Is this the HC cream effect kicking in?? - Thyroid UK

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Is this the HC cream effect kicking in??

TiggerMe profile image
β€’53 Replies

4 days ago I started using a donkey shaped squirt (in homage to Β Β Β helvella measurement pic... don't enjoy the feel of it, it's like day long slime πŸ˜•

This morning, woke up and actually needed to get up and get on!!! Suddenly everything comes into grungy focus πŸ˜• but I actually have the desire and some beans to tackle it πŸ˜ƒ

Bathroom cleaned (properly...ish)

Bedrooms stripped and laundered

Crack in bedroom ceiling I've been staring at for 6 months filled!! Caulk made it to the top of the stairs 2 months ago and then I needed the step up to reach so.... meh

Just stopped for breakfast and my shaggy dog is in danger of getting clipped today!! Always gives me back ache so not a relished activity for either of us, especially when she wanders off half doneπŸ•

I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow... or even later today? πŸ˜…

Feels a bit like Spring Clean Fever that people talk about, which usually manifests in me as a time to get outside more and not clean the bloomin house


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TiggerMe profile image
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53 Replies

I love to read positive stories on here. ❀️

Long may it last!!

Lalatoot profile image

Oh Eeyore how lovely. Would you like to come for a visit and bring your cream?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Lalatoot

I'll post you some πŸ€— I don't suppose my usefulness will last longπŸ™ƒ

Delgor profile image

Soooo pleased for you Eeyore - trying to refrain from commenting on the donkey-shaped squirt🀣

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Delgor

🀣 Helvella work of art

Jaydee1507 profile image

Careful you don't over do it there. Pace, pace, pace.

Speaking for myself I do get random energy spikes which are very welcome indeed. Have to say my energy levels have always been fluctuating, but I really hope this is a lasting effect for you.

tattybogle profile image

talk to SarahJane1471 ... she can tell you what probably happens tomorrow .

pace your self (or your body will force you to learn it the hard way) ... mind you, you are a donkey .. so you might have to learn the hard way just like scarecrows do .

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to tattybogle

Lalatoot Delgor Jaydee1507 Hidden

Last time I felt like this was when the T3 kicked in at 90%, I'm lower than that at the moment due to the wisdom of the Endo πŸ™„ could it really be the cream??

It's the mind change and the fact that I actually feel motivated... Warnings heeded about overdoing things tbh it's all pretty low grade activity but feels like huge achievements.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

I don't consider any of what you have been doing today to be low-grade. It would feel like a miracle to me. I managed to wipe down a couple of doors with a magic eraser sponge this morning. That's it.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to FancyPants54

Low grade in the pleasure aspect maybe... cleaning is not my thing 😬

I'm about to tackle the lawn for the first time this year... that should finish me off πŸ™ƒ

Dog is now sporting a very choppy hair do 🀣 to match my chopped fringe that got on my nerves yesterday πŸ˜‚

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

I am collecting my mower from a neighbour's garage on Friday to do the same. It lived away from home last year due to a building project. I still don't have a shed so will have to wrap it up in a builders sand bag to keep it from getting too weathered whilst it waits for me to choose a shed. I'm not looking forward to hauling it around, especially as the garden is quite battered from the project. And quite big.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to FancyPants54

I'm hoping to tame it before tomorrows rain.... your sounds like a bigger battle even with the dogs best efforts at vermin tunnelling and burying things!

I would recommend setting it high and work your way down with safety specs and shin protection πŸ€— lets be safe out there

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

I've done a pretty good look over for debris, not that I will have found it all. But it had so much stuff stacked on it, dumped on it, poured onto it, that I fear it will take more than a summer to recover. I am armed with grass seed. I have a whole new area to put to grass too, to make an existing grass area easier to manage and look more in proportion. The trouble is the builder spread the new topsoil roughly where I wanted it. But I need to move it around and rake it all and I don't have the energy to start! It's going to do me in. But I need to get the seed on it next week now. I have no choice but to do my best. The total plot is 2/3 of an acre and it all seems to need major attention now. I take 2.25 grains of NDT a day and feel more exhausted than before!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to FancyPants54

You need to enlist some help, do you not have any teenagers hanging around looking to earn a few bob or a local freelance gardener?

