urgent - can’t get 5mcg Roma capsule out of stock - Thyroid UK

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urgent - can’t get 5mcg Roma capsule out of stock

Chouchou1234 profile image
51 Replies

hi I have tried 10 pharmacy and can’t get 5mcg Capsules Roma T3 medication

What happens now? Do I get tablet but with my stomach nightmare and different ingredients. ??

please advise as only have for a day left

Will tablets be the same ?

i found pharmacy that can get tablets

Freaking out I. Tears

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Chouchou1234 profile image
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51 Replies
helvella profile image

Contact Roma and ask them what is happening. They might be able to supply a pharmacy.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Thank you . I called them earlier and will try again in morning. My pharmacy can’t get until Friday . In an emergency what if I take tablet for a few days ? I did read it has lactose . I will call in morning but the stress is quite unbelievable I went through earlier. I panicked if my levels were 4.8 after 12 hour last dose if I had to wait longer I would be a mess. Xxxx

Secondly I read it increases insulin ? Do I need a test as why so incredibly thirsty and peeing. My glucose was 4.8 non fasted and the other test 37 .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

Many members have switched between Roma capsules and various tablets - both ways.

Some have been fine, others have been less happy. But it is very difficult to predict.

Lactose is difficult because even many who have been proved lactose intolerant don't have major issues as the amount is low. But for some reason, others find it does have an effect.

Afraid I really do not know much about the effects of thyroid hormones on insulin.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Thank you . Is there a better one more people are happier with ? I have never tried anything else . What if I can’t get capsules is it ok to use tablet? I am over thinking it I am sure.

Thank you again for the reply and taking the time.

Thank you

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

There are only two potentially available makes of 5 microgram tablet - Sigmapharm (which is packaged as if Viatris) and Morningside.

Afraid I have no idea which might be better. Not sure it is predictable, I'm sorry to say.

I don't think there is any reason to think a tablet would be worse. However, they are more expensive.

helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines

helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.

This link takes you to a page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and Google Drive, and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones.

The UK document contains up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrix for tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK.


Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Brilliant information thank you

Lalatoot profile image

I take 5mcg Morningside and am fine with them.

SlowDragon profile image

Try 20mcg Teva …..lactose free

Cut into 1/4 to get 5mcg

TiggerMe profile image

I thought you were taking 30mcg of T3 a day?... so perhaps a swap to a 20mcg tablet would be a good move with a lot less excipients 🤷‍♀️

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toTiggerMe

Are tablets better less added stuff than the capsules ? I am confused and don’t understand.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

The quantity of active ingredients in capsules or tablets is miniscule so all the rest is filler... a 20mcg tablet split up contains far less excipients than 4 x 5mcg capsules or tablets 🤗

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toTiggerMe

Really wow ! Ok thank you . So how difficult to cut reliably? It is easy?

Thank you

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

If you are going to be using 1 and a half tablets a day then any slight differential in cutting will even itself out over the day, a pill cutter makes it easier and they only cost a couple of pounds and stop them pinging all over the place

How many doses do you take a day?

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toTiggerMe

my body swells a lot and it was suggested fillers were a problem . I will ask for Teva 20mcg then?


TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

I've not tried Teva T3 myself but I hear all of the T3 tablets are well received usually better than Roma capsules, I myself take the capsules but would rather have the higher dose tablets but my pharmacist isn't keen on splitting 🙄

For a lot of people its the excipients that cause the issues, I think it is well worth you giving them a go.... much cheaper for the NHS so I'm sure they would agree if you find it suits you better

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

I'm thinking this is going to result in a positive change for you! 😉

Chouchou1234 profile image

I am taking 30mcg but split in the day.

Can I ask please 🙏 are tablets better as more expensive so different ingredients ?

Also with ‘sodium ‘ is there sodium in there ? Could it be ingredients that’s making my legs swell?

Thank you

I am awaiting for GP prescriber to call me .

I’m in such a state of panic and fear I can’t eat and function at all as petrified and at the very worse if I don’t get them . I have 25 for tomorrow instead 30 and pharmacy may have them possibly Thursday afternoon after 3pm - what will happen at worse case scenario ? So extended for 18hours - do I then take a higher dose at 3pm thirsday ?

I feel so out of control .

I nearly collapsed earlier from anxiety . I haven’t had that in years such a bad attack


TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Sorry, only just saw this a you replied to yourself 🙃

helvella is your man for the ingredients breakdown but I would definitely say that with a dose that size the larger the tablets the better as far less unnecessary additives

Try not to fret, ask the pharmacy for some 20mcg to tide you over and you might find you get on a whole lot better 🤗

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toTiggerMe

The saga continues the GP said 20mcg tablets I said Teva - the pharmacy now saying it’s Mylan ! What is mylan? What do I do go to another pharmacy?

Please let me know as I am so stressed

Ok managed to get Teva from another pharmacy

Phew 😥

Jeez what a saga but as you said maybe this will be better !! Thank you for support ! Thank you

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Never heard of that brand     helvella ? I would grab a box as any is better than none

Teva do have a habit of putting their tablets in other boxes, can they tell you what the excipients are? Do you need lactose free? If they give you the PL number we can research it...

