Fatty!!: Hi I had my thyroid removed 10yrs ago... - Thyroid UK

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Tori profile image
14 Replies

Hi I had my thyroid removed 10yrs ago because of Graves Disease and am now hypoactive but I wish I'd kept my poor thyroid!!! Since then my life has become crap and the worst thing is weight gain! Can anyone please please advise if they have tried a diet that works? Thank you x

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14 Replies

What meds are you being given for the hypothyroidism? What are your blood test re sults like?

Are you being given enough meds to supress the tsh? How about t3? You may well need more of it because graves makes you t3 resistant.....


Tori profile image
Tori in reply to

I've not a clue tbh! I just have my bloods done every few months and keep taking the 100mcg one day and 125mcg day after. My gp don't share my results just says yeah normal, slightly over or slightly under. I'm getting so confused I feel stupid I should know more about my disease. I think I'm gonna follow a more paleo diet and go to weight watchers also to boost my will power. I'm sorry I have no info x

Tori profile image
Tori in reply to

Ps I'm on levothyroxine so dunno about T3 or T4 x

in reply to

Ok, you're going to have to wise up and learn how it works so you can fight your corner, because you'll find that the docs are happy to leave you and will tell you it's all in your head, or that you don't have enough willpower.

The 100 mcg of T4 (LevoThyroxine) is not really a full replacement dose and you will have to convert it in your cells, to the useable hormone T3. If you've got Graves disease you'll be resistant to t3, so will need far more than your body can convert.

T3 is the hormone that the cells use but it can't be stored in the body for more than a few hours, so we have T4 which is an inert storage hormone as this can be stored for weeks.

The diet and weight watchers might work, by some miracle, but getting your thyroid meds properly balanced would do you much more good.

No one will spoon feed you the information, but there are several very easy to follow, books available. If you don't start to learn for yourself, about how to make yourself better, the docs will just leave you (as they have already). This is why we have several good forums on the internet, because people are not being looked after properly by the medical fraternity. (I can't call them a profession- sorry)

Demand your results from the doctor for the last say, 3 tests, and post them here so someone can advise. The doc has to give you the results by law.


Muffy profile image
Muffy in reply to

I believe that before the TSH test, patients who had a total thyroidectomy, actually received between 200 and 400mcg of thyroxine per day.

Dancerfromparis profile image
Dancerfromparis in reply to

Diets dont work I live on 500 cals a day and I still put on 3 st in 7 months and I have Graves and have had Radiation. It's because your medication isnt correct. I dont know how to get round it yet but im doing my best by reading everything thats available to me, seeing a good Endo ( for me he is) and getting fantastic help from the kind people on here.

Good luck but you need to start reading about Graves and be better informed if you dont help yourself it's going to be a much harder struggle.

Sandie :)

Tori profile image
Tori in reply to

Thanks folks I'm gonna try weight watchers and gym. Also gonna go to my GP and ask about possibly changing from Levothyroxine to Armour x

AKatieD profile image


I have not found a diet that works completely. Have tried Atkins and Cambridge but never get to the weight I should be as I always hit a plateau and then Xmas or something happens to make me give up, They are good and i do lose a lot of weight but after a while it tails off and I lose the momentum and enthusiasm that the early stages bring.

Anyway, was on the TPA website yesterday and spotted this link.


It looks like a marketing exercise and too good to be true but thought I would share it to see if anyone has any experience. The people testing it did not have that much weight too lose so I would be interested to know how heavier people got on with the plateaus i have found form other diets.


nanniejan profile image
nanniejan in reply to AKatieD

But to only eat 500 cals is not a healthy diet , but I have read before that is how some people with underactive thyroid have to eat , but I have since been told that if you thyroid is treated corretly you should lose weight (i wish ) !! I have just post about 6 lbs by not eating bread and potatoes but that seems to have stopped now , I for one would love to get well and I think weight is part of that , just need more money spent on reshearch !!!!............

Dancerfromparis profile image
Dancerfromparis in reply to AKatieD

I'm not on a diet I just don't get hungry and find it difficult to eat. I have never dieted as I have always been a size 8 and weighed never more then 8 st that's why I find such a huge weight gain very uncomfortable and in such a short space of time. I feel like an alien in someone else's body. It's the same feeling a a very overweight person suddenly losing over three stone they would also feel very odd. im a small framed person I take a size 3 shoe, it just looks terrible on me it doesn't suit my frame at all and it has even affected my breathing. For sure it's the medication because it certainly isn't what im eating.

nanniejan profile image
nanniejan in reply to AKatieD

I know as I have said before I weighed 9 stone after having hystorectomy and since being hypo I'm now 15 stone I took a 4 shoe and now take a 5 , so the weight has even made my feet get bigger !! I'm thinking it's my hormones the same with my skin I have spots all on my chin like I was 15 again , also the hot flashes who knows I think Dr's they dont know either other wise there would not be so many of us suffering ..............

Dancerfromparis profile image
Dancerfromparis in reply to AKatieD

I think your absolutely right they don't know. It is such a complicated disease and everyone seems to react differently to different medication very difficult.Im sorry your having all these things as well I wish I could wave a wand for all of us.

shaws profile image

Dr Lowe has written to a patient with a problem who also had her thyroid removed.


perks profile image

Hi Tori, I started out with Graves and put ON weight, not the norm for Hyperthyriod . When I was medicated and my thyroid levels came down I lost a little weight, then I had about a year as "normal" without meds then I deteriorated and now I'm Hypothryoid with Hashimoto's as the diagnosis.on 125 of Levo. Now that I'm medicated to what should be the optimum (TSH 0.6), even though I still feel bad, I am again putting on weight.. I have tried the diet that they recommend for diabetics and syndrome X, with small frequent meals with portions of slow release carbs (Brown everything.... bread rice pasta) and protein to extend the time that it takes to digest everything but it's slow going.. Anthony Worrell Thompson ( of all people!!) did a cook book.. What did suprise me when I started taking the Levo was that what TYPE of food I wanted to eat changed and even the taste of some foods was different!!! I don't like the taste of chocolate anymore which really got to me as it was such a pleasure of mine!!! Might help a bit. Perks.

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