T3 Only. Recovery going well-ish! Sudden hot sw... - Thyroid UK

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T3 Only. Recovery going well-ish! Sudden hot sweats still an issue.

Jacksatlast profile image
9 Replies

Still liking T3 mostly, all except those Hot Flashes at bizarre times. Where am I now that its been 16 weeks?

Well not much has changed since I last blogged. Except to say I have had no ill effects from T3, not too sure why our GP's and Endo's are so afraid of it.

You need to be very very patient and sensible,small changes make a huge difference. You do need to record everything to get a picture of how to take T3, but it can be done following Paul Robinson's guide lines.

I'd love to see more help understanding how it all works other than the poor fellow patients who have to help each other monitor and adjust. I don't know if I could have managed without the likes of these guys on all the forums.

Your support and theirs is essential and I thank you all for that.

Daily routine 21.75mcgs @ 3.30am. 15.1mcgs @ 10 or 10.30am. 12.5mcgs @ 3.30-4pm.

Mostly not Hypo at all now other than when T3 is wearing off and the cold hands n feet and a slightly flat feelings creeps back in. A few days of de-motivation and sometimes a raggy sleep with a few tired days, but no big crashes. I am still able to now exercise moderately.

My weight has stayed stable, my skin has improved as has my hair, not as dry. The best of all No Brain fog.

Trying to interpret signs and symptoms can be confusing as some signs can mean either too little or too low T3. I struggle with this on occasion and just have to stay clam, and hit the forums for advice.

I am looking forward to seeing how the Adrenals are doing. I'm sure there has been sime improvement

The good news is that when I went back to another GP, a lady this time she didn't rant a rave at me for self medicating and actually offered to refer me to an Endo of my choice (before I got to ask , the purpose of my visit) as she admitted her knowledge of using T3 was low and wanted me to be monitored!

Mmmm, not to sure if this will work in my favour, we will see. Appt in 10 days time.

Some questions to put out to you wonderful T3 takers. I'll create a question shortly.

I really hope I can get to the bottom of the Hot sticky feelings I am still experiencing on a daily basis. They have to be linked to something. Dropping my Dose 3 by 2.5mcgs appeared to help initially, but the really strong flashes didn't improve. Worse time for these is around 2am, 5am and the first 1/2 that I am awake.

I'd love to hear if anyone else has had these issues whilst taking T3 only.

This one complaint aside things are going really well on T3 only. I know there is more tweaking to go and I'm dreading BST changes next week. Another question!

Although the end game of having to stay on it for ever and taking it at odd times, alarms going off and trying to remember to carry it with you whatever your doing is all a bit of a life style change it's an easy one given the benefits and is one I am happy to follow. So much better than before.

Spring is on its way folks honest :)

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Jacksatlast profile image
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9 Replies
Agapanthus profile image

Yes, I get these sweats to some extent, though by no means regularly. There is someone else I am in contact with who uses T3 only and she gets them too.

I am afraid I don't know what the answer is to them especially as mine are so random. I only get them at night, and I am 10 years past the menopause, and got very few with the menopause in fact.

I am only 5 weeks in so far, so quite a way to go, and therefore not yet on the final dose by any means.

wakeham profile image
wakeham in reply to Agapanthus

Hi Agapanthus,

Just wanted to say that I'm the same as you, I've had H/sweats now for nearly 2 years! the GP didn't know why as like you well past menopause, she sent me to Endo he had no answers but guess what he put me back on HRT after being off that for over three years.

wouldn't it be nice to know why they are making our life like hell?

Regards wakeham.

Totoro profile image

I'm going T3 only now (there's some drama about that with doc so will make a blog post when it's actually resolved).

However when I was on T4 only and increasing it I used to get occasional hot flashes. Suddenly hot all over, might last 30min to an hour. They stopped happening once my dosage was 200mcg and I suspect it was a side effect of my body adjusting from almost two decades of undiagnosed hypo and now getting help.

Jacksatlast profile image

Hi Totoro,

You mention hot spells stopped once on 200mcgs Thyroid meds. I assume you increased to this.

I am wondering if I needed to just keep going up given my total T3 but when I took the 4pm dose again last night which I reduced by 2.5mcgs a few days ago, I was hot all evening and night until 3am! Interesting

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to Jacksatlast

Hi I am just curious as to how you manage to get these specific doses. The 12.5 I can understand , half of a 25mcg but the other two l just can't get my head around. Would be very interested to know. Thanks in advance.

Jo xx

Well, that is certainly sounding good! How wonderful is it to lose that brain fog??!!

I'm accepting that any dosage changes will take quite a while for results to show so everything has to be done slowly.

I don't bother with monitoring at all, just take the first dose when I wake up whatever time that is. I gave up on setting the alarm clock due to not being able to get back to sleep, severe headaches were not welcomed.

It did take a long time before it really kicked in so may be you just need to hang in there for longer. I guess the longer one has been ill, the longer it takes to recover.

Jacksatlast profile image

Hi Joane

Very good question I wonder myself sometimes.

The actual amounts are approx 21.85 and 15.6

I split a 25mcg into two then two again to give 6.25 then split that into two to give 3.1

It's a bit Heath Robinson and can't be spot on as the scalpel cuts only approx.

bit of a pain but I find even a small dose change has an effect so built up very slow. I tried doing 12.5's for ease but needed a bit more.

Jacksatlast profile image

Hi CGirl,

Good to hear your so relaxed taking T3 now. I ave wondered about just going with a waking dose, but I guess I better wait to see what another Adrenal test reveals first..

Interestingly I did the torch Eye test this morning and there is now only a very small change in my pupil, so I'm guessing the CT3M method is working.

I dropped my CT dose by 2.5 mcgs this morning and now have a headache! My first for months, so that clearly wasn't a good idea! I'll have to stay with it now for a few days I guess.

yatespr profile image

Hi I did well on 20 mcg T3 per day...less brain for and hair stopped falling out. The effect started to wear offso I was increased to 30 mcg / day in 3 split doses. My levels went too high and i was referred to endo who cant see why m on it in the first place (other endo tried it saying may not convert t4 to t3 as t4 treatment had failed to improve my extreme lethargy). New endo wants me off T3 completely and wants to test my adrenal function. In the mean time my hair is falling out again (10mcg/day) and im having lots and lots of sweats. Im frightened.

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