for those on more restricted diets in terms of when to consume food collective wisdom seemed to encourage a pattern of eating say between 12-5 with the idea that a fast for breakfast was a key component
I was intrigued to read this week that this is now being challenged and some experts are suggesting to have a decent breakfast and ensure last meal of the day is around lunchtime and worst case 2-3 pm ie typically eat between 9-2 and not 12-5
They of course have their vital reasons for suggesting this and I have to think how this might work for me
Having tried a breakfast fast it simply cannot be sustained when hypo symptoms exist long term as inflammation and stress cortisol gets raised right up
So if there is a more restricted pattern of 5 hours I can see the sense in changing thinking - but I still think I am best served by eating between 10-5 - I fully accept eating after 5 is not helpful
If I was a cynic it feels these ideas are changing by the winds