I need a bit of advice please . I am going to have to change my times for taking Levo, I currently take it in the middle of the night, as I have to take Gaviscon directly before going to bed for gerd (I have a hiatus hernia) and first thing in the morning I have to take my Omeprazole. The reason I am having to change my Levo times is that it has started to disturb my sleep so badly that once I have taken it, I just can’t get back to sleep, so I am only getting around 3/4 hours a night now and I am constantly shattered. The question is, do I have to leave taking these 4hours either side of Levo? TIA
omeprazole and levo: I need a bit of advice... - Thyroid UK
omeprazole and levo

You really need to take levo on an empty stomach. So I would say yes, you need the 4 hours before taking it. But the guidance says no food etc for 30 mins after levo, but I always leave an hour just to make sure I absorb as much as possible.
Thank you but it was the prior to and after taking Levo for omeprazole I am questioning. I need to take the omeprazole before I eat.

Looking back at previous posts you seem to be poor converter and low FT3 can cause sleep issues amongst a host of other problems.
You had a great reply by SeasideSusie a while ago here: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
How is your ferritin, as that was low and also something that can cause problems?
I'd suggest you try and get referred or see a private Endo regarding getting some T3 added to your Levo. You can email info@thyroiduk.org for a list of T3 friendly Endo's.
If you could raise your FT3 then you might not need all the stomach acid suppressors.
People who are hypo often suffer from low stomach acid as opposed to too much. It can feel the same. You might try taking betain with pepcin to help raise your stomach acid or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (must contain the Mother) in a glass of water with meals.
If you can get rid of at least one dose of acid reducer/blocker then you can take your Levo at that point.
I have to take gaviscon prior to bed otherwise I end up with a very painful and sore throat . I have reduced my omeprazole to one a day from two but if I stop that altogether I really suffer. I have tried the acv but that just gives me terrible stomach issues, real burning sensations. I just want to know the best times either side of Levo for taking gaviscon. I have tried looking on here but can’t find it.
also to add I am just waiting for a new blood test to arrive from Medichecks.
It would be best to leave 1 hour after Levo before taking Gaviscon but if you could leave longer it would be better.
Thank you, I take Gaviscon literally just before bed. I was more bothered about the omeprazole, not sure whether it’s 4 hours either side or maybe 4 before and 2 after, or vice versa. It’s so long since I read it I just can’t remember. Taking levo at 2-3 am was great until it started disturbing my sleep but now having to incorporate it into other meds routine and food is proving mind boggling.
If you do the same thing every day then get a blood test done 6-8 weeks following any changes you have made then that should work. You can adjust dose if necessary then.
Raising FT3 should be a priority and would likely help alot.
Yes thank but I’m still not sure if the timings between Levo and omeprazole.
According to this article:
Because omeprazole reduces the amount of acid produced by your stomach, it results in decreased absorption of levothyroxine. Since the acid reduction effects of omeprazole last more than 24 hours, altering the time either medication is taken will not avoid the drug-drug interaction. If you take omeprazole to treat heartburn, make sure you inform your doctor. You may need to have your thyroid hormone levels checked more frequently and your dose of levothyroxine adjusted.
Yes I read that too but I think it was slowdragon that had advised on the timings, I’ve been frantically searching for that post but can’t find it. At the end of the day I need to take both meds but wanted to try and minimise any problems with taking the two too near to each other but thanks for your input.
Have you tried taking omeprazole at bedtime?
I can’t as I take my gaviscon directly before I go to bed to stop the acid burning my throat
Omeprazole is to do the same thing
They both treat high acid reflux
Discuss with GP?
Acid reflux when hypothyroid can be due to low stomach acid but many medics don’t understand this
How to test your stomach acid levels
Useful post and recipe book