Trouble swallowing: Hi all. I wondered if I... - Thyroid UK

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Trouble swallowing

Theauthoress profile image
46 Replies

Hi all.

I wondered if I ought to be concerned. I’ve been taking 75mcg Levothyroxine daily for around 13 years, and have been doing well on it. I’m 62 years old, and very active and have had no real health concerns, apart from the underactive thyroid.

Recently though, I’ve started to find it slightly hard to swallow. It’s not a big deal, and it’s not sore or anything, but it’s just odd, like a kind of block that I can over-ride with a bit of effort. For a few weeks I thought it might be psychosomatic, and I’m still not sure it isn’t! I did see the doctor recently, and he shouted at me for taking up an emergency appointment (which I didn’t ask for - his receptionist decided to book me in). Anyway, he’s now booked blood tests, but was disinclined to discuss what this throat thing might be. I think I’m worried, now, that it might be cancer, and wondered if anyone could tell me more?

Anyway, thanks very much for reading.

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Theauthoress profile image
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46 Replies
Easylover profile image

Hi, it maybe over stimulation of thyroid. I hope it all works out as that can be scary.

Easylover profile image

Or it can be caused from sleeping with your mouth open which dries out your throat. There is a thing called mouth taping it's intense and hard to do though I've been working on it for over a year. God bless you

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to Easylover

Thanks, EasyLover. I don’t think it’s from breathing through my mouth, because I mostly don’t unless I’m out running, and only then if it’s a fast run.

Buddy195 profile image

Definitely share copies of your thyroid blood tests with us. It could well be that your current dosage of Levothyroxine is not optimal for you.

I too have had troubles swallowing when my thyroid medication requires adjusting. I’ve also had increased mouth issues when B12 and folate have been low in the range. It’s useful to test key thyroid vitamins (ferritin, folate, B12 and Vit D) so, in the first instance I would ask your GP to test these alongside TSH, FT4 and FT3.

Do try not to worry unduly. So many symptoms are thyroid related and improve when medication and key vitamins are optimal 🦋

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to Buddy195

Thanks, Buddy. It’s interesting about the mouth issues too. I also have mouth ulcers right now that are driving me mad. I wonder if that’s anything to do with low medication? But I’ll see what the tests show, as soon as I have the results. It’d be nice and simple if I just need to raise my dose a bit.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Theauthoress

Mouth ulcers are a sign of not enough Vitamin C. We should be taking large buffered C doses but I don' working on it on everything.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Easylover

Mouth sores and ulcers are also a sign of low zinc along with the other things mentioned Buddy195

SlowDragon profile image

Extremely important to also test vitamin D, folate, B12 and FULL iron panel test including ferritin

As a vegetarian what vitamin supplements are you taking

Which brand of levothyroxine are you currently taking

Do you always get same brand levothyroxine

ALWAYS test thyroid early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to SlowDragon

Annoyingly, I didn't know the Dr was going to test thyroid as well as general bloods, so it was done yesterday at 4pm, hours after I'd taken my morning Levo. I doubt this test will be as accurate as it should be, as I normally insist on an early appt, without taking my meds 1st, and as you say, only water before it. But I hope it'll still show up anything major.

Anthea55 profile image

When I had swallowing problems I was sent to hospital for a gastroscopy (where they look down your throat). They found a hiatus hernia and inflamed oesophagus.

The hospital then sent me a prescription for Omeprazole to reduce my stomach acid. I looked it up online and decided that it wasn't for me as I have low stomach acid already.

Ken59 profile image
Ken59 in reply to Anthea55

Inflamed asophigus usually caused by stomach acid leak during the night.Can lead to Barratts asophigus ie dry wall of asophigus which can turn cancerous.

Best to take Omerprazol.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Ken59

Sorry but it's almost never best to take Omeprazole. Especially as a thyroid patient as it stops the correct breakdown of thyroid hormones and absorption. It's a horrible drug. It stops B12 being absorbed as well.

Theauthoress Better to work out why you need it and then treat it properly. Low stomach acid is common and it's common for GPs to misinterpret the symptoms of low acid as high acid and prescribe these things. When a better treatment would be a dose of cider vinegar (with the mother) in water 20 minutes before eating. Or a capsule or 2 of Betaine HCL.

I solved my low acid with both of the above. Betaine first and then cider vinegar. I don't need anything now.

Causes of low stomach acid are often too little thyroid hormone.

