Hi all, after randomly finding elevated serum prolactin levels 889 (range 102 - 496) during a Medichecks Advanced hormone panel recently (while still battling to get a diagnosis for hypothyroidism), the GP has ordered me a head CT scan after repeat prolactin testing (tomorrow).
I’m pleased he’s being proactive but after checking online it appears that an MRI is better at detecting pituitary adenoma, especially if it’s small. Is this correct?
“A CT scan is faster than an MRI, but the image is less detailed. It may be difficult to identify a pituitary tumor on a CT unless it is particularly large”
If so I feel like I’m being set up to fail again - similarly to when they took my bloods at lunchtime and my TSH was in range and so now I’m now classed normal (despite x3 out of range private thyroid tests before 9am). Same thing happened with my ECG. They ran a 20s trace which came back as ‘borderline’ but later appeared in my NHS app at normal, so no further action.
The other thing I’m a little concerned about with a CT scan is it uses X ray and over the last 5 years or so I’ve had many X-rays/MRIs for various injuries/dental. Maybe 8 in total (not including the rest of my life). I know the amount is small but don’t really want anymore radiation if it’s not going to give accurate results and needs repeating ☢️ . Here’s me using fluoride-free toothpaste and a water filter but getting hit with radiation 😂😂😂
Any advice welcome x