Study to help patients manage their underactive... - Thyroid UK

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Study to help patients manage their underactive thyroid

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK
144 Replies

Just saw this and thought both that it is interesting it is being done. And, secondly, wondered if any would be willing to take part.

I've scan read the information about the study and it appears that there is no geographical limit (please reply to let me know if I am wrong!) - just that you need to be able to connect to the internet using Microsoft Teams. (That operates on at least Windows and MacOS and possibly other options.)

Study to help patients manage their underactive thyroid

Wednesday 1 November 2023

People with an underactive thyroid are being sought by a Black Country scientist who is leading a research study to try to improve patients’ and Doctors’ experiences of monitoring the condition.

James Pethick is a Principal Clinical Scientist with Black Country Pathology Services (BCPS) which comprises the four pathology laboratories from Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust and Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust (SWBH).

He is Principal Investigator on the study: “What are patients’ and Doctors’ perceptions of self-management of primary hypothyroidism and the barriers and facilitators to different types of self-management.”

Primary hypothyroidism affects around four per cent of people in the UK and is more common in women than men. It means patients have an underactive thyroid gland, the small gland found in the neck, which does not produce enough hormones; this can slow many organs in the body.

Symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, depression and loss of appetite and there are several causes including autoimmune disease and mineral deficiency. It can also be hereditary or sparked by a viral illness.

James, who is based at City Hospital with SWBH, is working with the University of Manchester as part of his professional doctorate qualification on the study, which aims to recruit up to 50 participants.

He said: “The study is aimed at people who have had hypothyroidism for at least two years which is treated with levothyroxine, or other thyroid hormone replacement medication.

“It will focus on people’s experience of monitoring their condition and the clinical team here at BCPS would like to know more about this, as well as hear from Doctors in primary care. Research is vital to help us find out what patients want and whether we can work in partnership, with medical experts, to provide this.

“This is my first study, and I am also working with relevant organisations to help us collectively gain a better understanding of what it is like to live with this condition and where improvements may be possible.”

To find out more and register, please click this link.

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helvella profile image
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144 Replies
WitchingHour2point0 profile image

He said: “The study is aimed at people who have had hypothyroidism for at least two years which is treated with levothyroxine, or other thyroid hormone replacement medication .

Except when asked which medications you take it just gives you T4 options!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I suggest anyone at all interested who doesn't only take levothyroxine should contact James Pethick and make that point!

Best do that asap, folks! While still places and time to change the rules.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I've pinged him an email asking why liothyronine is considered 'other'?

HandS profile image
HandS in reply to TiggerMe

I have completed the form and input “levo and liothyronine” at the bottom of the meds list……..

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to HandS

Yes, that’s what I did

HandS profile image
HandS in reply to TiggerMe

I suspect we may be excluded on that basis !

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to HandS

I’ve posted his reply somewhere here, he seems happy to have us… sorry out and about without glasses!

Staffsgirl profile image
Staffsgirl in reply to TiggerMe

I couldn’t find his email address🤔

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Staffsgirl

Follow the link - then follow the link within that to information for participants.

(I'll not post it here and make it accessible to spamming bots.)

Staffsgirl profile image
Staffsgirl in reply to helvella

Thanks, but the link no longer works for me since I’ve already signed up.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Staffsgirl

Try this - which was the linked document:

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to TiggerMe

Response already…

Thank you for contacting me.

The information relating to this study focuses on levothyroxine without mentioning liothyronine because the NICE guidelines for thyroid disease assessment and management recommend levothyroxine as the first line treatment and for doctors not to offer routine combination treatment.

So, your query has already highlighted some of the real-world challenges experienced by people managing hypothyroidism. Thank you, and I would be very grateful to hear more about your experience. There is a question in the survey relating to medication. Liothyronine isn’t mentioned, but you could add this to the other option.

Kind Regards,


James Pethick

Principal Clinical Scientist, Biochemistry

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to TiggerMe

Oh wow - full marks to them for a speedy reply. Alas I'm never quite suitable to participate in surveys these days but hopefully some good may come out of it☹️

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to WitchingHour2point0

It also gave me the option of OTHER and asked me to list what thyroid medication I took.

