Vitamin D and liver problems.: I know we thyroid... - Thyroid UK

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Vitamin D and liver problems.

beaton profile image
11 Replies

I know we thyroid patients should make sure we have enough Vit.D BUT what is enough. I read somewhere that both fat soluble vitamins and vit.D if taken in excess can cause liver problems.As I have had my gall bladder removed and still seem to have liver problems I don't want to make things worse.

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beaton profile image
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11 Replies
shaws profile image

I cannot see a reference that Vit D affects the liver but only that doses in excess of 2,000 can build up in tissues:-

That means your body can mobilize its own reserves if your daily intake falters temporarily — but it also means that excessive doses of vitamin D can build up to toxic levels. At those extremes, vitamin D can raise blood calcium to levels that can cause grogginess, constipation, and even death. But it takes massive overdosing to produce toxicity, and doses up to 2,000 IU a day are considered safe

shaws profile image

I have just read this link in STTM coincidentally (3 brazil nuts give you daily dose of magnesium):-


A common scenario with hypothyroid patients who have been on T4-only medications is finding themselves with low levels of many nutrients, including Vitamin D. Why? It appears that continued hypothyroidism lowers stomach acid, and that in turn hinders nutrient absorption like Vit. D, iron, B12 and more.

And it turns out that once you get your Vitamin D levels back up, it’s also crucial to have enough magnesium for your body to utilize Vitamin D effectively. Says the Vitamin D Council, magnesium helps your body activate vitamin D into a form your body can use, as well as helps maintain your calcium levels. They state that you may need more magnesium supplementation that is normally recommended, such as between 500 and 700 mg a day. Dr. Mercola feels that 80% of you aren’t optimal in magnesium.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to shaws

Thank you Shaws -I did not know this and have to take vit D as I don't tolerate the better look at my magnesium levels. Vit D council say that 5000iu perday are safe -no evidence of toxicity at that level -even at 10,000!

I also have to take extra b12 as I don't absorb it....guess this must be the stomache acid issue -and age!!! x

ps: do you have the link to Dr Mercole's article?

Jackie profile image

Hi I have very low Vit D ( hormonal) and very serious liver disease ( not drink!). Also serious magnesium problems. D for everyone should only be taken without first a test for corrected calcium, and only taken if it is in range, repeat tests after 3 months, D takes that long to work. Repeat tests when stable at least annually.If calcium goes out of range you have to stop the D, reduce first and if calcium still over range, stop, no matter how low the D is.Magnesium ( tiny range) should only be taken orally or drip under medical supervision, with a test first and then weekly on treatment, is it on a script. Magnesium, corrected calcium, sodium and Potassium ( U`s and E`s, kidney function), are all electrolytes and must never be out of range. It is extremely dangerous, especially for heart a. kidneys and liver.They all strongly effect each other. A lot of food contains magnesium , that is totally safe.Only the very best doctors know this as relatively new discovery.

Best wishes,


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waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Jackie

Sorry Jackie -i am afraid I can't agree with the calcium range you mention having to be in range BEFORE taking vit D.. i wasn't absorbing any calcium because my vit D level was negligible. The consultant said there was plenty of calcium in my diet but i was never going to absorb it until my vit D levels were drastically improved which involved high dosing of vit D -100,000iu fortnightly under medical supervision. The lack of vit D caused my main leg bone to break due to consequential insufficient calcium uptake.

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to waveylines

Hi I am pleased you are happy with your choice, I cannot now take any vit D although so low that I have osteomalacia,( adult rickets) not nice! Calcium above range, so dangerous. We tried to reduce the D as I was on a lot, on script, but that did not do the trick so had to stop. My D so low, I have rickets. My hepatologist. Nephrologist, cardiologist and Endo, all very good are all concerned about my high calcium and are in agreement about this.

I hope that your treatment helps you.Are you sure that your calcium was not below range, or low in range? That is often the case with low D. In fact I know some GP`s will not test D if calcium is OK.Calcium in the body is quite different to food intake of calcium., a good test. I have severe osteoporosis but still cannot take these.

Best wishes,


Barbaraj profile image
Barbaraj in reply to Jackie

Have you had your parathyroids looked at?

