hi I’m on block and replace for Graves’ disease.
On last testing my TSH was 6.9 (t4 in range)
The time before it was 7.4 and had my levo increased to 100 and then on last results to 125 as it hadn’t reduced much in four months
Anyway the last couple of weeks my feet and hands are quite painful. It’s like a cramping pain and they feel as though they are seizing up, I also get arm and leg pain.
when I sit for a while, I get up and practically waddle as me feet are so sore
My hair has started to fall out and when I wake I’m exhausted (like I shouldn’t bother going to sleep as I feel as though I haven’t had any even after a solid 7-8hrs )
Is this caused by my Tsh so you think or is there something else going on?
I’ve been like this before you see and went on iv steroids for Ted for 12ish now I’ve come of the symptoms are back