Thank you Auldreekie for the video on B12, here... - Thyroid UK

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Thank you Auldreekie for the video on B12, here is another short video about B12 and a WONDERFUL NHS GP

nobodysdriving profile image
19 Replies

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nobodysdriving profile image
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nightingale-56 profile image

We need more doctors like Dr Chandy, who are prepared to treat patients safely and without the use of chemical drugs. If our food was grown more naturally maybe we would all be in better health, but I do not think it has the nutrients nowadays that we all need. Thank you for posting NBD. Janet.

nostoneunturned profile image
nostoneunturned in reply to nightingale-56

You are right. Martyn Hooper in his "Pernicious Anaemia: the forgotten disease" lists nutrient losses between 1940s and 1990s. Just a few examples: All meats: 41% less calcium, 54% less iron; all fruits: 27% less zinc; carrots; 75% less magnesium, 48 % less calciun, 46% less iron and 75% less copper. You would have to have eaten 10 tomatoes in 1991 to get the same copper as in one tomato in 1940.

Don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but with the EU busy with plans to hack away at OTC supplements to accommodate voracious Big Pharma's need for more, wider markets

we all need to oppose the EU plans.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to nostoneunturned

Definitely! Have you posted the petition on here?

nostoneunturned profile image
nostoneunturned in reply to PinkNinja

I have not posted the petition but somebody else did and I signed it.

The petition was concerning EU Directive 2002/46/EC on food supplements, perhaps putting that in search box will come up with the link?

I also wrote to MP but his reply seems to me to indicate he actaully does not know what he is talking about as he writes of "vitamins and minerals used in foods" which does not tally with Article 2 of the Directive.

Heaven help us all when we are at the mercy(?) of people who do not know what they are supposed to know.

I'll have a hunt for the posting, busy right now.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to nostoneunturned

If I find it I will post it :)

nostoneunturned profile image
nostoneunturned in reply to PinkNinja

Found the link buried in my Deleted folder! Shaws posted it, here:

PinkNinja profile image

Good video! It's a shame good doctors like this are not being listened to. Hopefully people start listening to his evidence soon, although I'm sure Big Pharma will have something to say about it if it affects their sales of patented anti-depressants!

Beautifulchaos profile image

My GP practice has stopped giving my B12 injections stating there is a new policy and guidelines stating that patients will no longer be eligible for life long prescription. I had been told i would need B12 injections for life as i don't have the intrinsic factor/enzime to utilise it, now i've been told that i will no longer need it.

nobodysdriving profile image
nobodysdriving in reply to Beautifulchaos

can you ask a copy of these new guidelines they talk about? then with this I'd advise you to contact the pernicious anaemia society for help, that is ABSOLUTELY DREADFUL

nostoneunturned profile image
nostoneunturned in reply to Beautifulchaos

This is simply atrocious. Please do as nobodysdriving advises. I seem to remember that Martyn Hooper, Chairman of the Pernicious Anaemia Society blogged that the Welsh health minister had had to write to all doctors in Wales that stopping B12 injections was just not to happen after some had done as your GP practice has done.

Can't have been a nightmare I had, as a friend had his injections stopped. Unfortunately he believed the doctor, thinks he is "cured" and will not believe or listen to me, attributes his slow decline to "old age".

NBob profile image
NBob in reply to Beautifulchaos

This is simply not true. The only guidance a doctor has to have regard to - as opposed to MUST follow - is Guidance issued by NICE. NICE recommends that Tests for vitamin B12 deficiency should not be carried out unless a full blood count and mean cell volume show a macrocytosis (CFS/ME August 2007).

This is now out of date see the Pernicious Anaemia society for more info.

Please insist on your B12 injections or make a formal complaint. Your doctor is not following Good Medical Practice.

Beautifulchaos profile image

it's a nightmare for me as i'm a student nurse in my second year, i have been taking Boots multi vitamin and mineral supplement for women. I think the B12 that is in the tablet is just going straight through me.

lynnp profile image

B12, what a lifesaver. I have an Underactive Thyroid and put on Carbimazole. My body was alien to me. Exhausted, hand tremors, shakes, depressed, irregular heartbeat, I didn't feel any better on the tablets and went back to see my gp. Initially he suggested antidepressants but at 56 it's not a road I wanted to go down. On looking at my test results further he said my B12 was very low. I then had a course of 6 B12 injections over 2 weeks. The effect wasn't immediate but 1 month on I feel I'm picking up slowly. I will continue to have a B12 injection every 3 months. I can't imagine where I would be without the B12. Maybe not a wonder drug for everyone but certainly worth looking at.

in reply to lynnp

Hi lynnp, can you clarify for me if you are underactive or overactive? Carbimazole I believe is the drug treatment for Hyperthyroidism.

Did you take it and then become Hypothyroid?


Tangles profile image

I first blogged on this site in Nov last year after deciding that I had enough of feeling so ill and was trying to find a way to make myself better. I described my symptoms and had lots of replies saying that I was probably B12 deficiant . Off I went to my Doctors and asked for a blood test and he laughed saying he would know if I was and refused me but he did send me for Bloods regarding my underactive Thyroid. I cheated and ticked the box relating to B12. I posted the results on here and they were so close to the bottom of the guidline and was kindly recommended to take B12 Sublingual which I did. I started to feel a bit better so I E mailed my Doctor lots of positive information which had been posted on this site. He still thinks that I am not B12 deficiant but because of my persistance ghe gave me a B12 injection. Et Voila . Im sleeping a bit better in the night without dreadful pains in all of my bones and joints waking me up. I have a bit more energy. I can walk a tiny bit more without using my zimmer frame. I feel as though Im awakening from a nightmare. Im due for another injection in two weeks and then another a month on and then a review with my Doctor. I know its B12 that has given me a bit of life back but how on earth do we pursuade our Doctors just to look into the possibility of B12 deficiancy when like my Doctor they just totally dismiss it in the first place ? Makes me so mad for all of those who are undiagnosed and like me fobbed off with anti depressants and painkillers etc.

Annie x

sarahstevenson profile image

Thank you NBD for this link - really interesting - hurrah for Dr Chandy! Will look forward to seeing his papers in the future.

The more patients who can post their positive experiences may be the more the powers that be will listen for the good of all. Just the finance card should make them sit up!

snowstorm profile image

I think this Dr has already doen his clinical study don't you? For goodness sake what is wrong with the system when clearly they can see the enormous benefits. B12 is also essential for brain. I do wonder, as so many of us have "brain fog" ,whether this is due to B12 deficiency. What do you think --- or anyone else reading this.

nobodysdriving profile image
nobodysdriving in reply to snowstorm

oh yes, vit b12 deficiency is very common amongst hypothyroid sufferers

snowstorm profile image
snowstorm in reply to nobodysdriving

As B12 deficiency is so common, why oh why can't the NHS powers at large -- Dr/consultants - wake up to this fact and treat us accordingly??? I wonder how many Alzheimers (either existing or those about to be) have their vit B12 checked? Makes sense to give them B12 also - Yes?

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