osteoarthritis : recently been told I have... - Thyroid UK

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Peachandcream profile image
41 Replies

recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my right hip and early signs in my left hip. Have tried several over the counter painkillers, which doesn’t help that much. Have been told to see a doctor to get painkillers. I’m worried there will be side effects. I’m struggling to do housework and other chores. I’m feeling very low and useless. Would appreciate any advice. Thank you.

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Peachandcream profile image
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41 Replies
Buddy195 profile image

I’ve recently seen a rheumatologist who recommended supplementing with both turmeric and glucosamine. He suggested that a cortisone injection might also help, but I’ve not tried this yet. What is working for my ‘reactive arthritis’ is alternating hot and cold treatments, eg Biofreeze gel/ Deep Heat gel. Some people find certain foods trigger arthritis flares, eg gluten or dairy. Versus Arthritis has lot of useful information:


Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Buddy195

many thanks for your advice. I’ve heard of turmeric, so I will try that. Thank you.

Buddy195 profile image
Buddy195Administrator in reply to Peachandcream

It is widely thought that turmeric is best absorbed alongside black pepper and ginger; you can buy a turmeric supplement containing these, such as amzn.eu/d/2hdDcxo

Aurealis profile image

Have you tried Tiger Balm? Applied externally only. Sold on open shelves e.g. at Superdrug. It’s like magic. Cheap and effective for pain, no side-effects, for me anyway.

Peachandcream profile image

will certainly try that. Thank you.

Anthea55 profile image

When my joints started to seize up about 20 years ago, I decided to see if I had food intolerances. The tests showed that my main problems are wheat and oats. After a couple of months without them my joints were much better. The added bonus was that I realised that I hadn't had indigestion for some time, which I had had for as long as I could remember. Since then I've also found that I'm also sensitive to potato, which is annoying as potato starch is often included in gluten free foods and other places - I've found it in stock powder.

Gluten isn't a problem for me, but avoiding wheat and oats means going for the gluten free options and reading labels carefully. Because its the actual wheat and oats but not gluten, I avoid things like "gluten free oats". Most of the gf breads contain potato, but I've found that most of the Schar bread products are potato free and work for me.

I can still tell if I have wheat or oats unintentionally. I tried taking Armour NDT but after a while I noticed my hands starting to seize up so had to try something else.

I see that glucosamine had been mentioned. Be careful of glucosamine as it is often made from the shells of shellfish which some people are sensitive to.

So it might be worth getting food intolerances tested. It worked for me and that's 20 years ago.

I hope that helps.

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Anthea55

many thanks for your advice, I will certainly acknowledge you suggests .

Initially, I felt alone, but I realise there’s a lot of support. Thank you.

Cebla profile image

My right hip has been a problem for over 4 years and a private consultant at that time when it was really hurting said that I needed a new hip and that I would be back in 3 months for an op. It was a huge emotional shock but I didn’t want a new hip and I wouldn’t have had the time to have it done so I have been managing it since then with walking and physio

I have found walking the best therapy and for me walking up hills even better.It may seem a hard thing to do if your leg hurts and in your case your left leg is hurting too. However, I have found if I walk even when my leg hurts at the start of the walk -  it loosens up.. if there has been a reason why I have not been able to go walking which has happened recently, I can feel the difference after I start walking again. 

Lately I have walked in leggings to prevent my leg being restricted

I didn’t feel that the cortisone injection did anything for me 

I also have “hands on “ Physio where the physiotherapist puts pressure on tight muscles but there are exercises that you can do at home to loosen and strengthen the leg muscles.

 I now manage with taking paracetamol at night and I spray deep heat on my leg. I use a pillow between my leg whilst sleeping which makes me more comfortable. And I have a heat pad that I put on my back if I wake up in the night. It’s a heat pad for pets that you put in the microwave to heat.

I agree tiger balm does the same thing as deep heat - it is just not as easy to put on.

I have taken real turmeric with black pepper and ginger as the other comment says and I think that it really did help when I was first diagnosed and I then went onto tumeric capsules with black pepper as it was easier.

