struggling: last 2 weeks have been so loud… I... - Tinnitus UK

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bee4 profile image
22 Replies

last 2 weeks have been so loud… I can't stand it… its like when I first got it, Im jumping out of my own skin. Cant seem to get calm. XOXO Bee

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bee4 profile image
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22 Replies

Aww no!

Maybe got a virus in your system or stressed a bit or wax build up.

Might be worth popping in see your doctor get ears checked..

Try keep relaxing music on around you and get out side for a walk when you can.

Long relaxing baths and hope some good night sleep.

Its hard when we get big spikes and can really lower your mood but try stay positive tomorrow might be a better day .....

Lots of love glynis

bee4 profile image
bee4 in reply to

thank you Glynis! I wasn't going to write anything, but I just can't stand it. Thanks for helping me feel better. I haven't been wanting to do what I usually do, just in the midst of a panic I guess.

I was around people with the flu but I didn't get it, I am a bit stressed… I don't know what it could be. I have been venturing out more and more and was around a noise that was really loud and behind me so it scared me quite a bit and worried it was that… but I just don't know. XOXO Bee

Angela-H profile image

Oh no Bee 😒 ! It is indeed tiring in itself having to manage our T each day. When I am at home I have the radio or TVs on all the time, set at a low volume level which makes my ears have to work harder to hear it, which seems to push my T to where it belongs, at the back of my brain.

Do you wear hearing aids or maskers? Mine definitely quieten my T.

Wishing you a peaceful night and a better tomorrow. Love Angela xx

bee4 profile image

Thank you Angela - I also have tv and radio on, but maybe too loud, I will lower them and see if that helps - my sound oasis is quite loud too. I don't have hearing aids yet, although when I got tinnitus, I also lost most of the hearing in one ear.

Last night was so long, I was up at 12:15 and then 2:00 and couldn't sleep it was so loud, and annoying, and its been putting me into a bit of a panic. I can't read when its like this and I have so much sewing to do but havent been feeling like it.

Mrshanson profile image
Mrshanson in reply to bee4

Sorry to read this Bee, sometimes there's no distracting yourself, even though you know what you should be doing (taking your mind off it) you can't help but sit and focus on it, which is the worse thing you can do! I get like that.

Are you in the system to get hearing aids? Mine have quietened my t massively-Bev x

bee4 profile image

Hi Bev, yes, that's just what Ive been doing! Listening to it… I know I have to stop that :)

I will look in to see about hearing aids, Im glad they have helped. XOXO

Xene profile image

Yay bee4, my thoughts go out to you. Sometimes after reading a lot of the posts on here I think I should consider myself lucky that mine doesn't spike but having it so bloody loud 24/7 I can't possibly imagine it getting any louder! For me it's not a case of sitting listening to it as I hear it over absolutely everything even conversations are tough going, absolutely nothing distracts me from it and I just exist with it blaring away all the time.

Just keep trying to hang tough until yours eases up a bit. Maybe maskers might help you anything is worth a try? In the face of adversity fight on that's all we can do.

Best wishes


bee4 profile image
bee4 in reply to Xene

thank you Xene, yes, it gets tiring doesn't it. I am trying to hang tough, but I feel its getting the better of me. Hopefully today will be better. XOXO

Lesley2065 profile image
Lesley2065 in reply to Xene

Hi xene, in a weird sort of way, Im glad Ive found someone else who can't easily distract themselves from the noise of there tinniutus. I too hear it constantly even when its at a lower volumn, which just lately has been very few and far between. But i am stressed at the moment because our landlord is selling the house we rent and we have only 2 months to find somewhere else to live and so i am stressed, upset and worried all at once which isn't helping. Before this bombshell was dropped on us my T was bearable so i am hoping that once its all sorted, it will settle again. Even so I can't completed switch off to its sound. I have a hearing aide + masker but find the masking sounds irritate it even more so Im seeing if that can be changed this afternoon. I use sound therapy at night and cherry juice which normal helps me to get off to sleep but because of all this business with the house, even these are not working as well so Im feeling tired now. Its just such a constant battle to manage this blasted thing. Oh well should look on the brightside, spring is coming, my daffodils are flowering and hopefully we will find a lovely home soon.