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

Ha! No!! There are no teenagers around here who would consider that sort of thing, mostly they are at private schools. And freelance gardeners are worth their weight in gold. We all need them and there aren't enough to go around. I do have a lady who is mid 60's and very good at sorting out beds and pruning and stuff, but she won't do anything involving stepladders or major hauling of soil. She's tiny. She was in yesterday and sorted out the 2 small borders outside the gate after 12 months of neglect. I supposedly have 2 chaps, a father and son, who I can call for the bigger stuff. But the father is forever off sick and the son doesn't know what he's doing without the father to instruct him. I tried to get them last week but the father was in bed with something. I've more or less given up on them now. I was spoilt. I had the same gardener for about 15 years and he really was a gardener. I could just leave it to him to make it lovely. But he retired winter 2021. He was a great loss.

arTistapple profile image

It’s both physical and mental when this happens. So β€˜dried up’ are we, we sooooo use it. I have tried to reign myself in on those rare occasions but without any real success. It’s addictive. I almost said almost. No I truly think that is what addiction feels like. (For me). Agitated. Barriers down. I can do this! We are so starved of this ability. I really do wonder now what β€˜normal’ people feel like day to day. I feel like I have been like this since puberty. Nowadays that β€˜buzz’ is rare. Part of me would love to get the housework done but another part resents it. There is another part that thinks, I can’t be that bad, that faraway, when I can pull the odd day feeling like that. It really is the oddest life. We get more false dawns than β€˜normal’ people it seems to me. Not to dissy you. Enjoy.

Can I just clarify it’s hydrocortisone cream? Is this the same stuff you have to be careful with as it thins the skin? Not recommended for the face?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to arTistapple

Hey arT,

I've had a weirdly old me 'normal' day!!

Did the domestic bit, walked the dogs, allowed someone to join me for a cuppa and a sit in the garden (most unusual) hoovered, took another long walk and even went to a meeting in the village hall about the canal development, which I would usually dodge at all cost and I'm still functioning like a real donkey!!

I'm not sure what to make of it really but at least I have a nice fresh bed to mull things over tomorrow if it was just a flash in the pan πŸ€—

Yes hydrocortisone 1% for stings and bites but like you say not on your face and thins the skin. I thought I'd trial it for a week πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

arTistapple profile image

OK looking forward to your updates!

SarahJane1471 profile image

Glad you’ve had a great day πŸ˜ƒ. Why did you decide to trial HC cream?

tattybogle is right I did completely over do when I started T3. And crashed big time πŸ™ˆ. I’m much better now but still occasionally over estimate my levels of energy.

Hope it carry’s on making you well πŸ™

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to SarahJane1471

I was reading about it in Dr Myhills book and on a few websites, as I have low cortisol, also there have been various bits about it on here, so I thought lets give it a try.... I have been dragging myself around again since the Endo started me on a lower dose of T3 than I need, after next blood test I shall increase my T3, so just tinkering in the mean time 😏 thought I'd give it a week and then stop a week before bloods...

It caught me completely by surprise this morning as I haven't felt like this since last November! My brain has regained function and clarity too πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

oh yes, go you! I am so thrilled for you. Is this the same HC cream we have for itchy eczema etc. OTC?

I’ve been trialling the adrenalcocktail with Cream if Tartar and managed to cycle yoga cycle and scrub our grubby hovel today and sit in a chair and read a bit of book (able to focus). πŸŽ‰

Maybe we are tuned into spring fever and sorting out nests out. Or maybe we are getting closer to solving with a two hoofs forward and 1 back 🀣

But yes, pacing, need a quiet day tomorrow. Maybe just a gentle cycle to the garden centre to look at more seeds πŸ™ƒ 🌱

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

Perhaps it is spring fever, I've been on the cocktails too... I'm feeling good again this morning πŸ˜πŸ’ƒ I'm getting spring onion seeds in today and mowing the lawnπŸ˜‰ rain is going to stop play tomorrow and maybe I will finally settle and read Food for Life which I just keep walking around πŸ˜•

Cheapest I could find
in reply to TiggerMe

I do my cortisol test tomorrow. After reading your improvements I'm going to be royally peeves if it all comes back 'optimal' πŸ˜‚

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Ah, a day of timed drooling... nice 😁 we'll be thinking of you πŸ€—

I get the feeling you will be joining the low C club

in reply to TiggerMe

I think I'm in the 'low everything' club. πŸ€£πŸ˜‘

It arrived yesterday. Wanted to do the test today but we're out and about.

