Hi everyone.Had my one year appointment with consultant yesterday in hospital which was a change from the last year as all over phone. I knew something was coming.
She basically said wasent happen as throughout the year never found right dose or balance for it. Had gone from hyper to hypo very quickly with very bad results mentally and physically.
She told me it was time to discuss alternatives. The 2 being radioactive iodine and surgery. Her opinion being surgery was the best one for my age(48) even with the risks and even with having to take a pill then forever.
I was diagnosed with Graves a year ago and hospitalised with symptoms.
Just wanted to ask those who have gone down the surgical route what has the outcome been like? Better quality of life,less symptoms nw? Was it a good fit for them?
I don't know what to do. So will take time. My grandmother had Graves and had her thyroid removed. Which I never knew until I got diagnosed. She lived long and no complications or anything that I knew off.
I know everyone is different.
Glad of this community as I have no one to talk to about this..
Appreciate and feedback.