I’m hoping to get my Levothyroxine dose increased from 75mg to 100mg as I don’t feel 75 is sufficient
How soon will I tell if 100mg is too high and how will I tell
Thank you all as usual 🙂
I’m hoping to get my Levothyroxine dose increased from 75mg to 100mg as I don’t feel 75 is sufficient
How soon will I tell if 100mg is too high and how will I tell
Thank you all as usual 🙂
TSH 2.440 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3 3.5 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8)
Free Thyroxine 15.8 pmol/L (Range: 12 - 22)
Looking at these previous results you have plenty of room for a 25mcg increase. Your FT4 is only 38% through range and it would need to be over 100 for hyper symptoms if you even get them then. It's highly unlikely to happen to be fair.
Have you tested and are you addressing low vitamin levels? We cannot use our thyroid hormone well unless all vitamin levels are OPTIMAL.
Thank you for this ., had my vits tested and all ok it seems
Can you post those results? Within range isn't good enough for us. Most people need to supplement several vitamins to raise their levels to optimal.
I will get a print out from the doctors tomorrow and post them . I will also ask about supplementing them
Why is this a constant battle ☹️
It's unlikely your GP will give good advice about supplementing as they have no training in nutrition. members here will comment on your results and give suggestions for you when you post the results.
In England you can get the NHS app and ask for permission to see your blood results on that by asking at GP’s reception.
It really is an uphill struggle. Doctors don't understand how to make us feel well but this group is here for you.
Thank you
I’ve had more help from this group than my doctors . Ive got the NHS app but apparently my doctors don’t load on blood test results …. Don’t ask !
Ask the receptionist for print outs of your blood test results. Its your legal right. As you're discovering in range is not the same as optimal and the vitamin ranges especially are very wide. Very often hypos have low stomach acid meaning we struggle to get enough vitamins from diet. Most of us end up supplementing vitamin D, folate and B complex and many have to supplement iron.
hi Jaydee...the doctors told me my Vit D is 75.7 nmol and that this is normal. Do i need to supplement ?
Vit D should be 100-150 for it to be optimal so you are not far off. Buy one that includes vit K2 to help it go to your bones. Some are available in oil or you can take it with an oily meal for better absorption. Many people like the Better You range of mouth sprays which include K2. Use this calculator to work out how much to take to get your level to 100-150. wildatlantichealth.com/vita...
What were the results for ferritin, folate & B12?
thank you ..i dont think they tested them this time . The last time they gave me a full blood screen was December . Im getting fed up of asking my last B12 was 659pg/ml
Hi Gyp101
I haven’t got an answer to your question but I’m following you as we’re both the same age & diagnosed at the same time, I’m currently on 50 Levo & at last will be seeing the doctor on Tuesday next week 🙄, so hopefully getting an increase to 75 as I feel rubbish at the min.
I will be sharing my blood results once I’ve got them & hopefully these wonderful people will help me understand them.
It’s good to know there are so many of us out there . I felt better going from 50 to 75 but now 8 weeks in and I’m feeling a bit rough
Keep us posted how you go on and keep being persistent with your doctor if you don’t feel right
That's no more than a starter dose and it sounds like it needs raising. You have to push for your blood tests to be every 8 weeks at this stage so that you are not left languishing too long on too low a dose.
Thank you, I will be insisting on 8 weeks, I asked for a blood test 6 weeks after the previous one because I felt so unwell, I was so tired that I felt sick & my hands were shaky, I told them I felt rubbish, but all I got was a text message saying that because my bloods were taken 6 weeks ago the lab will not test again until a reasonable time has passed e.g 3 months, so don’t book one until the end of august as the lab may refuse to process it…
But this time I’m going in all guns blazing.
I’ve taken a private one after 6 weeks on a new dose before now but the doctor wouldn’t accept it and made me wait 2 more weeks and get another one done and the results were very different
Unbelievable, they are doctors so surely they want the best for you, obviously not, can’t we insist on 6/8 weeks, especially if we’re not feeling well, mind you when I went back for my first review & blood tests he was happy that my TSH dropped from 9.1 to 3.6 & was going to book me in for a year the next blood test & then decided 6 months (December) but then I started to feel not well & have had to wait 3 months for a review.
Then I discovered this wonderful place & was told my TSH is still way to high & I need a full thyroid blood panel to check vits, folate & ferritin. The doctor is going to blow a fuse when I see him.
I struggle to get bloods done 6/8 weekly, at the moment they will only do them 3 monthly, but I will be insisting on at least 8 weekly until I feel I’m getting somewhere.
Can I ask you what symptoms do you get when you are feeling rough, I’m not even sure how I feel anymore, I wake up & I feel normal & then as the day goes on I get tired & feel bloated & I’ve gotta say I’ve gone up a cup or nearly two in bra size….I mean is this normal..I have no clue.
Sounds very familiar. I get up not too bad then get more bloated as the day goes on
My joints ache and I have a real slump mid evening . I get terrible mood swings and brain fog and I just don’t feel like me
Doctors just want to get you in the “normal “range but it’s a big range and what’s normal for me my not be normal for you
Just keep testing and altering your dose till you feel right
It’s a bloody long road as I’m sure the lovely people oh here will tell you
Hang on in there
You may feel / not feel improvement in symptoms but only a blood test will give you a guide to whether or not your dose is optimal.
Blood test should be 6 weeks after increase following the protocol outlined by by SlowDragon
Symptoms should be taken into account too when you’re reviewed by your doctor.
Hi, I was told that the problem with Levothyroxine is the conversion to T3. There is a YouTube video by Dr. Childs called T3 naturally. He will explain T3 T4, and reverse T3 in depth.
Another good website to go to is called “ Hypothyroid Mom 300+ signs and symptoms. I was told if you’re producing the same signs and symptoms while you’re on levothyroxin it means you’re not converted into active T3. According to few MDs, if you’re not converting it to active T3, you’re converting it to what’s called reverse T3. Most medical doctors will not write you a script for T3.
I had an increase from 75 to 100 and it took about 2-3 weeks to start feeling the benefits, however almost a year later I started to feel really jittery and I have now reduced it to 5 days on 100 and 2 on 50 and that seems better for me.
I’m stuck on 75 and can’t get another test till December
I’m just feeling a bit lousy at the moment
If you can get a private blood test done I would recommend that. I’m only tested twice a year at my GPs so I have at least another one normally two a year through Medichecks. I then present that to my GP, who I have to say is a lot more helpful than my endocrinologist was.