Delgor profile image

A study involving only 50 PARTIPANTS! My suggestion would be for him to ask the whole of Thyroid UK forum members to participate in order to get a real feeling for how many many people have suffered from thyroid disease and are still suffering. In a nutshell, until GP's and endos have proper training in the subject (preferably by patients) small studies will remain inconsequential.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Delgor

I agree! So let him know - his contact details are in the links. :-)

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to helvella

Oops - Partipants was obviously a typo but maybe that sums up what I already think about such a small survey. Unfortunately I'm not very technie and only wish I were - calling on TiggerMe , Regenallotment and anyone else who is proficient in the computing world.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Delgor

'partipants' 🤣 I've filled in the form 🤗

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to TiggerMe

Thank goodness for lovely donkeys😀

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Delgor

Maybe he's thinking he'll struggle to get 50 as we are so rare 🙄😏

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to TiggerMe


Baggiesfan profile image
Baggiesfan in reply to TiggerMe

🤣🤣🤣 I wish

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to Delgor

Brilliant typo Delgor. I laughed out loud.

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to Delgor

Should you contact him, perhaps suggest he joins HU and the thyroid community himself?

I'm not techie enough to get involved with this, but agree with you that 50 participants will only give him a snapshot so small it will be almost invisible.

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to 1tuppence

Sadly I'm not technie enough either 1tuppence but I'm sure there are others who are and it seems such a waste of an opportunity to tell them exactly like it really is.

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to Delgor

Perhaps I'll email him and suggest he joins this forum....such a wealth of info already here for him, and continuing on... and on.

It's wonderful to me that at last someone seems to be seriously interested in finding out how folk with hypothyroidism feel and deal with what we're faced with. We already have to self monitor, pay for blood tests and find treatments to help us, as medics have so little interest/knowledge of the importance of vitamins and nutrition , and are told to concentrate on TSH which tells them virtually nothing...OH! I could go on and on.....

Having said the above, and having read the linked info, there's a part of me wondering if this research has a "cost cutting" edge to it..

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to 1tuppence

👍 It has to be for the good of us all!

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to 1tuppence

Very much tempted to agree about cost cutting. AI involvement too but since our doctor benefactors seem to be so useless, could that be an actual improvement?

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to arTistapple

Unfortunately, AI is only as good as those putting the information parameters in… so if the programmer is ‘programmed’ a certain way, the program won’t be any better… ‘sh*t in, sh*t out’ sort of thing… 🫤

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to Zephyrbear

Oh, I thought that was what we were already getting. It seems also that whomever the NHS employ to do their IT systems just rubs their hands and let the cash roll in. Some group of civil servants contracting the work with no idea what it should contain. Medical staff who don’t know what’s needed either. Look at the way they run their surgeries, take their notes, organise their answering machine service, too much power to admin staff who have even less knowledge than they do. I guess they will be under even more stress, unable to have any power to change anything but stuck there on the frontline. In a Newcastle hospital recently, someone found a cache of letters that should have been sent to GPs and patients over a period of about five years. What could be the knock on effects? I certainly visited A&E over the years in question. It’s downright scary when you reach that point in your life when you need them and we have been paying our taxes for their fat salaries for years. From the government down. False targets etc. I could go on.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to 1tuppence

From attendance at today's focus group as part of this research, it certainly didn't seem like a cost cutting exercise. James Pethick was extremely interested when the group were all for having hypothyroidism patches which measures our thyroid hormone levels fT3 and fT4 and dispenses the appropriate amount of medication whether T4 or T3. I did say that it was with the caveat that the medication was dispensed until resolution of symptoms, not until our lab results were 'in range'. I don't think I said it this eloquently though.

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to BB001

Thank you. That seems promising.

TiggerMe profile image

Good spot 🍄... I've no idea how to operate Teams so that would need a crash course but I dare say I could find Sandwell General Hosp

Poor chap is going to get a tsunami of responses 😁

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to TiggerMe

It is pretty simple so long as you don't run up against issues like not knowing administrator passwords, etc.

Assuming you have a camera (webcam) and microphone - or they are built-in as for most laptops...

Pretty much, click on a link and reply to the prompts.

