Hello there, I hope everyone is as well as can be and having a good summer. Can I please get some advice from folks who are experienced in T3 only treatment. I started T3 only about 8 weeks ago under guidance of an endo. I was on 50mcg split 20, 20 10. I was nervous to try T3 only but I adjusted well and tested last week as TSH 0.13 and T3 4.5 pmol/L [3.1 - 6.8] first thing testing before medication. I was still having a late afternoon crash so I agreed with my endo there was room to increase to 60mcg (three doses of 20mcg). I increased last Friday. Today is day five on the increased dose and after my last dose of the day I felt pretty out of it mentally, hot, anxious and felt as though my throat was tender. Heart rate didn’t go much over 80bpm and temp was 37c. Symptoms Are settling a little now but I’m still spaced out. The anxiety makes it hard to make a rational decision. So my question is basically is this the usual experience for a dose increase and should I persist or reduce dose back to 50mcg. For background I’ve had this kind of experience in the past increasing levo and adding T3 to levo but T3 monotherapy is unknown territory to me.
T3 only dose increase : Hello there, I hope... - Thyroid UK
T3 only dose increase

I think I might not have increased by 10mcg in one go. It might be that was too much of an increase all at once.
Some here will advise an even lower rate of increase, but in your position, having gone through a week of this nearly already, I’d consider dropping to 55mcg a day, see how that goes.
What else is going on? Ferritin, B12, folate, Vit D levels all ok?

I’ve found it useful to invest in a pill cutter and increase dosage slowly over several weeks. Some members are fine increasing all in one go, but I’m more of a tortoise than a hare when adjusting medication, as my BP, heart rate and anxiety levels quickly shoot up otherwise.
I’d agree with above. Whenever I’ve increased (or lowered!) dose I’ve done it in 5 or even 2.5mcg increments.2.5 may be a bit small for you at the moment, I’ve done this if I’ve been trying to “fine tune” my dose.
I agree with jazz, I’d drop to 55 and give it a few weeks 😉