Just wondering, can you get Tirosint in the UK?
Just wondering, can you get Tirosint in the UK?
Tirosint is not usually available in the UK. Not totally impossible, but by private prescription and at high price.
Roseway labs and PHARMACIERGE in the uk do via private prescription.
And there are some pharmacies that should order it in with NHS prescription and a special form filled out for unlicensed medications but pharmacists aren't willing to offer it due to extra paperwork 🙄 And having to import it.
Im trying to get it due to having an allergic reaction to other brands of levothyroxine due to fillers. Will update you if i manage to get it via nhs as per the MHRA Guidance Note 14 - The supply of unlicensed medicinal products (“specials”) paragraph 2.2 it should be prescribed if there is a special individual need for it.
Hope that helps. 😊
That's very interesting, thank you. Good luck in your mission, it still angers me that just trying to be well is so difficult 😕
honestly its so frustrating. Its a constant battle and it angers me so much that we cant get the help we rightly deserve sometimes. Its honestly a full time job managing all my health stuff it sucks
I enquired at Pharmaceirge they arent too bad on prices for one dose eg. 100mg for 90 day ( 3 months) supply was around £156