And a tsunami would help let him know how many are out here!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to helvella

You just see so many clips of people who can't cope with the mute button 🙃 but I'm sure it's idiot proof really... I've just managed to dodge it and covid thus far 😁

A focus group might be hilarious trying to work out who else is from here 🕵️‍♀️ and who they could be

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

You will be fine, I use it for work, can do a trial run if needed 🤣

Also works on mobile phones, MSTeams app, super easy to use 🌱

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to Regenallotment

There you go with "Techie speak" :-) and I'm lost. I'm a "pen and paper and landline person" :-) but hats off to you who can do techie.....and thank you for giving it a go.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to 1tuppence

The setup required immediately disenfranchises (if that's the correct term) a proportion of potential participants. The NHS doesn't seem to mind the expense of snail mail, so it could be possible to send invitations to a selection of patients, and avoid the selection bias of too many from this fine community, and design the study so tech gear and familiarity with its use is not a requirement.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SmallBlueThing

James was aware of his selection bias from so many of the participants being from healthunlocked. He surmised that this was a good thing as we were probably the target group for home blood testing and shared monitoring between patient and GP (which is what seemed to me to be one of the thoughts behind the survey).

TiggerMe profile image

 radd  tattybogle  Lalatoot  serenfach  jimh111  DippyDame  McPammy  LucyYoga  Jefner  Rapunzel ... what do you think?

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to TiggerMe

i'm up for it , just signed up ... teams would require a crash course , but could find my way to the hospital .

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to tattybogle

Happy to do a practice run with anyone that gets through to the next round

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Regenallotment

Thankyou . much appreciated.

radd profile image
radd in reply to TiggerMe

E, just checked in.

Am I too late?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to radd

Wouldn't have thought so... 🍄was quick off the mark spotting it and I would imagine he's not going to just accept the first 50

Sign up is still live

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to radd

Even if you are, the simple act of signing sends the message that there are many willing people.

LucyYoga profile image
LucyYoga in reply to TiggerMe

Looks interesting but I was diagnosed 12 months ago and it says minimum 2 years…. Although I’ve definitely had it brewing for years

Regenallotment profile image

I have signed up, I’ll let you know if I hear back. Probs a bit late to the party but 🤞

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

Excellent... I'm sure you are a far better public speaker than I am 😳

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

Lol… far too much to say usually 🤐

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Regenallotment

I just signed up too……

EclipseMoon profile image

I’m surprised to read the 4% of the uk suffer from primary hypothyroidism. Surely it’s much higher. 🤔 Since I found out about my issues I’ve discovered at least 6 people I know though work and my volunteering job have it and a lot of them have had their thyroid removed completely, it must be a lot more common than 4%!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to EclipseMoon

I agree, in America they think it effects 30%+ which seems far more realistic, possibly the 4% are just the ones who actually get treated here...

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe

It's cuz we've all got 'subclinical' hypothyroidism, silly! None of us have ever actually got as far as primary hypothyroidism!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Ah, you're right! We are all just under achieving charlatans.... non of us will make the cut 😕

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to TiggerMe


Edit: just to add I've spent 4 hours (😂) stewing on the fact that despite presenting with symptoms for 2 years AND over-range TSH they still classed me as 'subclinical'.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I think I'm still marked up as subclinical as my TSH was around 7.5 when I started treatment.... I wouldn't let 'sub' hold you back the fact is their classification is off... you are on the treatment, fill in the form 🤗

EclipseMoon profile image
EclipseMoon in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Haha that’s true, unless our tsh ever goes sky high we’ll just be classed as sub clinical!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to EclipseMoon

Historically I made the cut of formal diagnosis of Hypothyroidism cos of a TSH of 4.8 ( medical profession would laugh at this level these days!) Following GP treatment for a year my TSH was7. 6. Clearly he thought TSH needed to go up not down... Bless! I can laugh about it now back then I was close to being out of a job, career probably home due to my GPs 'excellant' care. Saved by going private.Think this novice researcher may just find hes bitten off more than he can chew. Never mind thesis, he could write a doctorate on it! 🤣😂

Maybe I shouldn't confuse him by throwing NDT into the mix as well..... besides which I'm currently dealing with an iodine block so he might just get very irate GPs telling him I'm bonkers cos I won't let them refer me to my local endocrinology dept!!

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to waveylines

I've said I'm on liothyronine and Bovine Desicated Thyroid. That'll confuse them!

59Blue profile image

signed up

AmandaK profile image

[Hypothyroidism is] "sparked by a viral illness"

This sparked my attention as this is rarely mentioned in the literature about hypothyroidism, nor in medical articles (as far as I'm aware).