Lesley x

Xene profile image
Xene in reply to Lesley2065

Yay Lesley, so sorry to hear you have similar problems with your T. Although I tend not to comment too much on here I'm always here in the background. I appreciate that people who post on here want faith, hope and inspiration to deal with their T and due to the nature of mine I can't offer them that.

I guess my responses may sound a bit repetitive but I know exactly the hell it can cause in you life whether you let it or try to accept it! Luckily for many there is help available out there and I like to think by telling them that I've had it for 30 years and I'm still fighting on so using their inner resources they too can find a way as best they can.

I hope you managed to get a different masker today to help you. Sometimes I just think come on you little demons, bring it on, I know you're not going anywhere but I can and will deal with you! lol, probably sounds crazy to some on here but that's all I've got to help me. Wishing you well.


Angela-H profile image

Hi Bee, as you have hearing loss, from my own situation i believe that hearing aids are the answer for you. I still have the horrid virus - inflamed throat with stuffy nose and ears 😒 When I wake up in the morning my T has been louder than it should be - until I put in my aids and then it quietens 😀 Prior to getting this awful virus, my T had been very quiet. Love and hugs, Angela xx

bee4 profile image
bee4 in reply to Angela-H

sorry you still have that virus Angela. I managed to get a bit of sleep last night, which was a relief, but still, so loud this morning. ugh…. XOXO

GeorgiaJackson profile image

Hi Bee,

I'm so sorry things not good for you at the moment. It's such an unpredictable condition.

I've also been trying to get out more,slowly but surely. I've encountered loud noises and for me the fear of 'has it affected my tinnutus' has played a bigger part than the loud noise itself so it could be a combination of that plus stress. In which case it will settle. Hopefully very soon.

Georgia xx

bee4 profile image
bee4 in reply to GeorgiaJackson

Hi Georgia, yes, it is so unpredictable, what you think will harm it doesn't, and then something does something and you just don't know what it was ! I am not so worried about putting myself in loud places anymore, as I don't think this is what did it, it is actually a good challenge to get out and expose myself more and more. I just don't know what is going on, but it has me on edge, and yes, I agree stress doesn't help anything. I can feel my whole head and neck clamping up from the stress of it. XOXO

Lynne-H profile image

Hi Bee, Sorry to hear you`re having a bad time at the moment. It does sound like you`re stressed but who wouldn`t be with what we have to cope with. I know from experience that stress does make tinnitus louder. Hopefully it will eventually settle down to a manageable level.

I too would recommend hearing aids - they certainly help me. I`ve lost quite a lot of my hearing so it would be hard for me to manage without them and they definitely help with the tinnitus.

Take care. Love Lynne xx

bee4 profile image

Thank you Lynne, stress is awful - trying to deal with a change and not getting upset, my coping skills, or what was left of them, have flown out the windows! and doors! I am glad to hear hearing aids have helped so many of you! I am going to try to find a way to keep calm today. XOXO

berry76 profile image

Have you tried Kalms - or any kind of sedative - norytriptoline or amitryptoline ...sometimes we need psychological support! I'd rather use the 'natural' stuff if pos.....but I do rely on my hearing aids which have an additional masker and let them do the worrying!

Best of luck - I know too well how tiring and depressing the constant head noise is.


bee4 profile image

thank you Berry, I used to take something, but Im afraid of a lot of medications. I forget about trying natural stuff, but I will look in to something. XOXO

bee4 profile image

acckkkkkk I keep thinking, How did i just get through the last 10 minutes!!!!


Dave-G profile image

Hi Bee

I can't offer much in the way of advice as you have had so much good advice already from the regulars on here, its nice to know when things are not going great everyone's ready to help out , I'm sure as you know already things will improve given time, all I can say is hang in there you seem a resilient lady and you will come through this.

Dave xx

bee4 profile image

Thanks so much Dave for that boost! I hope so, it does get the better of me at times. This group is such a help. XOXO Bee

Keoni profile image

Hi, Bee4, I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. Life always comes with stress attached and that can make things harder for people like us - it's how you deal with it that counts. If you have a big problem, try breaking it down into smaller chunks. Get one part sorted, then move on to the next bit and so on. Be calm. Be strong. Tell yourself "I will get through this". Find some way to relax. Maybe even give yourself some "me" time - do something you really enjoy. My thoughts are with you.

Respectfully submitted,


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