does hypothyroidism affect healing?
I’ve got an abscess skin not tooth and have had for the last 8 weeks. I’m currently on my third set of antibiotics. I am waiting for it to be removed which can only happen when the active infection has gone which I’ve been waiting on for 8 weeks.
oral antibiotics are the only real plan and tbh unlikely to be that effective because the location of the abscess means it stays warm and that just makes it harder to heal.
I am following advice from multiple GPs and a surgeon so A&E is not the answer.
My thyroid has been suggested as possibly needing a review but they won’t with an active infection. Presumably my levels are out because my body is fighting an infection but also potentially affecting the healing.
I take Levo 75mg x2 a week and 100mg x5; would anyone self increase??? Bearing in mind they are saying if the blood test now they’d be repeating in 6 weeks anyway however 8 weeks in this feels slightly mad.
Any advice welcome I’m not convinced an endocrinologist would say the same as the GP guess could ask to be referred?