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I have just signed up. Is it normal for tinnitus to change daily?

Darkhorse50 profile image
16 Replies

My tinnitus varies almost daily.

I sometimes have loud tinnitus, sometimes very quiet, only in left ear or right and in mono and stereo. Is that what a lot of people have?

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Darkhorse50 profile image
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16 Replies
Jenny1123 profile image

Yes that happens to me and its completely random.

tomlwatson profile image

Yes, random tone and volume changes are common to me as well. The reason this is frustrating is habituation is the key to living with and overcoming T and when the tone changes habituation becomes difficult. I pray it settles down for you.

AusRinger profile image

Same for me, had it on and off for decades. Got used to it over time. I can make the sound start when there is none by flexing jaw muscles and can vary volume to 4 levels.

Herb123 profile image

Yes had it over a year now . Good and bad days some very quiet and others loud like now!

Yes also I find depending on how I'm feeling at certain times of the day or night this effects my tinnitus too so the faster my heart rate for example the louder an faster my tinnitus I don't know if this is how everyone is but it's how mine is so I hope it's normal , tinnitus is one heck of a frustrating thing to live with isn't it xx

Tarabel profile image

yes, varies so often during the day for no apparent reason or explanation, very irritating - some good days though as well.

lovert profile image

Yes count me in. Today for example I woke up with low T and that has held all day long .. it makes you appreciate the peace. Yesterday I woke up with screaming T and it went all day, it was very loud and actually made me feel kind of sick to the stomach and all nervous.

It's so weird how it comes and goes. I tend to get 2 good days and 2 bad days roughly. I'm always trying to work out what triggers it .. that part is as difficult to deal with as the bad days. A shower is a definite trigger, driving my car is a definite trigger and there even seems to be one room in the house that can kick it off ... which is crazy I know. I find earplugs for the shower and car help.

I live in hope that I will end up with mostly or all good days.

Supervision6 profile image
Supervision6 in reply to lovert

Hi yes I live with the hope it will go completely, research states that it can.

My experience is very similar to yours 2days on and if , some bad days feeling sick and wired!

Finding this site has reduced the isolation because you can’t explain the anxiety it causes to those who don’t suffer.

CW2106 profile image

Yes same for me. When it first started I was convinced it wasn’t tinnitus because one day was a whistle and the next was a twitchy/crickety sound. This would be the case no matter what I did. As time has gone on they have both changed and I now also have a 3rd version that comes too. Mine is constantly changing in tone, volume, pitch, and is also reactive to sound. Like lovert mentions, being in a car, and the shower are bad triggers for me also, plus i have a sensitivity to electrical items too. I can’t use a laptop or a mobile phone without it impacting on my T.

lovert profile image
lovert in reply to CW2106

Yes I get changes in tone too .. there is one main tone but sometimes it will wobble a bit and sometimes there seems to be 2 tones when its bad. I also believe mine is influenced by EMR too. I've had low level tinnitus for years, just noticeable sometimes when I would go outside on a quiet night and look at the stars or when going to bed, it was no bother at all Then one day it just started getting worse and worse and now sometimes it is so loud that there is no way to mask it other than very loud TV or music (which would just make it worse), it can be very distressing. The thing is we had a pine forest next to our house that was harvested and left us in direct line to an NBN tower (government internet system in Australia) that is just 100 metres from our house. The room I mentioned that is a trigger for tinnitus is our bedroom and that is the room that is exposed directly to the NBN tower through the window. I am currently sleeping in the lounge room. It is just a theory but the co-incidence is there. I ran that idea by my doctor and expected him to say it was rubbish but he said he believes it is a very real possibility because electromagnetic waves do enter the brain and could stimulate or interfere with it somehow. Standing in front of my microwave while waiting for something to heat will also trigger it but strangely my mobile phone doesn't seem to trigger it ... I run it on speaker though and keep it away from me. I also run my laptop on cable with Wifi turned off.

Tonight the T was low and I fell to sleep watching a TV program for perhaps 30 minutes, when I woke up the tinnitus became much louder. That often happens if I nap .. it seems that sleep state plays a big role in switching it on and off.

For your car and shower I would suggest ear plugs. At first I would forget to put the earplugs in before a shower and then within 2 minutes the T would start screaming and I would scramble to get them (too late by then). If I remember to put the plugs in it seems to prevent the spike. I guess it's the noise from the water splashing about. My car is also noisy at around 85db according to my phone app.

Freddy17 profile image

It's a roller coaster ride up and down. Mind give me a lot of pressure headaches every name.

Keoni profile image

Hi, Darkhorse50,

From what I've read and experienced, there is no "normal" regarding tinnitus. For some it fluctuates and/or creates a cacophony of different sounds. For others, like me, it's a constant and incessant singular sound.

Whatever the effect, the challenge of dealing with it remains the same.

On a positive note, it's made me appreciate the good things in life a lot more, whether it's with family and friends, a successful distraction from this noise (however brief) or that heavenly piece of chocolate cake.

Respectfully submitted,


metalico profile image

Hi friends, I'm from Chile and suffer from T for about 7 years. In my case is the same, I don't know why but T varies, sometines sleep well and after T is much louder. During last 6 months have been using Quetiaphine 25 mg for to sleep, I don't know if it is good or bad, but it help me some.

Grettins and sorry for my english

ShakeelaBTA profile image

Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.

Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:

tinnitus.org.uk (information and support details)

takeontinnitus.co.uk (free tinnitus management programme)

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

Kind regards


dsh2358 profile image

Mine changes it like a shape shifter lol

One ear stronger then the other

Then also it takes on different sounds

Sirens whisking scratching sound ETC.....


Joeb17 profile image

It seem that T can very from person to person

Mine can change in loudness and tone from minute to minute I think that is why I can’t seem to block it out I can be watching a good film and not noticing my T when it changes

Then I have to wait again till I’m not noticing it that much by that time it has intrupted the film

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