Jane x
From that link:
Could the Duchess be suffering from an undiagnosed case of THHG? It's certainly possible, and we hope that her physicians are investigating this on her behalf.
Well at least she won't be refused an FT3 test...
(Odd - Jane hasn't speculated on the babe's name, gender, position in line to throne, when Pippa will become pregnant, what Kate should be wearing,... And I thought such things were mandatory. )
(No, honestly, you don't have to make up for Jane not posting that.... )
Women with hyperemesis gravidarum often have high hCG levels that cause transient hyperthyroidism. hCG can physiologically stimulate the thyroid gland thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor. hCG levels peak in the first trimester. Some women with hyperemesis gravidarum appear to have clinical hyperthyroidism. However, in a larger portion (50-70%), TSH is transiently suppressed and the free thyroxine (T4) index is elevated (40-73%) with no clinical signs of hyperthyroidism, circulating thyroid antibodies, or enlargement of the thyroid. In transient hyperthyroidism of hyperemesis gravidarum, thyroid function normalizes by the middle of the second trimester without antithyroid treatment.
Fascinating stuff. Could it be due to overcompensation for hypothyroidism perhaps as the body tries to hang onto the foetus? I had dreadful sickness during most of my first pregnancy when I was on a low dose of thyroxine (having only started it 2 weeks prior to getting pregnant), but the second time when my dose was a little higher, I was able to function more (but still vomited about 4 times a day and was constantly nauseous for about 6 months). Interestingly, when everyone else with a newborn was exhausted and drained, I felt fantastic. Would be interesting to see if there is a link with other hypo women here and pregnancy sickness.
I agree Emma, and thanks for your comments. The reason I put this up here was to see what experiences others had in their pregnancies. I breezed through both my pregnancies - no sickness at all, and exercised on both occasions to the day before their births, and was very smug about it!!
However, little did I know what was to come! My firstborn was a son and he screamed solidly for 2 years! Nearly put me off ever having another!
Jane x
have tried to look into this without much success. I lost 2 stone with every pregnancy ( 3 ) due to excessive nausea and vomiting which started 8 weeks in and lasted till labour. All babies were large and I suffered from post natal after each one.
Even though I worked full time and managed to look after the children during the day I quickly put all if not more weight back on btw each child. After my first pregnancy I began to suffer from what I know now as hypothyroidism. I was only diagnosed last year by my private Dr after 16 years of undiagnosed problems.
Each of my children now are showing symptoms which seemed to begin with puberty.
Well now, Rod, there's a thought! After Lyn and family have completed the chocolate challenge, maybe we should start a "Name the Baby Challenge", which reminds me, everyone, don't forget the Great Chocolate Coin Challenge....
Jane x x
I did not have much morning sickness with my first child but then I was really healthy. I then started with health problems and had several miscarriages before getting pregnant with my second child . This was 5 years after my first child and both were girls yet I was sick every day for all my pregnancy. Plus migraines. I also had pre eclampsia and early births with all 3 of my kids.
My third child was also a miserable experience but then I had a boy and it was not quite as bad. After having him I was diagnosed as hyper with Graves.
I would like to say that I was not given any help or investigations into the sickness but told it was normal and to put up with it.
It will be interesting to see if Kate has thyroid problems and if she does if it is discussed with the rest of us or if it is hidden under the carpet. Hmmmmmmm............
Hopefully for her sake she hasn't, and if for the duration only that it does go away after. She does NOT want to be on this road.