Given the rise in Long Covid (and the known impaired T3 levels in ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses), then maybe the study might highlight the need for full thyroid testing - including T3 - for those adversely affected by viral illnesses.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to AmandaK

I'm hoping we can highlight that everyone is let down by the current testing and we (the enlightened bad converters) have all massively improved since private testing and dosing

Also the importance of increased Vit and Min levels

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to AmandaK

A viral illness could well be an important factor.

However we have difficulties in several areas of investigation and understanding:

Why does a virus cause a thyroid issue in some - but not others?

Which viruses cause thyroid issues?

Does the virus just precipitate what would eventually have happened anyway?

The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) has often been suggested as a cause. But even in someone who has had EBV, how can we know it was a factor? Something else, whether another virus or a non-viral issue could have been the cause for them.

This is all made ever more difficult by the time between EBV (or other viral) infection and any thyroid issue being identified.

And what if the biggest cause is a combination of environmental factors along with a virus - with either on their own not being that significant?

Very much needs investigation but it is very far from trivial.

AmandaK profile image
AmandaK in reply to helvella

Yes, all very valid points and potentially the subject of its own study. It was when I came under the care of Dr M three years ago that my thyroid status was taken seriously by a member of the medical profession. Dr M identified that it was highly likely I'd had EBV, which initiated the ME (but which wasn't tested at the time), stated that my thyroid status suggested hypothyroidism (although within range according to the NHS) and she advocated Metavive. Since taking this (and antioxidant and other supplements) my life has been transformed.

I'm sorry if I've sent the discussion on a tangent, but it did seem relevant, given that the study recognises that hypothyroidism can develop after a viral illness.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to AmandaK

A perfectly reasonable direction and, in my view, on-topic and relevant. :-)

golfmargaret profile image
golfmargaret in reply to AmandaK

I had this thought when I heard how many Covid sufferers had similar symptoms to hypos

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to AmandaK

Maybe but I was diagnosed with CFS/ME first but no viral illness with it or preceeded it but specialist said my Hypothyroidism was a consequence not a cause. I think it's called get out clause.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to waveylines

Does the viral illness have to be even noticeable?

Could it be that we could have a very minor cold, something that comes out as just an ignorable snuffle and feeling tired for a few hours? Something that is so minor we just forget about it entirely.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to helvella

It's a good point. On that basis though wouldn't you expect there to be a much higher percentage of the population being triggered as I don't know anyone who hasn't had a cold etc in their life?I think for me Hypothyroidism was triggered eventually from my body being overloaded with a lot of stress for a long period of time. I already had an another autoimmune condition which has strong links to Hypothyroidism. The unremitting stress levels I believe was a tipping point perhaps praying on a weakness in my system. . Completely unproved of course! 😂

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to waveylines

Seems very reasonable to start by assuming that viruses which make us very ill are the ones which will have consequences. And I'm not saying that isn't true in general.

But viruses can do some odd things.

Think chicken pox - which might have been suffered fifty years ago and almost totally forgotten. Yet shingles can appear due to reactivation.

And chicken pox, despite being unpleasant, is usually regarded as being fairly mild.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to AmandaK

One study showed about 20% of previously euthyroid patients hospitalised with COVID-19 went hyperthyroid.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SmallBlueThing

HYPERthyroid? That's surprising, I thought it would be HYPOthyroid.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to BB001

Hypothyroidism is also a (lesser) possibility:

A total of 287 patients were included in the study, of which 214 (74.6%) demonstrated normal thyroid function. Of those with abnormal thyroid tests, 58 (20.2%) showed lab tests consistent with hyperthyroidism (low TSH) and 15 (5.2%) with hypothyroidism (high TSH). Of those with a low TSH, most were mildly low, but 31 of 58 patients (53%) had elevated FreeT4 levels indicating overt hyperthyroidism. In addition, 10 patients with overt hyperthyroidism had atrial fibrillation, a known heart complication of hyperthyroidism. TSH was lower with increasing age and higher IL-6 levels. Lower death rates were seen in patients with normal TSH levels.

Overall, the results of this study indicated that abnormal thyroid function is common in patients with COVID-19, particularly hyperthyroidism, and that TSH suppression appears to be associated with higher levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Although more research is needed, these investigators suggest that COVID-19 associated with systemic immune activation may possibly cause thyroid inflammation and result in hyperthyroidism.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SmallBlueThing

So basically they were only testing TSH and T4, and would have missed those patients with low T3. I suspect that usual lab testing rules would have been applied and they would only test fT4 if TSH was out of range, and would only test fT3 if both TSH and fT4 were out of range, which means they would have missed all the people who had hypothyroidism with 'normal' TSH and/or 'normal' fT4.

