Hi, I’m new to this chat. I have a large thyroid nodule (for approx 5 years). I have been offered RFA treatment at my local hospital - looking forward to finally addressing this ! I had a referral to ENT for a sinus issue and it was the consultant there that actually referred me for this new treatment when he noticed my Goitre. It’s not been done at MKU hospital before. They are having a clinic provided my Royal Berkshire. Hoping to hear lots of positive stories !! 🫣
Thyroid nodule RFA (under active thyroid) - Thyroid UK
Thyroid nodule RFA (under active thyroid)

I don’t know anyone who has had this procedure so I cannot comment on it

So few are offered this option. You may be the first member that has posted without asking how to be referred to have it considered, or the private route or members from abroad. So I’m quite excited to hear this.
I knew royal Berkshire listed the procedure it’s wonderful you can have it done locally.
Is your thyroid function an issue? Do you have results? TSH? FT4? FT3. thyroid antibodies. Don’t assume you’ve had a full check.
We occasionally get members post about RFA experiences, mostly positive, but don’t be disheartened if you don’t get replies. So few have the procedure & the fact they aren’t here seeking further help is a sign they don’t need further help from us.
I don’t really understand much about the results but they are : TSH level 1.16 miu/L [0.34 - 5.6]
T4 level 13.8 pmol/L [7.7 - 15.1]
I take 100mg levothyroxine daily.
Yes I was super lucky I think as I never thought they would do anything about it
NHS tend to go by TSH, FT4 included some of time. Your levels look ok, but FT3 is the active powerful hormone & that hasn’t been tested.
If your well, then it’s likely your conversion is good, but some have seemingly ok TSH & FT4 but low (hypothyroid) & the symptoms which associate with it.
Many arrange private finger prick / postal tests to get a full picture. TSH, FT4, FT3, TPO & TG Antibodies & key nutrients folate, ferritin, B12 & Vitamin D.
List of companies
Recommend tests for thyroid are always booked for early morning (09.00). Fast overnight. Replacement is delayed until after draw. Any biotin supplements are stoped 3/7 prior to draw.
what is RFA please? I am waiting for a partial thyroidectomy at Bart’s because of nodule but have beverages heard of this procedure
Radio frequency ablation.
There’s some useful links about it on this post
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This is not to say you have done anything wrong. This is meant to help you by pointing out this option, and help you to do so, not to criticise.
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Last updated 17/12/2024
Link to blog:
helvella - Abbreviations, Acronyms, Latin
A document containing a list of many of the abbreviations, acronyms and Latin terms you are likely to find when reading documents about thyroid. Don't assume an old copy is up to date!
Last updated 28/12/2024
I have two small hot nodules one on each lobe. I’m wondering can RFA only be done on larger nodules ? Would do much prefer this treatment than RAI.
I have a moulty modules Thyroid and have been waiting 12 months so far, I phoned the Royal Berkshires Hospital to see when I would be having my thyroid out and they said the the waiting list was 18 months even though I have trouble swallowing tablets and choke on food. I really hope that you don't have to wait that long.
You may have iodine deficiency
if you're going to suggest that Dgoebel, it would be a good idea to give more information in case some readers are be tempted to take large amounts of iodine without testing first.
Iodine in excess is just as problematic for the thyroid as a deficiency is.
healthunlocked.com/thyroidu... iodine-a-collection-of-useful-information-because-the-search-facility-on-health-unlocked-is-totally-pants