Two Professors of Economics, Prof. Catia Montagna and Prof. Alexandros Zangelidis from the University of Aberdeen have been working on a project on the implications of thyroid diseases on wellbeing and labour market outcomes.
Their research so far finds that undetected hypothyroidism widens the gender wage gap as women suffering from the condition receive lower wages. However, diagnosis (and therefore possible treatment) of the condition helps female workers recover such losses.
This research has important implications for public health as it emphasises the importance of being tested for thyroid dysfunctions and calls for a deeper understanding of the consequences of hypothyroidism.
The recently issued Women’s Health Plans in England and Scotland make no mention of thyroid dysfunction as a condition that disproportionally affects women and therefore contributes to wellbeing and labour market gender disparities.
As part of this research project, they are now in the process of collecting further data on thyroid patients’ experience from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis and treatment and the role and relationship with healthcare professionals as well as employers with the aim to inform relevant policy debates and interventions.
Thyroid UK feels that this piece of research is very important and so have agreed to assist in this research by recruiting thyroid patients for this survey.
The survey is fully anonymous and you can withdraw from the study at any time during survey completion.
To participate, you must reside in the UK, be aged 18 or above, and have been diagnosed with a thyroid condition. Further details on research management and ethics can be found in the opening page of the survey.
The survey closes on 7th April 2023
To participate in the survey please click this shortened link - - or scan the QR code in the image.