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to FancyPants54

I don't need it, or suffer from low (or high) stomach acid, but I'm reading all the answers with interest.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Theauthoress

We have to be detectives to suffer with hypothyroidism and hope for any quality of life. You can't believe how envious I am of you being able to run. Walking would be a dream come true for me right now.

Stills profile image
Stills in reply to Anthea55

I was prescribed omeprazole when low stomach acid was suspected. I took 20 mgm x2 daily for 4 months then weaned to 1x20 daily for 1 month then alternate days for a month and now as/if required.

Spangle15 profile image
Spangle15 in reply to Stills

I’ve just been prescribed omeprazole. Can I ask when you took it around your thyroid meds? Assuming you’re on them? Thank you.

Stills profile image
Stills in reply to Spangle15

No, I’m subclinical apparently but with all the symptoms of hypothyroidism. I also have another chronic autoimmune condition of rheumatoid type so many symptoms overlap hence the difficulty with diagnosis thus far. However combined with the omeprazole I am prescribed Prochlorperazine an anti sickness med to combat dropping blood pressure ( a possible hypothyroidism symptom). The Dr at ER told me to leave two hours between these meds. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Spangle15 profile image
Spangle15 in reply to Stills

Thank you for responding though.

Humphre profile image
Humphre in reply to Anthea55

I took lamomprazole similar to Omeprazole for acid reflux only to discover after research I had low stomach acid, a food intolerance test(private) showed I'd no pepsin, solved by betaine HCL every meal that has protein plus I started gluten/dairy/soya free diet & now much improved. Occasionally have the feeling of lump in throat issue but usually down to something I've eaten. Doctor wasn't interested.

Spangle15 profile image
Spangle15 in reply to Humphre

Would you be happy to share details of the test you had for Pepsin? Thank you.

Humphre profile image
Humphre in reply to Spangle15

Hi I had the test a few years ago & it was suggested to see if lump in throat feeling was an intolerance. it gives food sensitivity including non food, taking in vitamins, hormonal, additives etc if I'm unable to insert or photo as it's a large document. It gave me pointers which I didn't act on it straightaway but have since 💡 moment & researching here as proved brilliant. Hope that helps was done via hair samples.

Spangle15 profile image
Spangle15 in reply to Humphre

Thank you, that’s a great help.

Stills profile image
Stills in reply to Anthea55

I found this interesting

Puddleperson profile image

Have a look on You tube for ‘Vic Veer, Globus’ If this looks like what you are suffering he has the solution. It worked for me. Good luck.

MyOrangeDog profile image

Hi, around 7 years ago I saw an acupunctureist. I just felt life was getting me down plus aches and pains etc. one of the first things she asked was did I feel like there was a lump in my throat when I swallowed. YES I said.. she said she was pretty certain it was an anxiety/stress thing and she came across this often. Obviously, you start worrying about what it might be …then you are in a vicious circle because every time u swallow you are reminded of it! I found CBT useful here; more than the acupuncture . By changing your thought patterns you can then change your feelings.

In my experience , sometimes when there are lots of things going on in our lives we can’t change things like this pop up. I think in most places you can self refer for CBT. You can ask at your surgery. There are also free online courses which are usually general CBT but ones tailored at health anxiety are also available.

I still get the ‘lump in my throat ‘ feeling but now I have the tools in my head to deal with it, it goes away a lot quicker.

Hope this helps. X

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to MyOrangeDog

Thank you for the suggestion. I don't have stress though. I generally know why, (and what), causes any aches, so apart from this throat business, they don't last very long. Of course I'm older now, so that'll change. 😭

Stills profile image
Stills in reply to MyOrangeDog

I recognise your situation; three family deaths within three months early this year caused me emotional trauma and since then I’ve been unwell with my chronic AI condition flaring and new symptoms that GP has titled subclinical hypothyroidism. Did the acupuncture help remedy the anxiety and discomfort of the throat?

