Hi All,
I am looking for advice please from anyone who has specifically used Monitor My Health for blood tests, rather than other home blood test kit services.
I know that the advice on this forum in general in relation to home blood tests which have to be posted is to only do the tests on a Monday or Tuesday, in order to avoid samples sitting for days before they arrive and are tested. However, for reasons which I don't need to go into, I have needed to get my test done today (and couldn't do it yesterday or Monday) as I need my results for a consultation with Roseway Labs for next week and so I cant wait until next Monday/Tuesday to do the test.
I completed the home test this morning and have my sample ready but I haven't posted it off yet. It comes with a prepaid envelope for a 24 hour delivery service, so should arrive with monitor My Health tomorrow (Thursday) Presumably this is ok? Even if the sample doesn't get tested in the lab until Friday, presumably this is ok, in terms of the accuracy of the result? Unless someone advises me that their experience of Monitor My Health is that the sample took more than two days before it was tested, I will post off the sample today. Equally, if the consensus is that this would be unwise then I will not bother to send it off and I will contact them and ask them to post me another test kit and I will do the test next week (which will mean that I wont have the results in time for my consultation with Roseway labs next week).
Hope this makes sense. Brain fog!
Many thanks in advance for any help.