Anyone else have these symptoms and could it b3 related to thyroid. Only change has been reduction in T3
Pins and needles in feet and hands: Anyone else... - Thyroid UK
Pins and needles in feet and hands

Those symptoms are commonly associated with low B12. You can ask your GP to do a blood test. Have a look at assessment sheet. You can fill in and print out to give to your GP.
B12 has been tested
547 (180-2000)
That's good over the 500 mark....You could cross check k this with the Active b12 test.
Also worth checking your potassium levels.
They tend to not check potassium anymore, as always skewed results. If bloods lie for more than a couple of hours I am rushed in as emergency and the new tests always show normal. Always rubbish experience as no one can ever find a vein in me
Oh. My potassium levels are checked as part of a standard annual screen by the nhs. 😊😊
Thank you, going to ask for potassium test as well
The problem with potassium is that it can rise and fall incredibly fast. Largely depending on what you eat.
A test today pretty much means nothing for tomorrow.
That doesn't mean never get it tested.
Low Bi2 maybe.

what are your folate, ferritin and vitamin D levels
What vitamin supplements are you taking
Retest TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 8-10 weeks after a dose reduction
It can be linked with low folate so I'd get that checked too
Thankyou. Not had any Diuretics. Luckily I love bananas and advocados!!