hi can ,anyone suggest a good eye drop for dry eyes ,at the moment I use celluvisc that doesn't seem to help much I'm ,looking to hear of a better one
dry eyes: hi can ,anyone suggest a good eye... - Thyroid UK
dry eyes

Others, I hope, will respond with information. However, I suggest you read this recent thread:
(I'm too out of date to make useful suggestions.)
Lots of info in this earlier post
I use Hylo Forte drops ...can be prescribed
You can also buy Optase moist heat masks which I find helps
I bought mine at my optometrist but also available on-line
Hello Alice :
Just be sure that whatever lotions, potions, drops or spray you use are all Preservative Free even if prescribed.
Hi I have dry eyes now and then and was prescribed viscotears by the consultant. But can buy over the counter x
ViscoTears in Single Dose Units are preservative-free. But the bottles of ViscoTears contain cetrimide.
For years, I’ve been using the Optase Heated Eye Masks which are heated up in microwave for 25 seconds. Easily washed and dried. Another bonus of these is they can be used on the back of your neck to allay stress, fitting better than a hot water bottle! Boots and other pharmacies have them.
Thealoz Duo Gel ( not drops), Preservative free, are excellent. Eye drops don’t have any affect on my dry eyes, but this gel lubricates for a good few hours. My eye consultant prescribed initially, then gp carried on prescription.
Thank you to all that answered my post ,saw optician late this afternoon ,diagnosed blepharitis,he gave me booklet on how to treat it ,said it is caused through dry eyes ,and that sometimes it goes then comes back ,also told me to use celluvisc more often
Must be the season for it....I was diagnosed recently too!!!It's a chronic condition unfortunately.
I recommend the moist heat mask in addition to drops
Did it affect your vision?
Mine became quite blurred making reading difficult but treatment is helping.
Thank you dippy d ,yes it does blur my vision on times,he didn't give me any treatment ,only to use warm cloths ,and to keep eyes clean and moist with dry eye drops
HI Alice I also have Glaucoma and Thyroid issues and because of this over the years have found out that preservatives in eye drops worsens dry eye my dry eye is chronic and severe. The eye drops or gel should be preservative free after trying many different ones I now use Hylo forte during the day and Visco tears at night again make sure it is preservative free as the bottle of Visco tears is not there was a supply issue recently with Visco tears which now seems to be resolving and the pharmacies and hospitals can now obtain it again.