Hi to cut a long story short my medication has been reduced and although I haven’t seen him the consultant thinks I may have / had transient hyperthyroidism? If my next blood test still show raised TSH I can come off the carbimazole. I have no idea what any of that means.
Transient hyperthyroidism: Hi to cut a long story... - Thyroid UK
Transient hyperthyroidism

Hey there again :
So Transient Hyperthyroidism is not Graves Disease and not treated with an Anti Thyroid drug such as Carbimazole -
but Hashimoto's Auto Immune Disease - and the over range T3 and T4 thyroid hormones fall back down into range without the need for any medication.
With Graves Disease the TSH is 'hI-jacked ' by your immune system and will be low suppressed and stuck down at around 0.01 /2 for some time -
so if your TSH is moving - it's a sign that maybe this isn't Graves but Hashimoto's - any why we need the medical evidence of which antibodies were/are circulating in your blood when first diagnosed.
Do we have any blood test results at diagnosis - and can see your Free T3 and Free T4 results and ranges ?
Both Graves and Hashimoto's can start the same way and why it is important to run the antibody blood test to establish exactly which sets of antibodies were found positive and over range in the blood and the medical proof of the diagnosis - and on which the appropriate treatment is then started.
When the thyroid malfunctions there can be several sets of antibodies found positive in the blood test analysis and if Graves Disease antibodies are positive, Graves treatment takes precedence as Graves is considered life threatening if not medicated and the medication is an Anti Thyroid drug such as Carbimazole.
So do you now have any blood test results and ranges there to share with forum members and any positive readings for antibodies - probably looking like TSH Thyroid Receptor + a number - or a TPO + range - TgAB + range - or a TSI + range - or a TRab + range ?

Previous post here with lots of replies from pennyannie
Suggest you get your own antibodies testing if you can afford it
Test BOTH TPO and TG antibodies for Hashimoto’s via Medichecks, or Blue Horizon or Randox
And test Graves antibodies via Medichecks
Ideally test vitamin levels too