After going back to my GP after being told I was borderline underactive for the 100th time, I pushed to see a Consultant. I didn't actually see one but they doctor did refer me and they advised that since I had symptoms I should be started on thyroxine. Was just wondering how long it takes to kick in. I am on it over a week now.
Started thyroxine, how long does it take to work - Thyroid UK
Started thyroxine, how long does it take to work

It can take up to 6 week to get the full effect after starting Levo or a change of dose, you may notice something sooner. To get to your optimal dose of Levo can take months.
Varies. What’s your starting dose? My starting dose was based on weight and turned out to be too high so had to reduce. So, something to me mindful of.
50mg per day. I'm taking it first thing and waiting for an therefore I take breakfast.
Do you mean waiting for an hour? There are several foods/vitamins to avoid when having Levothyroxine as it affects absorption. See here
Calcium rich foods best avoided for 4 hours after Levothyroxine.
Anyway, everyone is different. Some feel affects immediately (like I did) then report it gets worse before getting better again. In my case when it got worse, it was because my starting dose was too much for my body to handle.
Main thing is to get full Thyroid Panel tested every 6-8 weeks (using the blood testing protocol mentioned on the site. Just put it in the search terms).
Sunflower535 also, super well done on pushing things with the GP on it! NICE Guidelines come in use sometimes.
Yes I take the tablet an hour before breakfast. I then eat breakfast which includes milk. I will remove that from tomorrow. I then take my vitamin d and k2. Thanks for the advice. Will get tested when 6 weeks up.
Your welcome.
Hopefully others will be able to add their comments to this soon too.
FYI Vitamin D is best taken 4 hours after Levothyroxine and 2 hours from other vitamins and supplements.
Have a search on here regarding supplements.
You’ll also see mentioned on here that’s lots of people have been helped by addressing digestive issues through gluten free and dairy free diets amongst other food elimination and anti inflammatory diets, particularly if you have digestive issues.
My doctor told me it may be a week or 6 weeks. I felt Levothyroxine working in 1 week. You may feel much worse around week 5. I did with each 5 week period after my dose increase until my dose was high enough.
we are all so very different when it comes to this tricky business of thyroid under activity (or no thyroid at all) but after I was put on Levothyroxine I was a new woman after 2 weeks, esp when it came to not putting a brick through the kitchen windows!! I know for others it took longer but this is just my response to going on Levothyroxine after thyroidectomy. Trust you feel like a new woman, too, very shortly!
Thanks everyone. Everyone is different I suppose. I don't know if I am imagining this or not but I'm starting to feel weird, bit spaced out, disorientated . Maybe my body getting used to this new medication. I will persevere.
The body can do strange things while it settles in. I just keep telling myself that means that it is working and will level out.
Be glad you started on 50mcg. I was started on 25mcg and then raised to 38.5mcg. Finally, two weeks into the the that dose I told my endo I just wanted to go to 50mcg. I then went to 75mcg and now at 100mcg for about 10 days.
I think my endo was way to cautious and I spent more weeks than necessary feeling like rubbish. I have a ways to go, but I have hope. I have been on levothyroxine for about 5 months.
I have a new GP that measures TSH, FT4, and FT3, so that makes me happy.
I actually had moment of feeling more like me today. I hope the good days become more and more.
The waiting it out is very difficult, but you will eventually get there. Be consistent and persistent!