Training Session on how to treat hypothyroidism... - Thyroid UK

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Training Session on how to treat hypothyroidism ...

mrskiki profile image
17 Replies

This may have been posted already but I have just seen this, and am interested in hearing what our GPs are being told, as I feel like I'm in a parallel information universe to my local surgery.

And those that hear this will be the ones who actually put the effort in to update themselves on how to treat us , so perhaps, and I'm thinking, hopefully for once, not many ....

If the link works:

Thanks, tattybogle has found the threads below when it was first posted on here by TaraJR so I’ve added a another link above.

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mrskiki profile image
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17 Replies
Espeegee profile image

I almost got excited lol, having looked up Nicola, she appears to be a diabetic specialist so a curious choice of specialist for a thyroid lecture, Dr. Pearce seems to specialize in thyroid so I'll be saving his name lol. Good spot, wonder if there's any point sending the link to my surgery ...

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Espeegee

The fact that SP is presenting this is not good news .

quite the opposite in fact.

yes , he's a very accomplished endocrinologist at the top of the profession....

he's also extremely anti T3 use , and heavily (and often sarcastically) promotes the opinion that remaining symptoms on levo are usually due to 'something else', or are psychosomatic problem .

until recently he was the president of the BTA, and is widely believed to be responsible for tweeting a recent comment suggesting that patients wanting NHS to pay for T3 were wanting deluxe ginger cookies over supersaver ones :

Some discussion relating to the upcoming webinar in this post :

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to tattybogle

So he's admitting that T4 monotherapy is the equivalent of thyroid Happy Shopper biscuits lol, who knew?

TaraJR profile image
TaraJR in reply to Sparklingsunshine

Yes he is.

Espeegee profile image
Espeegee in reply to tattybogle

Oh well, I'll cross him off. Wouldn't be the first time I thought I was on to a winner only to be disappointed.

mrskiki profile image
mrskiki in reply to Espeegee

I wouldn’t …. But I’ve listened to a few presentations, and as they say, know your enemy?

TorcHouse profile image

Thanks for the heads up.

arTistapple profile image

I think your viewpoint is interesting and I know it makes sense. I just can’t stand this person at all. I will not be watching - my health depends upon it BUT I will look forward to hearing your review so please post it when you have taken part.

mrskiki profile image
mrskiki in reply to arTistapple

Yes, gritted teeth and nothing breakable nearby

arTistapple profile image

Yes very good preparation advised. What’s that saying “into the breach”? I appreciate what you are doing. Honestly let us all know. I can’t bear to watch him. He’s a smooth operator until you catch on to him.

paradime profile image
paradime in reply to arTistapple

"Unto the breach", it Shakespeare, not modern English.

TaraJR profile image

Last time he did a training session for GPs, he trotted out his favourite trials that he says prove T3 does not work. (Many of these trials are poor and flawed). He said that anyone who prescribed something 'proven not to work' could be called a charlatan.

I want to see what is said this time, as he knows there was an outcry last time.

TorcHouse profile image
TorcHouse in reply to TaraJR

Just come off the webinar, Tara, and he more or less said the same.

However, I found the event "interesting", and if anyone was watching, that final question about checking vitamins/minerals was from me. Selenium (known to help T4>T3 conversion) was derided, and they all had a good laugh about Vit-D deficiency adding to the problems. They then went off on one about Iodine, which I never mentioned, and totally ignored B12.

The whole thing merely emphasised my lack of trust in Endocrinologists' judgement and that of GPs actually helping us rather than relying on blood tests and medication. The plethora of symptoms was hardly touched, but they really excelled on stating patients couldn't be trusted to take their meds/could be easily persuaded of the placebo effect.

I shall continue to buy my own blood tests and take advice on HealthUnlocked.

TaraJR profile image
TaraJR in reply to TorcHouse

I agree with all you say here. Quote "Why would you prescribe something proven not to work" None of the questions sent by myself or several other people I know were answered. Too 'contentious' I expect.

Dancer57 profile image
Dancer57 in reply to TaraJR

Exactly. I was waiting to see what questions patients had put to them, but there was not one! Why bother asking to put questions forward, what a waste of time. I noted what they said about "prescribing something proven not to work". Can't say I am amused by the attitude at all!!!

Dancer57 profile image
Dancer57 in reply to TorcHouse

I have just come off the training webinar too. Some parts were interesting but all it did for me was to reaffirm why GPs treat or don't treat patients properly.

Going on about treating the TSH levels and more or less disregarding vitamin levels as in D3, B12 as if they didn't matter that much, saying most people are defficient in D3! Very funny. They obviously have no idea what being deficient in any of these vitamins can do to your health and how unwell it can make you feel.

I was not amused and I was hoping they would unmute the patient attendees . If these are the people having input into NICE guidelines, heaven help us. I could go on but don't want to raise by blood pressure!!

I do hope I get a feedback form sent to me via email.

mrskiki profile image
mrskiki in reply to TorcHouse

Yes, I'm sure if I look back they have wheeled out same old, same old slides, same old dodgy stats studies, and that same old 'proven NOT to work slide' emphasised again - I really thought that might have been edited by now, but no there it is still.

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