Also, what did they deem to be 'normal' TSH and 'normal' fT4? Normal for that person? Or within range? TSH range is usually around 0.4-4.9, yet the majority of people are around 1-1.5. So there is a big gap between 1.5-4.9 for people to fall down and not be classed as hypothyroid.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to BB001

Methinks saving lives was the priority.

WitchingHour2point0 profile image

I mostly love that this is just going to be a HU thread but in real life. 😂🥰

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I thought this too 🤗🙏

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to Regenallotment

Can we wear badges "Hello, my name is Gloaming" 😁

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to WitchingHour2point0

I was thinking about editing my display name but I bet I forget to change it back and my colleagues will asking me to explain Regenallotment 🤣

Baggiesfan profile image

Signed up then had to email him to add that I also take Liothyronine, bet his inbox is about ready to crash. Such a small study isn't even a snapshot of the total really though is it? Bet there's more in our village and surrounding area.

Starseed56 profile image

Have enrolled tho couldn’t tick boxes on the form. There is a space for other meds so put my NDT there.

tzracer profile image

I've registered, I wonder what percentage of men they want? Also put levo and lio in the other meds box.

Pinkmoon profile image

I have registered. added NDT plus my small dose of levo to the 'other ' box

1tuppence profile image

Your research project into hypothyroidism was posted onto a Thyroid Forum on HealthUnlocked.

This site is recognised and recommended by NHS on their own website.

Having followed the links and read about your research, although it sounds so positive to have someone like yourself do this fundamentally important research, having a participant group limited to 50 will also limit the responses you will get.

The vast number of people 's experiences with first of all getting diagnosed, and then treatment issues, will pass you by

With the above in mind, and to give yourself the most comprehensive overview, would you consider becoming a member of HealthUnlocked, and join the Thyroid forum?

The above is a copy of the email I have sent to James.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to 1tuppence

I always appreciate when members pick up their pens (or typing fingers) and contact people and organisations.

If I do that, it is just me.

If all the admins/moderators did it, it is just a handful.

But if lots of members do it, each in their own way, it makes a much bigger impact on the recipients.

Sometimes, the words and motivation aren't in themselves so important, however good they are. Sometimes, it is the simple fact of having done it.

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to 1tuppence

Oh well done 1tuppence - that was an absolutely brilliant idea! Let's hope that he is open-minded enough to give it a whirl unlike the private endo I saw on the TUK list who advised me to stay off the forum. Thank you for doing this as my brain is like cotton wool at the moment👏

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to Delgor

Thank you Delgor. Be wonderful if more contact him with the same message? Hope you find "the clear thinking space" again soon. I know well how horrid that fuzziness is. Hugs xx PS that endo you saw...was he NHS as well? If so he obviously isn't aware the NHS site recommends this Thyroid forum on HU. Sadly, he sounds a waste of your good money, let alone your valuable time and well being.

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to 1tuppence

Thanks for the hug - it's much appreciated! Yes I aim to contact him but not today. No the private endo wasn't NHS as well and was very expensve (I was feeling desperate) but it was all over by the second zoom when I realised he was a pompous ass who wasn't really interested in people - aah!

samaja profile image
samaja in reply to Delgor

Have you send feedback to remove his from the list?

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to samaja

samaja - no I haven't done that as I presumed that somebody must have thought him good for him to have been put on the list in the first place but I'm now pleased that I've heard from somebody else who had the same opinion as me.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Delgor

Your opinion is what you think and is entirely valid in that it represents how you feel.

It is perfectly reasonable for you to pass on your experiences - good or bad - and they do NOT need to be in agreement with anyone else at all! :-)

I'd either reply to the email address you used to get information or go here:

Delgor profile image
Delgor in reply to helvella

Ok thanks helvella👍

samaja profile image
samaja in reply to helvella

In another group I am in the admins decided to list a doctor as a possible group 'recommendation' only after the recommending member of the group worked with the medical professional for at least a year so could have checked them out more thoroughly than just during one visit or two. Maybe TUK should adopt a similar policy?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to samaja

This forum and its admins/moderators does not decide who is on the list. That is managed wholly by Thyroid UK. Best to let them know of any opinions and suggestions you might have.

