What is a "normal" result for an auto immune test - Thyroid UK
What is a "normal" result for an auto immune test
Which test are you referring to? The TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), the individual thyroid hormone levels (FT4, FT3) or the antibodies?
I think this will depend on the individual lab doing the test. There will be a 'normal' reference range given with the test result. If the result falls outside the range, then autoimmune is likely to be the diagnosis. If the result falls within the range, then autoimmune is not evident at the time of the test.
A typical example might be 5 <0 - 40>
In this case, the 'normal' range is 0-40, so the test result of 5 would not indicate an autoimmune cause.
My AntiTPO was 18 - range was 10 to 30.
And here is one I found looking back at notes - and I haven't got a clue what it is - any ideas.
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD result - 71mL/min (>=60.0) ????
Glomerular Filtration Rate - effectively kidney function.
However as soon as you go further and ask about MDRD, estimated rates, etc. it becomes fearomely complicated very quickly.
You could have a look here:
Or even the Wiki article:
But don't expect to understand it all - I certainly don't.