I’m currently away for 2 weeks at a meditation centre and I’ve progressively got worsening symptoms. I have a tight feeling in my throat all the time, have exercise intolerance and now I can’t sleep at all because I feel like I’m gonna stop breathing. Is this a sign I need to go back up to where I was? I’m petrified as I’m getting a tight chest. I’m worried as I’m 200 miles from home. It’s my first night of 2 weeks and I can’t be here with no sleep. Is this typical signs I need to go back up? Much appreciate any help right now as I’m really struggling to sleep as I just get a tight chest and feel like I’m gonna stop breathing. TIA
Really struggling breathing problems. - Thyroid UK
Really struggling breathing problems.

how much levothyroxine are you currently taking
Looking at previous posts you increased to 100mcg a few months ago
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription
What vitamins are you taking
have you retested levels recently
I was on 87.5 cause I felt 100mcg was too much but then I dropped to 75mcg after the ultrasound lady said my thyroid was taut cause I thought maybe I was taking too much and it’s killing my thyroid faster.
I always get the same brand.
I’m not actually taking any vitamins at the moment. I was taking B complex, vitamin D and magnesium but I was taking them at night and someone said it’s not good to take them at night and as you need 4 hours apart for levo and others meds I kept forgetting so just stopped taking them.
Don’t think I’ve had levels retested since I dropped my meds. The front of my throat hurts today.
So you are likely under medicated and vitamin levels dropping
Get full thyroid and vitamin testing when you get home
once you have got test results
Start taking vitamin B after breakfast
Vitamin D mouth spray can be taken anytime as it’s absorbed in mouth not gut
Magnesium best taken at bedtime or early evening if you take levothyroxine at bedtime
approximately how much do you weigh in kilo

It could well be that you need an adjustment of thyroid medication Cade83, but I think your symptoms will no doubt be heightened by panic and anxiety.
Personally, I’ve found if I spend too much time meditating it can have adverse results, namely over- thinking. This can then lead to a spiral of catastrophising, where I panic that ‘the worst’ could happen. As you know, anxiety can lead to both physical and mental anguish; a tight throat and chest bring classic symptoms.
My advice is to try to do more of what helps you relax & spend time outdoors with gentle walks rather than engaging in group exercise until your symptoms subside. I find Bach’s Rescue Remedy helpful in stressful situations. When you get home, do retest your thyroid & key vitamin levels and share results with us.
Sending you very best wishes 🦋
I tried meditation about 15 - 20 years ago. It stirred up lots of bad memories and made me feel suicidal (I was very depressed at the time).
I would never try meditation again. I'm not depressed any more anyway.
I’ve heard of others who have not reacted well to alternative treatments, be it meditation, aromatherapy, CBT.
I think it’s very sensible humanbean to avoid participating in any treatment or activity that adversely affects your mental health.
Cade83, meditation techniques may be helpful for you, now or in the future, but in small doses, rather than a 2 week immersive experience. If you find it does cause adverse physical or mental issues, like humanbean , I would suggest you avoid it completely.
The meditation centre isn’t solely meditation, I’m working at the centre 30 hours a week in return for accommodation, meals and any courses that may be on that I want to do while I’m here. Yesterday I wasn’t even meditating and was just walking around and getting to know the place. Last night was horrendous though. I’ve upped my meds today back to 87.5mcg as I need to do something until I get home on the 1st or 2nd. I honestly thought I was gonna stop breathing in my sleep last night. Even today my thyroid hurts and feel a little tight in the front of my neck. I just hope I get a good nights sleep tonight as I only got about 2 last night.
Yesterday I wasn’t even meditating and was just walking around and getting to know the place. Last night was horrendous though.
It sounds like a panic attack .. which thyroid can cause this …. This use to happen to me a lot and what seemed like for no reason.
Well I thought it was a one off but tonight I seem to be having the same problem again. I literally fell asleep and woke myself up gasping for air. I’m wondering whether I could have sleep apnea but I really don’t want it to be that. I now have a tight chest after gasping for air. I’m really worried I’m gonna stop breathing for good in my sleep.
Could you be anemic, iron or folate deficient, I had severe breathlessness and I think it was folate that helped me.
To be fair the last time I checked folate privately it was 13.2 through Thriva and I was taking 400ug then and the range is 8.83 - 60.8 and my last GP one was June last year and was 7.6 range is 3.1 - 20. So if I haven’t taken my b complex for a few months it’s a good possibility I’m well under. I just can’t check anything until I’m back home but if this keeps happening I’m gonna have to cut it short. I can’t go every night waking up gasping for air it’s scary.
Although if I am deficient it’s not effecting my FBC as I had that checked end of December and all was ok.
Gasping for air was hypo for me, really scary, but nothing bad happened. Have you increased your dose?
Yeah I increased Friday morning. Was yours nighttime though? Did you have tightness in your neck, throat or chest?
I managed to get my folate tested today so should hear by Tuesday. Will let you know what my levels are. It’ll be interesting if it is this but if it’s not I’m at a loss until the thyroid meds kick in properly.