Hi all long term sufferer here, 20+ years but last 20 months been excruciating. Really struggling n worry I'm heading for another breakdown, it's so loud no matter what I do I hear it. I'm 43 n so scared! Not sure if my over protecting of ears have made me more sensitive to sounds and I'm certain I've PTSD to sounds as it'd been said but not diagnosed. Loud planes or exhausts set my anxiety off which I know makes T seem worse too. I've just started wearing maskers given by audiology, it's like my T is competing with it. Is this normal?
Spiking again??: Hi all long term sufferer here... - Tinnitus UK
Spiking again??

You have my sympathy yama! Please don't break down..Fortunately it's just a sound. Loud maybe and persistent! Do you enjoy music. You can get a pair of headphones and listen to music. This can blank the sound out and you can loose it for a few hours afterwards as well.Just imagine if the doctor order us to: " Just LISTEN TO MUSIC! "
We'd all go out of the doctors room dancing.
Maybe you can dance as well!😆
Ok so sorry to see that you say music makes it worse in previous posts...Maybe it just goes to show we are all different!

Yes unfortunately music was a factor and now has a triggering affect, I've not worn headphones/earphones in years nor do I put the phone to my ears, always on loudspeaker. I hold on to hope as I need it, people say try not to listen to it etc. I'm not sure how I can't listen to it when it's this loud 🤷♀️ appreciate you're reply though 🙏
Music always made my T worse. So I listen with earphones to LBC, day and night. Not too loud or my T will compete with it .
Sorry whats Lbc?
London Broadcasting Company. 24/7 British phone-in talk program . FM 97.3.
Depending on where you live , you might not be able to get it on your radio station . However I can get it on Global Player through my hearing aids/ I pad / I phone, using the compatible earphone . Even abroad. I find listening to them chatting away. far more interesting than my T . Give it a try.
hello. Im not as long with T as yourself but I’ve been through the very dark times and sympathies. Everyone is different but for me what let me turn the corner was giving in to the T, letting the sound blast away and telling myself over and over, that’s all it is, sound. I’ve gone from keeping the radio off in the car and not listening to music at all to now attending concerts/ festivals probably more regularly than I ever have before (with hearing protection of course). By going back to normal with caution I no longer feel my T controls me and my feelings. I control it. And from a place where I was monitoring the sound and volume of my T all day long, I now barely hear it until bed time when I’ll put on a low volume masker suitable to my T or my new favourite is soft spoken history YouTube videos! The volume of my T hasn’t changed at all. My perception of it has, and that’s the key for me. Hopefully you will be feeling better about it soon, I know it’s hard but you will calm down again and relax
I've gone from no music in the car to having it on low, a huge step in over a year. I'll never go to anywhere with loud music again though as it does trigger me but I'm so glad you've managed to ❤️
What is a low volume masker?
I use an app called ReSound tinnitus relief. It’s on the apple App Store and assume others. It lets you create your own sound therapy/ masking sounds. My T is a very high pitched loud ringing mostly on the left side. So for me the sound of crickets and cicadas is brilliant at masking my T. I mix it with other things like wind and highway noise, but have it on literally the lowest volume on my phone. I was told by a specialist you want to “mingle” the masker with your T rather than try and cover it completely. And however it works, it just makes me feel more relaxed and nod off to sleep far easier than if I’m in a silent room with my T alone.
Most people with T will have long bouts of loud spikes in time they either calm down or you just get used to them there really is not much that you can do,but once you come to terms with it,it does get easier,I honestly believe nobody has it worse than me iv been to places you only see in the worst horror films but I've got through it,there is not many people who fully understand what you are going through you think there is no way out but your brain will adjust,just hang in there, for people with constant loud tinnitus life can be a struggle but we somehow get through it and you will too, go for long walks DO not stay at home dwelling on it,try your hardest to have a active life,best of luck.
I've been to very dark places thanks to T, everytime i think I'm getting there up it goes as I personally think mine is very reactive and when I have a sudden loud noise exposure it does send me into a blind panic. My mind is my worst enemy indeed, I do try and keep busy but the volume is frightening, I cannot believe an internal sound could be deafening. I hold on to hope and try to carry on, I wish none of us had to suffer as it really is life changing. Here's to carrying on and strength ❤️
Ok I am four years in spent a fortune on cures and remedies probably cost me 10 k and no better off .
Read and article about a woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer 20 years ago when she was 23 , she is now 43 and claims mindfulness has helped her cope and thrive . So I am going to use her strength as my mantra going forward , as the Buda stated suffering is part of life and to be expected , and if a person experiences pain calmly , without becoming emotionally distressed we can attain greater states of being .
Great response! As I too am struggling to deal with my T and H and after mine had habituated shortly after I first started with it back in 2009, but these last few years have been horrendous. I do wonder if it’s OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) that I have and quite possibly ADHD too which are helping to drive the tuning into Tinnitus? I await going to see an ADHD Specialist that I have arranged to see?
Everyone is different and react in different ways. My partner has ADHD and started getting T a few years ago. She actually loves her T because it occupies her busy mind and calms her ADHD down a treat for bed time. But that’s just her experience. Wish I enjoyed mine the same way she enjoys hers!
Do you have hearing loss? Also some antidepressant might work to ease your mind a bit
I hope you get some occasional time without it. ..

I don't I'm afraid, my left ones constantly on hight pitched hiss and screech/ringing and my right ears competing
It's so weird that it's starting to become interesting!
Maybe one day we'll start all walking to a certain place, maybe beside an ancient stone and then the spaceship will land..the door will open ...the aliens will get out and we will find it was all an experiment by channel 4 for a new reality show! I can guarantee I'm not getting inside that ship if this is the beginning!

Do you ever wonder if microwave ovens and mobile telephone masts have anything to do with people getting tinnitus? Or perhaps it could be due to the preservatives and artificial additives that they add to food?
Do you ever wonder if you could go to a retreat or a desert island for a few weeks and could only live off natural homegrown foods - as well as be away from microwaves - would it die down??

made me laugh ...