Chances are they will be fine as T3 tablets don't seem to cause the problems of various T4 brands

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

I am pretty sure that Mylan is just the distributor and what you will get is Sigamapharm product - but it might appear in a container with the brand Viatris.

If you have never taken them, you really cannot know anything. Some members are perfectly fine on this product.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

I have ordered from another pharmacy Teva - now I’m anxious the pharmacy owner said it’s going to here Thursday 10am not tomorrow when the other girl I spoke to said tomorrow. Maybe I am just freaking out . Xx

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

The Patient Information Leaflets for all levothyroxine and liothyronine capsules and tablets say, more or less, the following:

Important information about Liothyronine Sodium


This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per tablet, that is to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.

The sodium word at the end (levothyroxine sodium or liothyronine sodium) does indicate sodium content - 2.88% of levothyroxine and 3.42% of liothyronine.

But, of 100 micrograms of levothyroxine, just 2.88 micrograms is sodium.

That is, around 0.000115% of our daily "allowance" of 2.5 grams of sodium (or 6 grams of salt). In other words, totally ignorable.

The rest of the sodium (to make up to 23 milligrams), will be the other ingredients - in this specific product (Morningside) it is included as sodium chloride.

But even that is only 0.092% of our allowance. Again, totally ignorable.

Put that issue out of your mind entirely. :-)

Tablets are neither better nor worse than capsules. Some members might find the capsules better: others might find one or other of the tablets better. It is very difficult to predict anything.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Thank you x

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

help!! 😿😿🥺🥺 how do I cut them. I tried definitively not an accurate half

It just pinged and lost half .

It’s so tiny the Teva 20.

Big anxiety now -


Eeek too stressful if I had to do this everyday I think 🤔.


Also I have been noticing severe pain lower back when I take t3 about 30 mins after . It’s not kidney as had them scanned and checked .

Worried it’s adrenal ? Or could be colon

Bundle of joy I am 😂

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

I'm sorry - I don't know how best to cut them.

My only splitting needs are much simpler.

Some mention using a pill splitter, some use a craft knife, and still other manage with their finger nails. But I've never even seen the tablets you have.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

You the ingredients master..

So if I am taking 30mcg a day is it cleaner to have 20 split into 4 but I am finding it very difficult to even cut in half . X

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

As near as makes (almost) no difference, the entire liothyronine tablet is excipients (ingredients other than the active ingredient).

That is, a tablet that physically weighs 40 milligrams has half as much (by weight) of excipients than one of 80 milligrams.

But if the excipients don't cause you, the individual, any issues, then it really doesn't matter.

Imagine you know you have a problem with a specific excipient, then it makes sense to avoid it, or at least reduce the amount you take. Otherwise, you are make a rod for your own back.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

I’m having a panic attack. I can’t even read English it’s that stressful today.

(Whole load of trauma stuff at home in the background too) plus the fear state I was in for 3 days trying to get it i think knocked me So are you saying 20mcg tablet has less stuff excipients - but I don’t know what is making me not right. But obviously is it better to taken 10mg or Teva than 10 of Roma which is double or triple size. I give up I’m so confused

I feel so stupid- from masters course and like a photographic memory years ago to a flipping vegetable. I can’t even understand

I think I now reading so many people having problems with Roma maybe it was all the exceipients in it

I am also super obsessed worrying and taken my whole day thinking and worrying


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

With Roma, some people have tipped the contents of the capsules into a small glass of water. (The instructions say you can do that.) That way you avoid the actual capsule which seems to help some.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Ok now I sound obsessed and delusional- gelatine I don’t think is the problem is it all the other stuff or I ammjust making a hoo ha it seems .

Sorry it’s getting embarrassing now

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

The problem is that we really don't know.

Every excipient used is OK for most people! Most of them are used in dozens, hundreds, thousands of medicines. Yet for some people, taking some medicines, they have a problem.

We are always looking at the less common, the rare.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

In your opinion as you read everything on here - is Teva better than roma 5. I think I need to stop . I think aswell today I haven’t moved from bed all afternoon and not hungry at all but forced myself to eat something. Thinking it’s not absorbed as when I mean tired it’s hurting to walk the body is heavy . I won’t bother you anymore .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toChouchou1234

I'm so sorry that you are feeling so bad.

I think that you should simply take what you have got, what you can get, unless it is obviously causing significant issues.

Prediction is next to impossible.

It's obviously not good that you are having supply issues and wondering what is causing you to be so bad.

I'll keep trying to answer questions but perhaps some others will have a different view? Or pick up on an idea I have missed. I'm far from expert when it comes to taking any liothyronine products.

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply tohelvella

Thank you for your time. I am reading the messages again and question was answered by the kind Eeyore100 that it’s better less excipients. I am now very embarrassed

I did read it all and processed it all.

I think it just threw me as cutting it is a nightmare with the pill cutter and today I have been in bed exhausted.