MyOrangeDog profile image
MyOrangeDog in reply to Stills

Hi, I think I it helped a bit but the CBT helped a LOT more. It’s not a magic wand and it takes time and effort but it’s the only thing I found that worked . I too suffered odd health issues after my mum passed away last year. The body is so much more sensitive than we realise. I hope you’re ok. X

Stills profile image
Stills in reply to MyOrangeDog

Thank you

Marz profile image

You mention running - could this be using up available T3 ? - which if your T4 level is low then it often follows the very important T3 will be too 🌻

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to Marz

Thanks, Marz, I'll see what the tests results are. As it happens, I've been thinking maybe I ought to stop the training and workouts. It's hard to accept I'm getting older, and all the training might be doing more harm than good. I know I'm very skinny and look older because of it, but I've done it for decades and it'll be very hard to give it up.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Theauthoress

NHS testing very rarely includes T3 - which is VERY important for the complete picture. Could you consider Private Testing ?

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to Marz

Yes, that's a good idea, and I will. I did it last year and I was impressed by how quick and relatively cheap it was.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Theauthoress

Don't forget to add B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD as suggested by SlowDragon above.

Medichecks currently have a 25% discount I believe !

helen_m profile image

A few years ago I had a horrible feeling of lump in throat and couldn't work out what it was for ages. I tried everything, stopped dairy with no effects and lots of other things. It went away then came back again and only by chance, I noticed that I'd been prescribed a different brand of levothyroxine. So it was due to change of brand and for me it was Accord levo that caused that feeling. Once I knew to stay off it, I've been absolutely fine since. So, have a look and see if any of your meds have changed.

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to helen_m

Thanks, I'm going to check that now...

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to Theauthoress

The only change I can see is that Actavis Pharmaceuticals bought out my regular brand, Accord, and the name's changed. I wonder if they've changed the composition? There's really nothing I can do about it, though, even if they have.

helen_m profile image
helen_m in reply to Theauthoress

Well you can change the brand with your pharmacist. I have frequent issues with the excipients in levothyroxine. I think I've finally got it sorted (crossing fingers). I was at my wit's end and it was only on here that I saw a few posts from other people suffering the lump in throat feeling from certain brands. I should say too, it didn't happen overnight, it was after I'd been on it for a few months. Perhaps they changed the makeup of the tablet; I have no idea.

limonene7 profile image

One of the most common reasons for this is silent reflux (when someone is refluxing in the night and they don't have a clue. Silent reflux is very common and should be addressed).

If something doesn't feel right though make sure you push the Dr to find out what it is ASAP...please don't leave it for months. 🙂

Litatamon profile image
Litatamon in reply to limonene7

Simply adding information -

This is easy to see if you can get yourself an ENT appointment. My surgeon found signs of silent reflux when checking my vocal cords for my thyroidectomy, pre-surgery. Just a very quick camera tube, in and out.

And just so you can cross this off a goitre can produce this feeling as well. Raise your arms above your head and lower your chin to your chest. And talk.

Everything should feel at ease, no issue. If something is there re: thyroid growing you will struggle to talk & breathe instantly.

All the best with figuring it all out.

scool profile image

My father has hypothyroidism and had really bad mouth ulcers for several years. They carried out a biopsy etc and found nothing. However, he has recently been diagnosed with Lupus and mouth ulcers can be a symptom of Lupus. However, as mentioned above, there are many other causes of ulcers.

Theauthoress profile image
Theauthoress in reply to scool

I just Googled lupus symptoms, and the only one I have is the mouth ulcers, so I'm keeping everything crossed that I don't have it. I'm so sorry your father has hypo AND lupus, poor man.

scool profile image

Thanks :-) He has many other issues and doesn't even believe he has lupus, so it's the least of his worries.

DandyThyro profile image

Doctors, huh? Sounds like you have a true champion there. I have/had very similar symptoms to you: difficulty swallowing in particular but also the sensation of a lump in my throat. Went on for months before I gave the GP a call. Unlike your GP, mine was very responsive and sent me to ENT. I was surprised to get an urgent appointment, as these symptoms are possibly indicative of cancer. I never even considered that (except in my darkest hours) and thought it was most likely my thyroid and some kind of goitre. The ENT visit was very reassuring: I don't have cancer; I don't have a goitre. I have something glamorously called 'globus' - a condition brought on by 'silent reflux'. Persevere with your GP and get seen by the ENT: you deserve to have this checked out, and you deserve to have your peace of mind restored. Good luck. PS, over 90% of people ENT see with these symptoms don't have cancer.

Chett profile image

My brother in law went to the doc for the same thing. His acid reflux had caused the esophagus to narrow, making it hard to swallow..

am111 profile image

This could be GERD, that can be caused by low thyroid hormones/low vitamins. Need a thorough checkup and tests.

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