My daughter has been on a school trip away from home. The teachers posted pics for the parents to see and my eyes were instantly drawn to the swelling on her neck. Obviously I'm concerned this is her thyroid. After 4 days the swelling has gone down, however I can still feel it slightly. We're booked in with the gp on Monday.
My daughter is 11. Recently she's been having lots of nosebleeds and the occasional migraine but gp was not concerned with any of the bloods they did previously.
I was diagnosed with Graves but I had Rai very quickly. My Mum is hypothyroid and my Nan took levothyroxine aswell and had a scar on her neck so I understand thyroid disease can run in families.
I'm assuming if the gp rules other stuff out they will arrange for blood tests. What do I need to ask, be aware of etc?