxj28 profile image
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28 Replies
Lindsay6 profile image

Hi . I have TMJ and also believe it is related , the good ol' viscious circle of cause and affect - tinnitus tension causes TMJ tension and vice versa. Unfortunately I haven't had much help as dentists and TMJ Service at hospital have batted me back and forth asking each other to sort it out - so I've given up and am now looking at B12 injections. Good Luck

Freddy17 profile image
Freddy17 in reply to Lindsay6

Good luck with your vitamin B12 shots. I tried and it didn't work for me

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Freddy17

Thank you - it's all worth a try ☺ We persevere to find ways to help ourselves , even if some people criticise us for doing this , sadly .

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to Lindsay6

I. Waiting to see the dental surgeon at hospital , does your jaw hurt just under you ear , and tinnitus mainly in the head that’s what mine is , what did the TMJ services do at hospital xrays on your jaw or ct scan etc

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Eabxj28

Yes , although my jaw hurts in all places and clicks like an old fashioned washboard song / performance! I had x rays . The expensive mouth guard is too tight and uncomfortable and Hospital advised it be altered ,as well as a few teeth being looked at - both of which dentist refused to do. Hospital advised ibropufen gel . I had my TMJ appointments cancelled 7 times so given up ! Good Luck

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to Lindsay6

Just had my TMJ x-ray just now just waiting results

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to Lindsay6

When I woke up my tinnitus was quiet low ,when I yawned it came back very load, so I’m sure it’s the TMJ joint

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to Lindsay6

Taking what you have said at face value , then your dentist is skating on very very thin ice if he is ignoring the advice of the hospital specialists - doesnt sound right to me. Kind regards

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to Lindsay6

I dont think there is any evidence tinnitus tension causes TMJ

Foxymum profile image
Foxymum in reply to ChooseYourUsername

Seriously?? Google it it most definitely does I to have it!

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to Foxymum

Well I am not sure exactly what you mean , but there is no evidence that tinnitus causes or triggers TMJ, it is the other way around. Put that in your google 🙄

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to ChooseYourUsername

It's all interrelated - tension in jaw , partly from the tension of tinnitus and managing it , can contribute to increased tinnitus from the increased tension in the jaw . It's the same for others with neck and shoulders. For some , tinnitus can contribute to fibromyalgia , which in turn can make it worse .Hopefully we can all support each other whichever way around things are as we all are managing as best we can ?

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to Lindsay6

I had my TMJ x-ray yesterday they won't show untill you see the useless ENT so called doctors who do not help could be weeks unless you go private £200 a go to see them probly see within 2 days

_siamese_ profile image
_siamese_ in reply to Eabxj28

If i were you, i would request an MRI scan, as with an X-ray, it will only show TMD if the cartilage in your jaw has moved completely out of place and not just shifted.

_siamese_ profile image
_siamese_ in reply to Lindsay6

Hi, i've had TMD for over 8 months now. It can cause a lot of side effects, like tinnatus, migraines, neck and shoulder pain ect. I've seen a specialist now after trying to resolve this with different exercises & night guards. I am currently taking 50mg of amitriptyline per day (an anti depressant used off label to treat nerve pain), also rely on tramadol, when the pain is worse at night & first thing in the morning. My tempromandibular joint also locks in place, which is extremely painful and rare in cases with this disorder.

I've never heard of B12 injections helping anyone with TMD. I don't see how this would help at all as the disorder is caused by the cartilage in the joint moving out of place which the specialist consultant showed me from my MRI scan.

Mine's treated with both my Dr & a specialist dentist and i am currently undergoing tests for arthritis (which can cause this too, as well as fibromyalgia).

I do hope you manage to get it sorted. I had to be very persistent to get the treatment i am now receiving.

Lots of luck x

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to _siamese_

Thanks for your messages.

Yes , Disc displacement with or without reduction is one form of TMD, unfortunately there are many others.

Have you considered using anti inflamatory gels like ibuprofen and / or voltoral - I found them to be very effective.

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to ChooseYourUsername

I have just got some gel from Dr this morning I will try some

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to Eabxj28

Hope it works for you - it may take some time 👍

_siamese_ profile image
_siamese_ in reply to ChooseYourUsername

Unfortunately this isn't possible for me as i have brittle asthma which limits my use of certain medication. My specialist advised that TMD is all the same & just has different causes as stated. I have never heard of different types of TMD at all. Unless you are describing muscle, joint or cartilage which is all under one TMD banner.

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to _siamese_

Where I'm from if it's not life threating they will not do anything unless you got private

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to _siamese_

Specialists that state that "TMD" ( TMJ ) is all the same are a big part of the problem IMO. It is possible to have what is called TMJ or TMD with no cartilage displacement or cartilage problems.

There is actually no recognised speciality for treating "TMD"

A lot of people only get told they have "TMJ" which is the equivalent of a doctor telling a patient they have "Knee Joint"

You are right about muscles , cartilage , bones etc but it is much, much deeper than that ( eg potential chronic pain or malocclusion ). The comorbities are also complex and poorly understood

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to ChooseYourUsername

Sometimes they can give you a injection in the jaw, not sure who does that , talking knee joint just had 2 nd one in left knee that has failed also, so I got head problems and knee problem , how much can a body take

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to Eabxj28

Sorry to hear about your issues

I believe the injection into the joints are steroids probably done by a Maxfacs Consultant

Botox is sometimes used for muscle TMJ injected into the cheek / muscle

Both the above treatments are VERY controversial

_siamese_ profile image
_siamese_ in reply to ChooseYourUsername

I believe most people are told, that this will clear up on it's own, with time & exercise, which is true in a lot of cases.

I can only go by my experience with TMD, which has been chronic pain which intensifies greatly when eating (or trying too) & early morning having clenched my teeth all night and the mouth guard i was made only aggravating the problem.

It does seem to be "try & error" unfortunately which is very sad & painful for sufferers.

Eabxj28 profile image
Eabxj28 in reply to _siamese_

Hello did the joint give you noises in the head my joint hurts and constant noise in the head

_siamese_ profile image
_siamese_ in reply to Eabxj28

Hi, just as my TMD started i would get clicking & grinding noises. I'm told this was my cartilage moving in & out of place. It did seem very loud as it is so close to the ear.

ChooseYourUsername profile image
ChooseYourUsername in reply to _siamese_

Yes They do often say that but unfortunately only in the absence of proper care and treatment. Most injuries will "get better" to a point if you leave them along enough . TMD/J treatment is a scandal imo and is usually not based around scientific medical evidence.

I hope things are going well for you , some people say hard or hybrid splints are more effective at helping bruxism than soft splints - whatever you use they should not change the bite - best wishes

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to _siamese_

Hi . Thanks. B12 is to try and help my body be less exhausted from 6 and half years of very intrusive and painful tinnitus

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