Sorry again

I’m in a situation that I have Roma now and the Teva . Lol 😂

Thank you

Huge hug

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Cut with sharp craft scalpel


Can cut in half easily

Also 1/4’s ……

or even 1/8th’s …..though these are tiny

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toSlowDragon

Help please xxx

Bought a pill cutter

1. How do I know it’s being absorbed and afternoon and evening my stomach is never empty .

When i cut into quarter it’s so tiny . Probably psychological that it’s not going to be absorbed and stressing as my stomach is not empty in afternoons and evening . Is it possible to dissolve it under my tongue or that doesn’t work 😂

I spoke to pharmacy and he said the excipients can’t be a lot but reading so many reviews Roma so many people have problems.

2. I took Teva last night not sure co incidence but much less itching - .

I am not doing well today . Sorry 😞 I think reading more comments on Teva people didn’t like that either …

Thank you for support .

I don’t want to delete message but I am definitely incoherent today

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Just take the tablets

How much are you currently taking….30mcg?

3 x 10mcg per day

1/2 a 20mcg tablet three times per day

Waking, mid afternoon and bedtime

Ideally nothing to eat an hour before or after taking

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toSlowDragon

Hi hi !

It’s me again

Woke up with horrific palpitations but I used to get that when t3 was very low.

1. The pill is crumbling eeek 😦 when use pill cutter

2. Swelling is less but itching is ridiculous so must be my liver

3. Suggestions for 10mcg tablets no lactose .

Thank you 🙏

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Mop up any crumbs with damp finger

Give it a chance to settle

Are you taking 3 x 10mcg per day ?

What time are your doses

Plus how much levothyroxine?

There’s no brand of 10mcg tablets without lactose

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toSlowDragon

Well this is the anxiety I have now

I was taking 6am 10 then 11am 5. Then 5 at 3.30 6.30 then 10pm

I think that wasn’t working either but I was trying to avoid the horrendous crashes .

I will try the 10 10 10 but wondered if better more in morning ?

I took 10 this morning at 6 and another 10 at 1.30 - feel good now much better but zero zero appetite. It’s weird I don’t have appetite at all .

I take 125mcg t4 but been taking 6 weeks 112mcg .

Levels last test T3 5 (4.1 to 6.8 ) t4 19 (12 to 22) and tsh less than 0.01


Thank you

I think I need to restart I am over whelmed

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

I take 125mcg t4 but been taking 6 weeks 112mcg .

Levels last test T3 5 (4.1 to 6.8 ) t4 19 (12 to 22) and tsh less than 0.01

Were these results after 6 weeks on 112mcg Levo

Ft3 range is usually 3.1-6.8

I would say you’re not far off good results

It’s going to take at least three months on unchanging dose and brand and dose timings to let your body settle

Don’t rush


Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toSlowDragon

The blood test place labs range is 4.1 to 6.8 not 3.1

It always has been 4.1

I was 2.1 before starting t3

Well this isn’t living .

I can’t do anything

Today in bed and can’t even go to shops to get food and medication I need that tired.

I had a healthy protein carb shake I make and makes no difference to energy levels

Thank you 🙏

Re Levo I have been splitting it my self but I am not sure as I was on 112 and it came up as 15 before so 2 days I took 125mcg .

Also tomorrow my sister leaves to la and highlights what a waste of space I am. I am too tired to even shower . I am walking around in tracksuit that’s inside out 😂 as getting dressed was too much .

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

You need to wait for adrenals to recover from lots of changes

Keep a daily or weekly dairy

You are unlikely to see improvements on daily basis…..but looking weekly or monthly, you should see slow steady improvements

Most shakes contain soya

Better to have real food if you can

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toSlowDragon

Report in - very very very tired - slept till 12 and back in bed

Less leg swelling


TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Some people tend to have issues with Teva T4 not the T3 that you have which doesn't have the same nasties so not the same thing... why are you trying to cut into quarters? Just halve them and take in 3 doses... T3 doesn't care that much about an empty stomach so don't sweat too much about that, remembering to take them is more important 🤗

Chouchou1234 profile image
Chouchou1234 in reply toTiggerMe

Thank you x got a pill cutter - not sure if the most rubbish one they don’t cut in half properly. Also what I have been doing is taking 10 at 6am then 5 at 11am then 3pm 5 and 6.30pm 5 and 10.30 5 .

The leg swelling is happening again 😂

I’m totally overwhelmed sorry to bother you

Maybe trying everything back to 10 10 10 but I was trying to avoid the extreme lows I was getting when I started .

bit of tight pain in my chest heart area today 🥺 I need to chill . But totally wiped out back in bed .

Xxx sorry I’m bothering you

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Have you actually tried taking it as 2 or even one dose? I don't split mine as I find one morning dose works much better than 2 or 3 🤷‍♀️and I don't need as much either

I shouldn't worry too much about accurate splitting size wise as it isn't necessarily spread equally in the tablet but if you are taking both bits in a day it balances out 🙃

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

I would try 3 doses

10mcg 3 times a day

Waking, mid afternoon and bedtime

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMeAmbassador in reply toChouchou1234

Grab yourself a pill cutter, they have them at the pharmacy... keeps the little blighters under control 🤗

Vasiliki99 profile image

Nothing works for me nothing absorbs in and changes the body some how

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