Hi, I went for a booked Fine Needle Aspiration yesterday following an ultrasound which found two lumps on my thyroid gland. Both are less than 1 centimetre and were classed as U3 which I understand means FNA is the best way of assessing them. I had mentioned when booking the appointment that I have needle phobia and if possible could I have a local anaesthetic i.e. gel put on my neck before the procedure. In the event I was very calm for the appointment (thanks to advice given in another thread). The doctor was aware of the needle issue and said if I didn't want the FNA she did not have to carry it out. We then had a discussion about the fineness of the needle and that a local anaesthetic injection would use a needle of the same degree of fineness. I replied that I understood the need for having the FNA done and that I was keen for the doctor to proceed if necessary.
The doctor then said that she had looked at the previous ultrasound results taken and didn't feel she needed to do a FNA as it was likely to show a false positive result. I was told this is very common in smaller lumps and nodules. I have Googled today and see that a false positive is recorded in between 2-10% of results. I don't think that shows as being particularly common.
An ultrasound was then carried out and the doctor showed me on a screen the results, two lumps which were quite clear on the ultrasound done. She said I have Thyroiditis and the gland is very inflamed from it, I am Hyperthyroid with Graves diagnosed last year. The lump I can feel and see slightly in my neck (which is on the opposite side from the ones being checked) and the sore throat and cough I have had constantly for over a month were dismissed as most likely something else. She has said I will have another ultrasound in a years time and not to worry because thyroid lumps are very slow growing.
I have a follow up appointment with the ENT department next week and think they will discharge me. I felt the doctor didn't want to have to deal with a nervous patient yesterday and have a fear she will say I refused to have the FNA. Should I be concerned about this?
Sorry this is so long.