Hi everyone, was on old forum and just trying to get the hang of this one. Have had T for 15 months now and still having ups and downs with it but slowly adjusting and learning how to manage my T. Lesley x
Lesley from Portsmouth hampshire: Hi everyone... - Tinnitus UK
Lesley from Portsmouth hampshire

Hi Lesley,glad to see you here, but Im a creature of habit, kind of got used to the old one Im going back and forth on this one, hopefully will get the hang of it though. So glad to start seeing the members from the BTA. I didn't even know it was being changed until I couldn't find the other one
Hi Bee, yes its good to see a few familiar people, though don't recognise everyone because of having to choose a username. I too wasnt aware it was changing until i tried to check on raffle ticket winners but did get email which mentioned the change but didn't get it till late yesterday. Now trying to figure it all out but Im sure we'll all be a dab hand at it after a few days. Love lesley x
Hi Lesley x

Hi glynis, hope youre feeling better now and things have settled down. Like the new forum but having to get used to finding my way around. Not too bad myself, though my T is playing up but it was quiet all last weekend when i was visiting bournemouth with my friends. Just wish it could be like that all the time.... have to ride it out though i guess. Love lesley x
Hi Lesley I'm doing better duck,
Bournemouth is lovely and hope you had a nice time...lots of love glynis
Hi Lesley hope to chat with you on the website. David

Hi David,
Likewise David. How are you doing? I am ok at the moment, getting ready for christmas although i will be working from 2 till 8 pm on christmas day, we all have to take it in turns to work over the christmas period but Im not working on boxing day and will be visiting my sister and her hubby for the day. Off out tonight for a meal with friends at a local restaurant so should be a good evening. Are you planning anything for christmas? Lesley x
Hi Lesley I used to work on Xmas on the ward before I retired it was ok we are having friends around on Xmas I don't go out much in the evenings only occasionally I think it's nice to look forward to doing something merry Christmas.David

Hi David, which ward did you work on? I work in theatres as a scrub nurse and its pretty full on these days. Lots of pressure to get lists finished even if that means staying late. We all say it can't get any worse but somehow it does. Still at least its rewarding when you know you've helped to cure or improve a patients quality of life. The stress does affect my tinnitus at times though but there doesn't seem to be any guidelines to help employers manage people with tinnitus which is something i was going to ask Nic about as maybe its something the bta could look into.
Had a lovely meal out last night but got to bed later than i normally do so feel tired now but have the weekend off so can have a rest.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Love lesley x