Having suffered with vertigo like problems for over 2 years now and being told it is connected to Thyroid problems (not by the NHS I hasten to add!) I thought I would share my latest 'diagnosis' given by a Consultant in audiology last week.
He says I have the classic symptoms of MAV - Migraine associated Vertigo. apparently you do not need to have the headache, only a history of migraines. Although as I am past the menopause, I no longer get them as such. He also says that migraines are 'hormonal'. He wants me to take Feverfew (no drugs, which Is novel for a NHS dr) and do 'desensitising' exercises, which I have done before in all the variations, but he insists his are different. the jury is out, but will see!! Be interested to hear from anyone else out there if they have come across this as well??