have not seen this covered in the thread - am keen to consider this now so any input over dosing size , benefits and risks would be much appreciated
Thank you
have not seen this covered in the thread - am keen to consider this now so any input over dosing size , benefits and risks would be much appreciated
Thank you
I haven’t supplemented copper as a sole supplement ( 🤔 is it even available?) but it has been included in minute quantities in many of the various multivits I have taken over the years.
It’s quite easy to obtain from food and like iron has the signals to reduce absorption through various safety mechanisms when the body has adequate. I’m surprised it’s not mentioned on this forum given the number of members who suffer from anaemia because copper is of vital importance in the making of RBC’s.
Some people use copper pans, etc for cooking. Have you found a particular supplement?
Most copper pans are tinned - coated with a layer of tin inside even if they have a lovely copper exterior. This is necessary to prevent damage to the copper and excess copper in food.
Oh, so they are actually no good.
I was careful not to say that!
Bowls for whipping egg white are unlined copper. (Or plastic/china/glass/stainless steel for the rest of us!) As are jam pans! And the copper has a direct effect on the stability of the foamed egg whites. But in tiny amounts.
And the tin lining does deteriorate - only when in good condition does it work properly. (Other linings are available!)
Haha, maybe its easier just to eat the foods high in copper!
yes I supplement with pure encapsulations copper - I like the brand
what for?
Because my copper levels are low
Although many ppl with histamine issues are helped by taking copper as it makes up part of the DAO enzyme which helps degrade histamine
The critical issue with copper is the balance with zinc.
I suggest that these two links are worth reading. (Remembering that they are from the USA so some details will not be exactly the same.)
Of course, other people and sites will have views which diverge somewhat. But I think these represent a reasonable starting point.
Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
many thanks and very helpful feedback
my take on all the helpful data you sent is:
No clear evidence copper supplements help or hinder
Dietary sources should be sufficient
Not a huge amount of work done on links between copper supplement and other diseases
So the scientists would say for now the jury is out
I have decided to experiment for 3 months with a small amount of copper glycinate daily as I want to see if I can find any discernible differences when I add this to my diet when only taking this plus magnesium ie.no C/D/zinc /E in the way to suppress copper now I have stopped these
The only time I took a copper test a while back it said I was low but never imagined taking a supplement and ignored it then - so am relaxed on a test approach and perhaps a blood draw later this year
nothing to add at this point - had other priorities