I am taking glucosamine instead at the moment as a consultant recommended it to friend and they have noticed improvement .. I had been taking it on and off before

Hope that’s a help for where you are at the moment

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Cebla

well done you for walking and breaking through the pain barrier. I walk my dog and struggle. It would be so much easier to sit and do nothing. But I will continue to get over this fear of pain and of falling down. Thank you.

bikebabe profile image

I had my hip done 20 yrs ago. It had given me extreme pain for several years whilst trying to raise my kids. I was working full time and cycled everywhere right up til my op as it’s non weight-bearing but kept joints mobile. My right knee was diagnosed with moderately severe arthritis 6 yrs ago and a good quality glucosamine /chondroitin combo has worked so well for me that I can walk seven miles no pain compared to half a mile before. Also think that it has probably maintained my 20 yr old hip replacement as well as hqvibg had an excellent surgeon. .

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to bikebabe

will mention glucosamine/chondroitin combo to the specialist when I get an appointment. Many thanks for your advice.

bikebabe profile image
bikebabe in reply to Peachandcream

I didn’t know it was so effective until I stopped taking it for a month and all the pain came back. Likewise when I was messing around with vitamin supplements which interfered with something and gave me a rough 2 weeks. Now I only take essential meds!

TorcHouse profile image

...recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my right hip and early signs in my left hip

What does this mean? Absolutely nothing. Your GP (I presume) will probably have received a report - ie a worded sheet and no xray. In my CCG area I needed to see a consultant [demanded to see - do not let your GP put you off]. It is he who had the xray which I insisted on being explained. On three sides huge wide bites had been taken out of the cartilege down to the bone. There is supposed to be a big white halo of cartilege round the hip ball. The consultant agreed that I needed a new hip - it still took more than six months to be listed. Note: my GP wanted only to raise my painkillers - I was taking Paracetamol and Ibruprofen like Smarties - a great way to wreck a digestive system.

I was advised by an American friend to find a theraputic masseur (not a chiropracter - I'd tried those), and I discussed my problem with him (he is a sports masseur). Within 3 weeks I was off all painkillers - though getting there was damned painful in itself. It is not the hip per se that causes the pain, it is the muscles etc round the hip which can't cope. Muscle fibres are supposed to look like those long-haired adverts for shampoo, and just like hair, under continued stress they break. The masseur reckoned mine would have looked like a bird's wrecked nest. If you can afford it, do it. I still go for 'maintenance' every 2-3 months - I'm in Yorkshire and it costs me £30 for 45 minutes. Shop around.

Use a stick. Use two. By trial and error I found cheap walking poles best as they kept me upright, as opposed to leaning to one side, and thus putting pressure on other muscles. Hikers use them to alleviate pressure on their joints.

Do not be afraid of the operation. My left hip was replaced in 2015, 3-4 years after I'd first presented at the GP and believed the NHS had my best intentions at heart (oh, the naivety!). It took me 9 months to get over the operation. My right hip was replaced (I insisted on the same surgeon - you can insist) 5 days before the 2021 lockdown. I was over the op in 2 months. The more you wait, the more your body has to claw itself back to your new, pain free normality.

There are now 6-7 million people on waiting lists. The longer you wait, the worse you'll get. When the surgeon was running thru the obligatory 'what could go wrong' list the first time, I just looked him in the eye: "And my alternative is what? A wheelchair in a care home? Do the op." And he did, and I've never looked back.

A note for all Thyroid suffers (the reason we are actually here - LOL!) I am sub-clinical Hypo with swollen nodules on both lobes. The fall-back painkiller after a major op is Oxycontin. I vomited once with it in 2015, I vomited every time in 2021, so much so the anaesthetist paid me a visit. There is a note on the NHS site about Thyroid + morphine derivatives. If you are going in for an op read it, and make the info known to the staff. The anaesthetist just blinked, God help us all. There again, was it on my notes? When I explained my condition the nurse just looked at me and said 'If you're not on Levothyroxine you don't have hypothyroidism'. [rolls eyes]

Lovecake profile image
Lovecake in reply to TorcHouse

Very interesting read, thank you.

I have issues with pain relief etc after an op. I throw up too. Back when this happened I was not known to have Hashimoto’s. I always thought it was codiene and I don’t know if that’s similar to the substance you mentioned.

