About 5 years ago, about a year or so into my thyroid disease journey, I developed swelling in both ankles (plus top of feet and half way up one calf) at about the same time. I was subsequently diagnosed with achilles tendinopathy. I also developed plantar fasciitis around the same time. I don't really get much pain - some discomfort sometimes and the achilles and tendons in the top of my foot often feel very stiff. There was no injury that led to this.
Anyhow, the exercises they tell you to do have not worked - they make my PF flare up which I normally have completely under control with the use of arch supports and never going bare foot. I've also struggled to engage with physio as my health has been so up and down, with a lot of fatigue, as I am sure you can all understand!!
I was hoping that when I got my thyroid under control that it might help my body heal my ankles; however, I have recently started a T3/T4 combo and am feeling the best I have felt in a very long time - I am able to do lots of exercise for example and no post-exercise slump! Lots of other symptoms have drastically improved! All very exciting. But no improvement in my ankles at all. I am thinking of trying the exercises again but am nervous of another PF flare up, so just wondered if anyone else has experienced chronic tendinopathy with thyroid disease, and what they did to fix it!