There is also the problem that few get more than two endocrinologist appointments ever - let alone within a year.

SimbaT profile image

I live in the West Midlands and have signed up to attend in person. Hope I make it onto the survey, currently on levo only but will be undergoing tests very soon, saw an Endocrinologist who will prescribe T3 if necessary.

I’m a hypo novice, quietly observing this forum for years and then recently seeking advice. Everyone is just so helpful and empowered me for my recent consultation.

I’m lucky to be able to attend in person but it’s also so very important. I want to be ‘seen’ as a real person, not a virtual patient, to look them in the eye and explain the everyday grind of living with hypothyroidism.

Totally agree, 50 people on levo only is not enough!

Poniesrfun profile image

“It will focus on people’s experience of monitoring their condition and the clinical team here at BCPS would like to know more about this, as well as hear from Doctors in primary care. Research is vital to help us find out what patients want and whether we can work in partnership, with medical experts, to provide this."

Just ask... We need home finger prick testing for T4 and T3, similar to a glucometer, with immediate results, and legitimate OTC thyroid replacement meds which are safer than aspirin or acetaminophen.

Patti in AZ

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Poniesrfun

💯 this 👆

BB001 profile image

Signed up. So how many of us is that? Anyone counted? How about a poll?

waveylines profile image

Am just wondering if this piece if research is aimed at finding information out so a model can be developed for an AI to diagnose and manage Hypothyroidism in patients?

samaja profile image

'Ultimately, the research team would like to produce a system where patients can self-monitor their primary hypothyroidism through NHS laboratory provision of at home sample collection kits, analysis and results reporting to directly to patients.'

Yes to sample collection kits (possibly becuase I never have luck with anything finger prick) as long as they are not TSH only.

Another possible pitfall for them is to understand that this kind of system really only works well for levo becuase once you are on any T3 labs become of limited use in montoring the condition and certainly the analysis and results reporting as is currently done by labs and doctors who don't understand how T3 works and panic at supressed TSH and low T4 is not fit for purpose.

HealthStarDust profile image

It seems to me that somebody somewhere has decided there is a great deal of money to be made (and saved) with people self testing under mainstream services.

Bilbobaggins55 profile image

Hi anyone tapped link & got through?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Bilbobaggins55

Just checked and both links in the original post are working just fine.

WitchingHour2point0 profile image

I've just taken a phone call from James Pethick - I'll be in one of the focus groups. :)

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to WitchingHour2point0

Delighted to read that.

One thing that is intriguing me is whether any of the others will be members here? Or other groups - not meaning to be closed-minded or ignore them. :-)

WitchingHour2point0 profile image
WitchingHour2point0 in reply to helvella

I will report back. :)

It's on 2nd December so not too long to go.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to WitchingHour2point0

We'll all have to answer any dodgy 'withheld' number today then just in case 🤗

Pinkmoon profile image

I’m got a call yesterday and I’m in the focus group on 5th Dec. Anyone else on here too,? I think he said there would be 8 others for that one

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Pinkmoon

What excellent news!

If nothing else, people who have realised there are issues, and have bothered to seek out and join groups and forums, are likely to have better awareness than those who have simply followed GP and not had any further contact with other patients, etc.

Pinkmoon profile image
Pinkmoon in reply to helvella

I did have a brief chat with him, and said how the blood tests are flawed, poor care and understanding, that they don’t routinely test t3 and basically what a nightmare it all is.. 🙌 oh and that I don’t know what I’d have done without patient support groups..and no choice but to seek help outside the nhs- he was still happy for me to be in the focus group 😄

samaja profile image
samaja in reply to Pinkmoon

Could you say how it went? I am in the group on the 20th and wonder what we can expect.

tzracer profile image

I have just been contacted for a group on the 11th Dec. I'd better get all my fact and figures ready 😁

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to tzracer

And more excellent news! :-)

tzracer profile image
tzracer in reply to helvella

I'm a little shocked and a bit apprehensive. Hopefully my thyroid journey will highlight the inadequacy of current guidelines.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to tzracer

I too would be apprehensive. Quite a natural reaction to an unusual situation.