The only recent procedure I’ve had (since diagnosed with Hashimoto’s) was a colonoscopy. Not sure what they gave me for the procedure, but I vomited within 15mins of it finishing, then I was fine.

TorcHouse profile image
TorcHouse in reply to Lovecake

I believe Codeine metabolises into morphine in the body. With a colonoscopy, though, you should only have been given a relaxant.

Lovecake profile image
Lovecake in reply to TorcHouse

Ah well, I’ll never know now. Perhaps that one was because I was very hungry and tired and it all upset my insides?

My mum can’t even take paracetamol without a reaction. She doesn’t have Hashimoto’s like me though (it’s on my dad’s side). And I can’t take paracetamol either if I’ve got even a tiny hint of a headache or it turns into a nasty migraine.

So let’s hope none of us have to have any procedures any time soon ☺️

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to TorcHouse

oh my goodness, I’m so impressed with your advice. Thank you. I was beginning to loose the will to live. The masseur sounds good. Thank you.

TorcHouse profile image
TorcHouse in reply to Peachandcream

I never used to be this bolshi. I used to be the epitome of the meek "they are the professionals and know what they are doing". Alas, experience has proved otherwise at just about every turn. Knowledge IS power, read up so you know what questions to ask. Do not try to remember them, or the answers given, you won't be calm enough; always take a written list and be ready to write down the answers. Never be afraid of saying *Why?* or *Explain that again slowly, I don't understand*. You are a mere number to them, but this is your life and you owe it to yourself to ensure it is of the best quality you can manage. Go for it!

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TorcHouse


Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to TorcHouse

amazing advice. I have started noting down times of appointments. But can never remember exactly what was said. I will from now on take notes. You are so right, it’s our life. I must try to be more assertive and not to be intimidated by professionals. Thank you so much.

Cramtele8 profile image

I use this and I think it helps

Cheapest place I can find it is @ Costco £22 for 2 month supply, you can order it online at Costco if you can’t go to the actual place,

take yr painkillers regularly it makes a big difference , and keep moving, you need to keep yr muscles strong to support the joint

Seven seas tumeric and omega 3
Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Cramtele8

I’ll try that. I’m desperate to find an ease to this discomfort. Thank you.

Batty1 profile image

try Australia Dream Cream…. Im riddled with psoriatic arthritis and this stuff although not a cure has been very helpful also lidocaine patches or biofreeze patches (not cream) has also helped me.

arTistapple profile image

What’s your thyroid meds? I have this and originally told it was bursitis. It’s clear now it’s not bursitis and has spread across the back of my pelvis into the other hip. Not yet as painful. I am still hopeful T3 will help.

Capan24 profile image
Capan24 in reply to arTistapple

I am taking Synthroid 100 micrograms daily

Angelamargaret profile image

Try calcium tablets

Nijole profile image

Hi, I had total hip replacement 10 months ago, and I am feel brilliant now compare how I was.

Nothing worked for me, just when used to be pain unbearable I used to ice it and that temporarily helped .

I had to have private surgery, as even was not able to see NHS consultant, Appointment will be in January, practically 1 year after my surgery.

I had hyaluronic acid injection in the other hip, which is helping.

Eliminate sugar, white flour, keep active, especially walking if you can, I couldn’t at the end, but I walking every day now, even back to do yoga.

My surgeon did not advice to take any supplements, but he advices to be active as possible, especially walking. Also get stazionar bike , you can move legs without affecting joins.

Best wishes

Peachandcream profile image

many thanks for your advice. I know I should exercise more, but it’s easier to sit and do nothing. I walk my dog which can be so painful at times. I feel so useless and pathetic. I need to find painkillers that help.

goingforastroll profile image
goingforastroll in reply to Peachandcream

Hello have you tried a tens machine it may help!

ceramo profile image

I use all sots of things other than, or as well as, the more usual glucosamine. Celadrin is v effective, esp taken with MSM (organic sulphur) - you can up the dose of this one. Have been exploring these for 25 years at least. Also fish oil supplements or their veggie equivalent. But my latest discovery is Better You magnesium oil body sprays to rub in. There is one for joints which includes Glucosamine, and another which just has a higher concentration of magnesium, for muscles. These are brilliant. I have had dodgy hips for decades and now have v distorted hand joints from working clay. But now pain-free.