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Jackie

HI Jackie -so sorry to hear that you have Osteomalcia -very unpleasant. I was heading that way before i was diagnosed by a bone specialist. You have so much to cope with so my heart goes out to you. I rally hope that things turn a corner and your liver start to improve. My liver function was really poor before Xmas -this was due to fat in the liver since which I have been on an exercise and low carb diet to reduce the weight round my middle. This is easier for me as I am not diabetic like you. I go back for follow up in three months time about my liver and am hoping that they will give me good news. Hugs xx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to waveylines

Hi Thank you, lovely E mail. I meant to put severe Osteoporosis, yes originally as with any one it started with Osteomalacia. I could never have any treatment except the vit D, now of course, no Vit D and the only drug I can take, ( which incidentally lowers the calcium but not mine) is a very old not very good drug. Everything else is cotraindicated for me. Last DEXA scan, I was told 2 weeks for report, a half an hour later ,so bad ( for a known condition) that GP phoned and then me, so I had the results in half an hour. Nothing we cold do! So you are very right to do something while you can, we never know what is round the corner.Glad things are better for your liver. Mine is rather more complicated, like all my medical conditions, in fact a bit of a nightmare. Yours must have been quite bad, as the LFT`s do not alter until very bad. Did you know that once LFT`s have altered, it is likely to effect all your bloods, especially, diabetes ( before the pancreas), thyroid , Potassium and anti coagualation? Not easy to guess, day to day. I found out by common sense ie Obvious, then it was confirmed by my Haematologist, Hepatologist and endocrinologist. I have recently found some reference to it on sites. My Hashimoto went Hyper.

hope your lver continuously to improve. I am very lucky as I see the top Hepatologist i the country.of course brilliant and a lovely, caring man. After an "episode" it does take a long time for LFT`s to return to normal, so I hope things continue to improve for you.

Love, Jackie

Marir profile image
Marir in reply to waveylines

Hi,don't know how I stumbled on to this, but my Vitamin D levels were 33 last March and as a result I found out I had severe Osteoporosis, I'm only 54 and just through the menopause, which is why I organised my dexa scan. Anyway I was ordered 15/20 mins sunshine,no suntan lotion, I'm fair skinned with freckles and burn, but 15 mins was OK, and funny but my skin strengthened, and my D levels increased,I was also onD3 supplement 3,000iu, daily. By June, my level was 54! :) I have now joined a fabulous Vitamin D Wellness group on Facebook. I feel wonderful, loads of energy, its amazing, I thought I was deficient in b12, I used to get shots every 2 months, not anymore! Vitamin D deficiency floors you,fatigue no energy. You just have to supplement, especially in winter. The good news is that fair people who don't tolerate the sun, absorb more Vitamin D from the sun than tanned people. And once you lie out put a hat over your face and set your timer. Another thing, you can make Vit D as long as your shadow is shorter than you. Have to wait till April or get some winter sun! Vitamin d3 is better taken daily, I take mine with Vitamin K2, to direct that Calcium to my bones and away from my kidneys and then I take Magnesium to keep it in my bones. Also I take 5,000iu daily and am working up to 10,000iu. Take control of your life, you are not old. Your Vitamin D deficiency is the càuse of your fatigue. Get Vitamin D3, 5,000 iu, and feel fabulous again!( I sound like an additional) lol :)

Jackie profile image

Hi Barbara I have as the test this way, my PTH was very high, I think 3 times what it should be. My calcium still too high but nothing can be done, it may be cancer as can be, I cannot have my various "lumps " biopsied or an MRI. Make sure you have regular LFT`s done, Liver function, if you think you may have a problem.My gall bladder is very bad. I cannot have surgery, too ill. I now also have cholocystitis a very serious complication of gal bladder disease , extremely painful. , can cause Septacemia. I have read that some times the Gall bladder does not alter your symptoms but still important to have it done, because of this.The gall bladder before surgery can effect the liver, but it has to be a very serious complication. Obvious by the pain, look of liver etc + bloods It also has to be very bad before a problem as a wonderful organ. I have never drunk at all, do not like is more likely to effect the pancreas and cause malabsorption.If liver really bad, like mine, it effects all the bloods and they go haywire,a nightmare for me.Even my diabetes, although ,ocf course, it then is effected by insulin in the pancreas. It all starts in the liver, thyroid of cause too, Potassium and anti coagulation are the worst. If you think you may have a problem , liver , gall bladder and panceas, should be under a hepatologist,( large teaching hospital) not a gastro as in my experience, having always been under them, many years, 5 so called top ones, all useless!

I hope that helps.

Best wishes,


Sorry about the spelling and hope this is clear, I am dyslexic and middle of the night!

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