hi all. Been a while since I used this forum. But I’ve been pondering a couple of things relating to my health and the impact of T3 on it.
I’ve included latest blood results.
Firstly I feel broadly well, albeit I had pneumonia in January this year and was hospitalised for two weeks. Since then though I’ve joined a gym and regularly work out cardio/ weights or swim. Probably 3/4 times a week.
For a while on T3 I felt I could really feel it but recently, after an argument with my consultant, adjusted my dose and really I have no complaints feeling or dose wise. I am on Levo 125/150 mcg 3 days/4days a week. Lio 10/10/5 mcg a day.
I take supplements of b12 complex, vit D I take 15,000 iu a week. I take magnesium and erratically ferrous fumerate. Maybe 5 tablets a week.
What I have observed is that my heart rate, since Feb 2021 when I started t3, has steadily increased. I was a resting heat beat of 65 kind of woman and now I’m resting daily of 72-74 ish. Is it just I’m aging or, and it really does seem to have increased at point of starting lio, is it being driven by that?
My consultant reckons I’m on the highest dose of all his patients and most patients in the uk and says he doesn’t understand why I need so much more than other people. I said how does he know the other patients aren’t undertreated, he’d already stated we have little data… anyway he begrudgingly accepts he can’t convince me and we continue with me accepting the risks. However I’m wondering, should I reassess the risk I’m willing to accept here? Is my heart rate higher due to the lio? And it leads me to wonder, should I try reducing my lio? Potentially coming off. If I want to do that what’s the best way? Just a slight taper over time. Would it be best to start with reducing the lunch dose? And then remove evening dose?
Thoughts welcome. Thanks