Good luck!

ceramo profile image

Oh, I take chrondroitin too, but it is expensive and most effective when you take a fair amount in the mix, eg500 mg

Peachandcream profile image

sounds amazing. Many thanks for encouragement

Fourwhitesheps profile image

Hi I really feel for you as my pelvic X-ray has come backed with exactly the same more on right hip than left. I have 3 dogs so I fully understand how your feeling makes you want to cry. My pain is more in my groin and usually walk along sweating under my breath. Have been referred for physio but honestly not feeling that at the moment.doctor gave me naxproxen for mine but I don’t take it as you have to take omeprozole but haven’t taken it as know can affect thyroid levels. I hope you find some pain killers soon x

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Fourwhitesheps

many thanks for your input. It’s encouraging to know there’s someone that understands. Thank you.

Fourwhitesheps profile image
Fourwhitesheps in reply to Peachandcream

that meant to say swearing not sweating on my post lol

Peachandcream profile image
Peachandcream in reply to Fourwhitesheps

I thought that was funny, thanks for making me laugh. Take care.

Truseblueoz profile image

Hello sorry to hear that, I also have OA. I would recommend the things to try recommended by others Turmeric, Glucosamine & chondritin, celedrin, & massage. My consultant also suggested cod liver oil 2 grams per day, research to show that is effective in OA for the knees. An exercise programme recommended by a physio will help, it's important to keep the muscle strength up.

Peachandcream profile image

many thanks for your advice, I certainly will note down your suggestions.

It’s a daunting feeling to be unable to carry out activities that were easy.

I’m trying to be positive, but sometimes the pain takes over. Thank you for sharing.

imogen2010 profile image

I too have OA in my knees & hip. I’m on seven seas supplement as shone earlier haven’t seen any improvement yet after 3 weeks. Naproxen really helped but as stated earlier having to take lansoprozole interferes with the throxine tablets.

I take co codamol morning & nightime & find heat pads helps. Walking is also good for me. This really damp weather makes it a lot more painful too I can see why people go & live in warmer countries. I’m having steroid injections next week at the hospital hope it gives me some relief. Like you say it helps knowing that you’re not alone suffering with this debilitating pain, it’s good we can support each other.

Peachandcream profile image

thank you for reply. I have just been recommended taking co-codamal and naproxen. Yet to try it, as it hasn’t come through yet. My concern is the affect of naproxen on the digestive system. I’m feeling very vulnerable and confused right now. It’s good to have support from someone. Thank you.

Hi, Peachandcream.

So far I have osteoarthritis in my hands (plus broken bits of bone in a thumb that lead to the diagnosis) and ever since I've used 750mg Glucosamine Hydrochloride (not Sulfate!) combined with 375mg Shark Cartilage (chondroitin) with wonderful results.

For me it is very important that I use the Hydrochloride version of Glucosamine.

Once, I accidentally, without realising, bought the sulfate version and by three weeks my hands were very painful.

If I didn't have the Glucosamine HCL, by now I'm sure I would be forced onto some form of painkillers but as I have kidney issues, I don't want to go there.

I also cannot use anti-inflammatories due to severe intolerance.

Nor can I walk to ease pain. (Due to ligament damage from an accident decades ago.) I have developed a high pain tolerance and can walk through the pain but the consequential swelling later that day, and days and sleepless nights following -cause more pain and debility, and is just not worth the toll.

If doing heavy gardening, I need more relief than the glucosamine provides and use (swim/walk/exercise) or just stand 30 minutes in the water of a public heated swimming pool that is slightly warmer at 32C. While 32C is warm for a heated swimming pool, it is still cooler than our body temperature of 37.5C, and for me, it works as an anti-inflammatory for my whole body (and all its injuries). I guess if you're not a sook with cold water like I am, using a standard 28C heated pool (or even colder) would be even better.

Hip pain is inescapeable whether you stand, sit or lie down and tough to suffer. I hope you find the right relief from your pain, Peacandcream.

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