I am wondering if through a change in thyroid hormone type and dosage one can modify or cure Atrial Fibrillation? Several here have mentioned that irregular heartbeat or palpitations have decreased with the use of T3, however, I don't recall reading anything about adjustments in hormone replacement affecting Afib. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Is Atrial Fibrillation connected to the Thyroid? - Thyroid UK
Is Atrial Fibrillation connected to the Thyroid?

Afib is an electrical malfunction within the heart which can be treated either with medication or procedures like cardioversion or ablation.
Ectopics or palpitations are different and can be caused and effected by many things, some changes in diet and meds may help.
I recently developed AFib and the A&E Doctors seemed to think it was related to my Levothyroxine dose and reduced it so they think there could be a link to thyroid hormones as with an overactive thyroid.
And what were the effects of the lowered dose of Levo? Did it change your Afib issue?
Unfortunately my episode in A&E was only last weekend so lowered dose by 112.5mg to 100 will take a few weeks to make a difference with a blood test 6-8 weeks after dose change to check new levels, in the meantime I am on Bisopropol to control it. I have also been on over 60 days of high dose steroids being titrated down which could also have affected thyroid and heart rhythms.
Absolutely, as being under medicated can result in the same symptoms as not medicating.
Too little or too much T3 can incite cardiac problems but the right amount is vital for good cardiac function. But we also need to ensure that right amount is well supported with essential cofactors such as enough iron.
Just for info...
My palpitations and arrhythmia 99% disappear when my iron and ferritin levels are as close to optimal as I can get them.
I've also found low doses of potassium helpful - it slows my heart down and reduces my blood pressure:
Personally I take potassium bicarbonate which I bought in a bag from Amazon or Ebay, I can't remember which. I bought 500g or 1 kg, and it should last me for 2 or 3 years. It was cheap. I take quarter of a level teaspoon of this powder mixed in orange juice, about four times a week.
Whether it will also affect AF I don't know. I've never been diagnosed with that.
I believe that it can be linked in some people.
Thank you. What do you base your belief on? I'm interested.
I wish!
This might be of interest, basically there is a risk of atrial fibrilation with to much thyroid hormone and too low.
'Anderson, 2020: Thyroid hormones and atrial fibrillation'