This is an article I saw in The Economist 4 days ago (27th March):
The sub-heading of the article states:
"Artificial intelligence holds huge promise in health care. But it also faces massive barriers"
I know that, as has been mentioned on other posts here in the past year, AI is already being used in the NHS (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and will be used more-and-more. This concerns me greatly as, apart from anything else, my understanding of AI (whatever field it's used in), the 'intelligence' it's working from - i.e. In this case [our] medical notes - have/need to be accurate. I'd be really interested to know what other members feelings and/or concerns and experiences are re this.
These are my concerns
My notes, as with many members on the forum (probably the majority), are far from accurate. In fact, the complete opposite is the case and I have an on-going fight with my current GP surgery and other departments of the NHS (mainly but, not exclusively, the Psychiatric & Psychology/Psychotherapy Services, as well as the Endo Service, which are linked) as a result to:
-- get my notes corrected so that they revert to the contemporaneous notes they're legally supposed to be;
-- find missing notes; and
-- have the original results of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease/Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which seemingly started off as what appears to be Transient Graves'/Hyperactive, though I did also have a "thyroid bruit" that is supposedly pathognomonic with Graves' and a "small, smooth [exophthalmic] goitre" on initial presentation and examination (totally different GP surgery), along with the TED that was and remains prevalent.
That's the shortened version of what I face, with my current GP practice (from what I've managed to ascertain in both writing and the notes I have had access to to-date), in conjunction (or cahoots) with [probably] the 2 latter services above, having now changed my original diagnosis to one of Hypothyroidism for which they have never treated me nor even examined me for!
Endnote: If you have problems accessing the complete article without registering, just prepend the above URL with 👍🏽🙂
ETA: Link to a post from helvella 6 years ago the first comment below and I do agree with his concerns re the drawbacks/possible (or highly likely) problems with AI, as well as being able to see the problems of "seeing the same doctor twice" particularly in today's NHS (aka Non-existent Health Service).