Although if I'd done the test last week I suspect it would've shown much lower result. I'm unusually perky this week cuz it's half term and we don't have to rush about.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

It'll be really interesting to see where you are on the graph, it's one of the most useful tests I've had πŸ€—

in reply to TiggerMe

How long did your results take? The full 18 days?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Ordered 2nd Jan results back 18th Jan, think it took around 10 days?

in reply to TiggerMe

Oh good! I'm not good at waiting. πŸ˜‚

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

The last time I tried a cortisol saliva test it failed due to total inability to get enough spit out in a sensible time. I hadn't done one for years so it was a surprise to find I could not.

in reply to TiggerMe

Worst nights sleep ever. I kept sort of waking thinking NOW? IS IT NOW? AM I AWAKE? I need to set a timer for 30 minutes. πŸ˜‚ The pressure!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

🀣 get ready for a twitchy day, it was the whole thing about not eating or drinking for an hour before which was the real trip hazard πŸ€—

Set your alarm to stick tape over your mouth 1 hour before each spit 😏

in reply to TiggerMe

What time did you do your 'evening' and 'bedtime' samples?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

I think 6pm and 10pm πŸ€”

in reply to TiggerMe

Ok. Think I'll stick to 5 & 9 because I absolutely won't last until 10pm. 🀣

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

The most critical is the first and then follow your usual pattern as we all have our own rhythm

in reply to TiggerMe

Forgot all about that! Thanks for the reminder... And no caffeine for the day.

* Sobs quietly into my decaf tea*

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Have you filled in the chart yet that was a workout?... for the old grey matter 🀯

in reply to TiggerMe

Yes! I love forms and tick boxes though so quite enjoyed it. Was surprised most of my answers were 'moderate' or 'severe'... Think I only had one 'none' answer. πŸ˜‚

Just when you think you're getting better something always pops up to remind you you're not as close as you thought you were!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

It was the timing of other stuff that had me πŸ™„ like you say it is strangely cathartic to fill in the answers and reaffirm that it isn't all in our heads we are genuinely not well! Turns out we are all a bit too good at masking!!

in reply to TiggerMe

I have 15 minutes to go before my final cortisol sample...

I honestly don't think I've ever felt this thirsty in all my life. πŸ˜‚

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Well done... it does make for a weird day, didn't want to say that this morning πŸ€—

in reply to TiggerMe

πŸ˜‚ I was never hungrier or thirstier in those hours before testing. I've just sent my samples off and realised it's a bloody bank holiday tomorrow. 😫 Bugger it.

Keep everything crossed for me that my samples survive. πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

🀣 Oh... you plonker! 🀞We didn't cover that trip hazard 😩

in reply to TiggerMe

It's because I'm on annual leave. I've gone off grid for a week. πŸ˜‚ I can't even really remember my own name let alone what day it is.

I'm so annoyed at myself! I made a big effort to get the tests to the post office today as well. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

SarahJane1471 profile image

TiggerMe how are you feeling today?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to SarahJane1471

🀞 really good thanks πŸ˜… I actually recognise my old self… bit weird really, you forget how much of yourself ebbs away

I feel less flimsy πŸ€—

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

How much cream are you applying?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to FancyPants54

1g so a tenth of the 10g tube which should be 10mcg hydrocortisone, trying to mimic Β helvella picture of a donkey head of cream πŸ˜‰ horrible slimy stuff

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to TiggerMe

I know it's slimy. I use it if I get bitten in the garden, which is often. Insects like me. It just won't rub in.

SarahJane1471 profile image

πŸ™Œbrilliant. Are you on T3 as well? ( sorry I get confused with everyone πŸ™ˆ). Did it not do the trick for you?

edit; just re read your post from above. 😬

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to SarahJane1471

I started myself on T3 last Summer and it did the trick, I then got my referral to the NHS Endo(Dec) who wanted to 'trial' me on a lower dose of T4 & T3... which I did until first blood test as it knocked me right back, I've since upped my T4 and T3, review just been pushed back to late May, blood tests next week with cortisol just added, in January I found my saliva cortisol and dhea are low, hence the dabble with hc cream to entertain me whilst await the next test and can adjust again before seeing the Endo 😬

I think a little more T3 will do the trick again, interesting to explore cortisol though

Looks like you and I are going through this at much the same time, did you ever get a referral? Is T3 still doing the trick for you? Have you found your sweet spot?

SarahJane1471 profile image

I seeπŸ˜ƒ. No referral to Endo but referred to CFS/ME centre. At least that way I may get to see an Endo. T3 working well. I have to be careful as I don’t think I’m recovered enough yet to do what I was doing 4 years ago. I’m on 6mcgs with 125 mcgs of Levo in the morning. So far so good 😊.

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