Basically a correction as my header from last post went haywire. Anyone been able to get cytomel from Belgium after Brexixt? If so how much custom fees did you have to pay. I KNOW I need a private prescription.
Basically a correction as my header from last post went haywire. Anyone been able to get cytomel from Belgium after Brexixt? If so how much custom fees did you have to pay. I KNOW I need a private prescription.
Cytomel is not available in Belgium and never has been. The only thyroid drugs in Belgium are levothyroxine (Euthyrox by Merck, L-Thyroxine by Takeda) and Erfa/Armour (available at some pharmacies). Novothyral (synthetic T3 + T4 combo) was taken off the Belgian market in 2010. Cynomel is available in France. I don´t know if UK prescriptions are accepted there after Brexit, though. I think EU countries no longer have an obligation to accept them, but some may choose to.
There is Mexican Cynomel. (ie not Cytomel)
I think Cynomel in France is made by Sanofi. It´s available as 25 mcg pills.
Customs are pretty standard - all goods under £135 should have VAT applied by the vendor. If not, HMRC might noticed and apply 20% on entry to the UK.
Additionally, the carrier will add a customs clearance change.
However, if you go over £135, it will be treated as trade (rather than personal), with VAT always being collected on entry to the UK.
Some goods would also become liable to duty - if applicable. I don't think duty is imposed on medicines.
Few reports of successful use of UK prescriptions since brexit. And it almost appears that some vendors didn't understand the changes.
My medicines document has many (but not all) European products by country.
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
I have created, and try to maintain, a document containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
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