David At a Loss how to carry on : Morning All... - Tinnitus UK

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David At a Loss how to carry on

11 Replies

Morning All having a really bad time Tinnitus is gone to severe and don't know how I'm keeping my self together and not venting my anger It has been relentless for days have got my maskers on full blast I feel how can I stand this torture day in day out. Love David

11 Replies

Dear dear David my heart and i am sure the hearts of all of your friends go out to you and we all can ampathise with your predicament as we have all been there. At this moment in time you are trapped in a vicious circle, T gives stress and stress gives T and you must try to break that circle so you must learn to relax, even if its just a little.Like i have previously said, i learnt to accept my T and i found that the more i accepted it, the less i fought against it, the better i slowly became. God bless you David.

Your friend Peter.

in reply to

Yes you are right I know it's this vicious circle I have accepted my T but I think like some other sufferers we can't focus on anything when we are in this circle I try and keep busy and do other things to take my mind off it thanks for your kind words they really help ..David

David, I can't remember now but have you tried any counselling yet? I found just a few sessions really helpful and it might rule out any possible underlying issues causing you stress (and exasperating your T).

Surely anything is worth a try and the only way to break out if a vicious cycle is to try something different.

Also remember that Christmas time is a very stressful time for most people. The colder weather and bunged up ears don't help either!

in reply to

Hi Peter & asw21 I think twice I was referred to getting on the cbt course and both times I didn't think it was for me but as you say anything is worth a go my local hearing therapist is leaving when I last saw her and the post is out so hopefully when they get a new therapist I will ask him or her to put me on counselling thanks to you both.

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I was referring to normal counselling but CBT may also be helpful. We can all help eachother but in the end we also have to help ourselves.

David, i think asw21 may well have hit the nail on the head. If you have not done this already you can ask your GP to refer you to Audiology, in turn Audiology will refer you to a Tinnitus clinic and the Tinnitus clinic can send you to CBT ( cognitive behavioural Therepy ) I personally have not done this but i did go to a Tinnitus clinic. Apparently CBT can be of a great help, why not give it a try.


Angela-H profile image

Hi David, I can only agree with Steve and Peter - acceptance and distraction. It must work as when my brain is fully occupied I don't hear T. It's tiring though to work at not thinking about T and some days I just want to shut the front door and be by myself. Hope you're better when I next check in here next week. Love Angela xx

bee4 profile image

David, any chance you have wax build up or a cold or something going on ? have you heard any news about your eustachian tube situation? just some thoughts, it could be something going on thats making it worse, as has happened in the past.


in reply to bee4

Hi Bee my ears are Clean I got stressed yesterday with eBay I chatted to them why my money for my sale was still on hold but I am over that has it had been resolved to day I am as you can imagine very low to day I am staying calm and doing some mediation thanks again.Love David

Hi mate

Just got back from weekend in London, didant really hear my T, to much going on I guess.

Sorry to read you still struggling at the moment, there is away out I'm sure you just gotta find the key.

Good luck I really mean it mate, Gary

Sympathy there with your T - gets to me too alot esp at the night time. Wondering how are you when your outside do you find the T less in the open air maybe - i dont know as we are all different right but i totally understand your feelings of frustration. I used to like the old me alot this new me with the T is not what i am about - wish i could help you but you have my support for sure.

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