When do you need to see a private Endo rather than a private GP (e.g. a thyroid specialist GP)? Asking for my education and understanding really, as a few people have mentioned private and NHS Endos lately. The NHS Endos don't sound much more likely to be helpful and knowledgeable about thyroid problems than NHS GPs, are private ones more helpful?
Private GP v. Private Endo?: When do you need to... - Thyroid UK
Private GP v. Private Endo?

Foggy Why might folks remain with NHS endo or NHS GP if they were not partic knowledgeable? Living in remote areas limits choice. Financial reasons. Free prescriptions for all medications if hypo. Access to NHS liothyronine if lucky .
Should you see a private endo or private GP? That would be purely a personal choice based on being able to find someone who had the knowledge and skills to prescribe and guide you to health. The problem many going down that route have is finding that doctor.
Thanks for your reply Lalatoot I really didn't intend to question why people would stay with NHS treatment!
I'm just curious about when you need to get referred to an endo from a GP, how all that works... but it is only curiosity, as I have (finally) found a way to get treated that seems to work. I suppose I just want to understand better when I read posts about experiences with endos, but really have no idea what they do (or are suposed to do?!)

List of NHS and private specialist thyroid endocrinologists available here …..along with private Thyroid specialist doctors
Always get full thyroid and vitamin testing done BEFORE considering booking any consultation