Now I have something else to deal with - Thyroid UK

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Now I have something else to deal with

Jefner profile image
23 Replies

GP took some nail clippings when she came round for a home visit and they have come back that I have Candida yeast infection. Just put my nail condition down to Reynauds and my nails have looked off since the winter and currently look like this on my right hand Left hand not as bad nor are my toes I wonder if I have caused it by the constant use of rubber gloves as I wash the dishes in very hot water and use the gloves when I wake up to wash my face in very cold water to try and bring me round. Maybe the moisture build up inside the gloves has caused it?

Anyway she has recommended the following and I am NOT happy about it. I panic at taking anything new and in my current state with all these symptoms I am worried I might get side effects.

"Treated with Itraconazole. No interactions with your current medications. Dose can either be 200mg daily for 3 months or 200mg twice daily for 7 days then repeated after 21 days for 3 courses. We would usually monitor liver function tests when taking these"

The liver bit worries me as when I used to see an FD a few years back she said from certain testing that my liver could be working better even though on GP NHS blood tests it showed OK.

Am panicking now because I don't know what to do and she hasn't recommended an alternative to tablets I don't really want to take especially for the length of time she is recommending (which from reading up is normal)

There must be an alternative I can try, we my already compromised immune system I want to avoid any more tablets if possible

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Jefner profile image
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23 Replies
DippyDame profile image

Just like my finger nails....interesting that someone else has similar.

Mine have been like that for at least 10 years. Clippings tested ....nothing. Left hand fine: right hand a mess.

I suspect low cellular T3 has contributed to this, it did improve slightly when I first introduced T3-only but no long term improvement.

When little, one of my grandsons, used to call them "Granny's funny nails"....he got that correct!

I'm afraid I just put up with it now., I reckon I could have much worse deformities!!

It's horrid, but...

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to DippyDame

well hello, someone who has the same as me. I just assumed it was the Reynauds as it's my computer mouse hand and doesn't move around as much as my other hand plus my fingers usually swell up over the winter months and I get chilblains all over them. I am not as active as I should be but the last few months have been hell on my energy levels and still are at the moment.

But after a little research I am definitely NOT going on that medication, just initial panic when I found out because I thought OMG I hope I haven't got Candida in the gut again as it might explain some of my symptoms but reading up it generally stays on the outside of the body. Making enquiries of some pharmacies Amorolfine has been mentioned which you paint on but it can take a long time but I would rather try something like that than take more tablets which may interfere with my liver and it's not like a short course either

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Jefner

You may find this of interest Jefner... it's one of many articles.

It's cause and effect.....

Cause, hypothyroidism ( I prefer to think low cellular T3).....though probably not for everyone

Effect rubbish nails!

I've no doubt helvella makes a good point about treatment....after many years I just got fed up trying things and hoped my supraphysiological dose of T3 might one day give me film star nails!! After 7 years it's taking it's time to reach my extremities where it's probably been low for decades!!

As for 62 being elderly...absolutely not! I'll soon be 79 and refuse to think old

Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional!! is nail lacquer!

But now my thumb nail is spoon shaped (Koilonychia) .....Argh....time to check for iron deficiency!

Now I have something else to deal with!!

Empathising Jefner! Take care.

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to DippyDame

thank you so much Dippy, yeah I need to work on my T3 after I most probably need to tweak my T4 again after I test next week. T3 has always been low in the range even when after adding the 10mcg but I find it so stimulating. omg I am so lucky to have you guys I really am, you help calm me down when I start to panic over stuff I don't need to but that's how us peeps with health anxiety are. Never even asked anyone how old they are on the site, didn't dare to :) . My brain isn't old but my body certainly feels it. Very interesting points on the article

Dry, brittle, and thick nails with visible ridges

Nails that are soft and shiny

Change in nail growth rate, either too fast or slow

Nail peeling

Nails that break or split easily

Nails that lift away from the nail bed

Curved nails with swollen fingertips and thicker skin just above the nail

Pretty much all of the above for me and I did read somewhere about nails being affected but assumed it was my Reynauds mainly until the nail clippings came back as Candida fungal overgrowth. Just shows how important the thyroid is to the whole body, not just bits of it

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Is it worth starting a topical treatment? I'm thinking that doing nothing might be a bad choice and, despite being regarded as of relatively low efficacy, one of the treatments below might be an idea?

Topical antifungal treatment options

Ciclopirox 8% lacquer

Tavaborole 5% solution

Efinaconazole 10% solution

Amorolfine 5% lacquer.

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to helvella

that's a very informative page you found there Helvella, thank you. I panicked this morning initially because of the fear the Candida overgrowth being in my gut again because obviously you have your fingers near your mouth, but on reading it usually confines itself to the outer body. I phoned a couple of pharmacies and Amorolfine was mentioned, which apparently I can get on prescription but it's not cheap as usual but I shall go back to my GP tomorrow and ask her, otherwise I will purchase some.

My GP said that topical treatment doesn't usually work in the long run and reading up on it today it can take many many months, or even over a year, but I don't care, I really just don't want the long term medication route at this point. If I was a healthier person then I probably wouldn't hesitate. Am wondering how I got it to be honest. I read in the article that it's common in the elderly and being 62 I suppose I have to now consider myself old even though my brain doesnt

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Jefner

That link also says it usually needs oral treatment. But the last thing you want is for it to deteriorate. And, just maybe, one of these will help stabilise, and stop it worsening, even if it doesn't eliminate.