But reassure yourself that there is no consequence like there can be in our usual interactions with medicine! Like doses being changed, or future appointment cancelled. :-)

TiggerMe profile image

I've just had the call 😁

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to TiggerMe

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

samaja profile image

I was called yesterday for the focus group on the 20th December. I wonder what other people's experiences were so far?

tzracer profile image

I did my research meeting yesterday (11th).I thought it went well, I think only 5 of the 6-7 made it onto the call. 4 ladies and myself. A reasonable cross section of experience. It saddened me that some weren't even getting annual checks. Only 2 of us had seen an endochronoligist. Some had never had T3 tested other than privately.

I thought and hope it came across strongly that there is a desperate need for education of health professionals and better patient information at time of diagnosis.

From the point of view of the research I said I would be happy to be more involved in my treatment (thanks in no small part to spending years on this site), but it wasn't for everyone. But it came back to lack of GP knowledge on thyroid would be the problem.

I hope others sessions go well.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to tzracer

Thanks for letting us know.

SimbaT profile image


Does anyone have a contact number or email for James Pethick?

I took a call from him to attend a focus group on 5/1/24 - tomorrow.

He assured me he’d confirm the appt with an email with the address etc. nothing has come through.

I appreciate it’s late notice, had my hands full caring for sick parents but so want to attend tomorrow.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to SimbaT

All I have is his email as is in the document:

Someone might have a phone number!

I assume you have looked at you junk email? (Sorry - but have to ask.)

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to helvella

Just clicked the link and found an email address for James! Thanks again

SimbaT profile image

Thank you 🙏 I’ve checked my junk - nothing there. My husband has used LinkedIn to contact him too but I’ll also send an email 🤞

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SimbaT

Where did he say the focus group you're attending is based? In case it's the same as me, I have sent you the details of it. Hope to see you there!

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to BB001

Thank you so much for the private message. My focus group is Sandwell too and I look forward to meeting you.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SimbaT

That's great! Check journey times, it's a lot longer than I thought it would be and varies a lot. See you tomorrow 😀

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SimbaT

I'll be easy to spot. I expect I'll be the only one in an FFP3 mask. Hope it's not too off putting for the other people in the focus group, and you'll be able to hear ok.

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to BB001

Thanks for the address etc, I’m in Walsall, only about 30 minutes away but I’ll give myself plenty of time because hospital parking can be so problematic.

Regarding the mask, yes you’ll be easy to spot and I hope you’re ok.

See you later


BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SimbaT

Hi, I'm the other side of Birmingham, so a nightmare travel wise. I'm fine, I just mustn't catch Covid-19, hence the mask. Hope you're OK. Sorry to hear your parents have been sick.

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to BB001

I’ve been running around like a headless chicken for months and I know it’s so bad for my health but what do you do?

Early October my son had a new ligament in his knee, a couple of weeks later my husband had a total knee replacement, 10 days later my mom fell, breaking her collarbone, hip and elbow. She’s been in a care facility since early November and my 85 year old dad (with dementia) has been home alone and then developed pneumonia! Throw in Christmas and regular home life and I honestly don’t know how I’ve coped. Just waiting at Walsall Manor hospital for bloods!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to SimbaT

One hell of a chicken!

That's a lot to cope with.

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to helvella

Thank you, hence why I was late looking for the address for today!

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to SimbaT

Crumbs! Well done you, for surviving it all.

SimbaT profile image
SimbaT in reply to BB001

Thank you. My husband and sons ops were needed but the dates were planned. What you can’t plan for are accidents and infections. I’m just so thankful that everyone is on the mend 🙏

BB001 profile image

I'm in the focus group that is on 5/1/24! Anyone else?

Should be interesting. I'm taking Thyro-Gold and liothyronine.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to BB001

Perhaps you could send the link to SimbaT who has signed up but not received the link?

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to TiggerMe

I've sent SimbaT a private message with the details of the focus group I'm attending.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to BB001

Well done 🤗... so you are doing it on site... most of us had to get to grips with Teams but it was all good 🙃

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to TiggerMe

Well done for managing to use Teams! He had only got 3 people wanting to do it in person. I said I'd do it too, so that the in person focus group would run.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to BB001

Well done, I was happy to do in person but he seemed keen to utilise Teams…. First for me 🫣

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to TiggerMe

That's a shame, I might have met you too.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to BB001

It is funny trying not to use each others forum name and seeing the real person…@artistapple and I played that game 😁… poor chap has been well and truly infiltrated by us 😏

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