I cant believe I have a cold again 4th one in as many weeks, I have never had this many colds before, I could go years without one now all of a sudden I am getting more, it is really getting me down, I never seem to feel well, all my muscles are hurting despite being on Vit D supplements, went to see the doctor who was rather puzzled by everything that was going on with me and asked if my Endo had sent me for a scan when I said no she said she would speak to my regular doctor and come back to me well that was 4 days again and I haven't heard anything, (doesn't surprise me) but it doesn't help me.
I have an underactive thyroid and I am on 175mcg a day but these last few months everything has gone awry.
Im sorry to keep moaning but no one in the family understands except my mum who has the same problems, underactive thyroid and just been diagnosed with Polymyalgia and so I thought I would speak to you lovely people. Even sitting here and typing this hurts my hands and arms but I am a Receptionist so Im always using a keyboard, I could easily say to my doctor I need some time off but Im not giving in that's too easy and Im not going to sit at home and wallow.
Thanks for listening.