And don't consider 62 elderly. That makes me feel truly ancient! (Of course, some would endorse that assessment. :-) )

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to helvella

ooopsy sorry, the way you worded it, you are older than me? Yes oral treatment is usually the way to go but I want to avoid that for now because I don't want liver issues and GP said when on the treatment I would have to have regular bloods to monitor my liver so that put the fear of God into me especially the lengthy term I would need to be on the meds. Think it may be on some of my toes as well but they look fine at the moment nothing like my fingers on my right hand

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Jefner

If I had taken offence, I would not have put the smiley like that!

I was just trying to make you reject "elderly" as a mere 62 year old! :-)

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to helvella

I know hon lol. Just been having a read an a daily foot soak with apple cider vinegar is supposed to be beneficial, as well as tea tree oil as they have anti bacterial properties so I might be able to keep on top of my tootsies before anything really develops there, especially due to all the fatigue the last few weeks my personal hygiene has taken a hit

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to helvella

Absolutely @Helvella. I've just turned 61. I'm horrified that anyone might consider me elderly! I've been ill for getting on for 9-10 years, but never give up looking for better health and thyroid levels and I still run my business. Now I have to look after mum too and a big garden.

Hubby and I talked about our tents and camping equipment the other week. I hate the idea we won't go camping again, but we haven't been on holiday for years so I really don't see us suddenly going off in a tent. Camping is for the younger models I think. But I still hate the idea of not going again. But that's about the only thing I've given up on - nearly.

@Jefner, you must stop thinking of yourself as old. You are not old. You should be planning your next adventure.

Agitator23 profile image
Agitator23 in reply to Jefner

62 is not old! Although, once over 60 every symptom seems to be assigned to 'aging' by doctors. A complete cop out.

Anyway, I've taken the tablets you've been prescribed. I took them daily for months in order to get rid of a fungal infection in my toenails. I'd tried everything else and nothing worked. The infection continued to get worse. It seems fungal infections are resistant to a lot of paint- on treatments.

Mine was an infection picked up in the showers at the gym (years ago when not hypothyroid exhausted all the time). I always wear flip flops in shared showers (hotels, airBnB etc) now.

The tablets didn't cause any problems but are heavy duty and a last resort. I'm not sure I got regular liver tests. The liver is brilliant, though, as can regenerate and recover if found to be struggling. I wasn't happy to take them but they worked really well for my situation. Hope that helps!

ICE187 profile image

Have you tried Apple Cider or Tea Tree Oil on your nails? Or even peroxide?Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that can help treat candida fungal infections. It has antimicrobial properties that can inhibit nail fungus and restrict the growth of bacteria and yeasts like Candida albicans. To use apple cider vinegar, you can soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the infected area three times a day.

mrskiki profile image
mrskiki in reply to ICE187

Agree, I turn to diluted tea tree oil, even nurse who told me to keep an infected op site dry said I could bathe in tea tree if I dried after when I asked.

Jefner profile image
Jefner in reply to ICE187

funnily enough I read up on that and have some coming today to do foot soaks and may also order some tea oil

ICE187 profile image
ICE187 in reply to Jefner

The link above provides some useful info such as how and why Candida starts and some natural ways to fight it from the inside of the body.

mstp profile image

I came on here when I was 60 and thought I was old. Now I'm 73 and envy people who are only 60!

SmallBlueThing profile image

My toenails are grotty, which an American online quack said was due to poor circulation, due to hypothyroidism. I take a calcium channel blocker and, in fact, was started on nifedipine, which is used for Raynaud's. My hands and feet got uncomfortably cold as a child, but never do, now. When seeing a consultant about a leg infection a few years ago, he said his father had similar nails and wasn't hypothyroid. To deal with a potential route for the infection I was using terbinafine cream between the toes and over the nails, but their condition didn't improve. Before treatment for hypothyroidism commenced, my alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level was over range, but I'd been scraping my maslin pan after a lot of jam-making at the time, so may have been on the way towards non-alcoholic fatty liver disease from consuming too much sugar. I reached 62 just yesterday. No cards, but one sister gave me one of two fruit scones she'd been given at a coffee shop due to them being past their best, which seemed appropriate. I rarely consume wheat products, but that's only due to wanting to limit unnecessary carbs.

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to SmallBlueThing

Happy 62 yesterday.... hope you enjoyed the fruit scone :-)

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to 1tuppence

Thank you, I'd got over the grumbling by then. Happy-happy-joy-joy-emoji.

nightingale-56 profile image

One of my Son's Carers used Castor Oil on fungal toenails and they were clear in about a fortnight. There was a post on fungal nails a few weeks ago on this site.

lovedoncebefore profile image

Oil of oregano put on topically and can be taken internally. Buy as pure as you can I used a metal thin file put drops on it then pushed down my nail bed. Works a treat. Wild oil of oregano is pure but needs diluting it's extremely potent. One drop in water drunk if the topical solution doesn't show promise.This is just what I used. Please ask your Dr or speak with a functional health practitioner they help with this sort of thing and know the correct dosages etc.

Mixteca profile image

I've a fungal nail infection in a few toes and a fingernail. I bought the nail lacquer from Boots as the problem's mild and not widespread. Looking at your photos though I don't think you can treat your nails with that. There's a photo on the box showing suitability.

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