Been on accord Levo 50 for 3 weeks and have developed unbearable reflux and heartburn day and night. Are there any brands that don’t cause this or do I just have to suffer?? ☹️
Reflux: Been on accord Levo 50 for 3 weeks and... - Thyroid UK
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Acid reflux is common hypothyroid symptom
50mcg levothyroxine is only the standard starter dose
Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose increase or brand change in levothyroxine
Which brand of levothyroxine are you currently taking
Many people find they need to try different brands
Are you taking levothyroxine waking or bedtime?
What were thyroid results BEFORE starting on levothyroxine
Have you had vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 levels tested or thyroid antibodies
About 90% of primary hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto’s usually diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies
Low vitamin levels are extremely common with Hashimoto’s
Approx how old are you
Always test thyroid levels early morning, ideally before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Dose levothyroxine is increased slowly upwards in 25mcg steps until all symptoms are improved
Most important results are always Ft3 followed by Ft4
Thankyou for replying. The brand is accord. I don’t know what my levels are yet, just been diagnosed and I need to ask all the questions. I’ve never had reflux before - it seems to be caused by the medication. It’s very severe so I can’t go on like this with no sleep. I’ll make an appointment to see gp I think.
Reflux likely due to only being on starter dose
Many people find Levothyroxine brands are not interchangeable.
Many patients do NOT get on well with Teva brand of Levothyroxine.
Teva contains mannitol as a filler, which seems to be possible cause of problems. Teva is the only brand that makes 75mcg tablet. So if avoiding Teva for 75mcg dose ask for 25mcg to add to 50mcg or just extra 50mcg tablets to cut in half
But for some people (usually if lactose intolerant, Teva is by far the best option)
Teva, or Aristo (100mcg only) are the only lactose free tablets
Most easily available (and often most easily tolerated) are Mercury Pharma or Accord
Mercury Pharma make 25mcg, 50mcg and 100mcg tablets
Accord only make 50mcg and 100mcg tablets
Accord is also boxed as Almus via Boots, and Northstar 50mcg and 100mcg via Lloyds ....but Accord doesn’t make 25mcg tablets
beware 25mcg Northstar is Teva
List of different brands available in U.K.
Suggest you get hold of your test results from diagnosis
You are legally entitled to printed copies of your blood test results and ranges.
The best way to get access to current and historic blood test results is to register for online access to your medical record and blood test results
UK GP practices are supposed to offer everyone online access for blood test results. Ring and ask if this is available and apply to do so if possible, if it is you may need "enhanced access" to see blood results.
Link re access
In reality many GP surgeries do not have blood test results online yet
Alternatively ring receptionist and request printed copies of results. Allow couple of days and then go and pick up.
Important to see exactly what has been tested and equally important what hasn’t been tested yet
Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose change or brand change in levothyroxine
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested.
Very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once year minimum
If TPO or TG thyroid antibodies are high this is usually due to Hashimoto’s (commonly known in UK as autoimmune thyroid disease). Ord’s is autoimmune without goitre.
Gluten intolerance is often a hidden issue with autoimmune thyroid disease . Request coeliac blood test BEFORE considering trial on strictly gluten free diet
Link about thyroid blood tests
Link about Hashimoto’s
List of hypothyroid symptoms

It’s a lot of information to take in but the very clever people on here really do know what they are talking about. They’ve helped me more than my GP. Reflux is horrible. Mine went when my dose of Levo was higher. Meanwhile could you prop yourself up to sleep at night? And gaviscon before bed. 🤷♀️
Hello thanks for replying. I do those things but I don’t fancy struggling with them for the rest of my life so was hoping for a miracle kind of thyroxine that doesn’t cause reflux 🤣. Maybe I need a higher dose. I will follow the advice above abs see what I can find out.
How old are you
Guidelines on dose levothyroxine by weight suggests starting at higher dose…..but many people can’t tolerate starting on more than 50mcg
But dose is still increased slowly upwards in 25mcg steps over several months
Likely to need to be on at least 100mcg levothyroxine per day eventually unless extremely petite
Gluten free diet often improves acid reflux
GP should test for coeliac BEFORE you consider trialing strictly gluten free
GP should always test for coeliac at diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease anyway
Has this been done
Welcome to our forum,
Your reflux could be for several different reasons and many find it improves once they are optimally medicated with their thyroid hormone replacement meds.
If you discuss your reflux with your GP he is likely to prescribe a PPI (proton pump inhibitors) that reduces stomach acid by working on the gut cells. However, a huge number of hypothyroid people have low stomach acid levels and if you take a PPI it could lead to other complications.
Great info and suggestions from SlowDragon and SarahJane 1471 above.
Usually stomach acid strength is weaker if hashis or undertreated.
I personally find Gaviscon makes the problem worse, you have to keep taking it after a couple hours. But take if oesophagus sore.
I have found adding an acid helpful. I recommend the Holland and Barratts Apple Cider Vinegar with added ginger and tumeric, including The Mother.
At bedtime take some very warm water (as if making a herbal tea) it has to be warm for best results, but not so hot that you can't swallow it quickly.
So in a cup, add about a capful minimum of ACV in a cup of warm water , stir and drink it down quickly. You can make it stronger, but you don't want it so strong that it burns your throat.
If you start burping, great it is working.
I find you can get a few hours sleep without horrible burning sensation after taking it.
If problem doesn't resolve after one cup repeat. Can also be done in the day.
I also find the Riccola Swedish liquorice sweets effective, but you have to sick them throughout the day.
Sometimes a salty (sea salt) drink mixed with quarter salt in a cup of coconut water with a bit of apple or orange juice added can also help. But I don't know why and it's a bit hit and miss.
I too have struggled with reflux, it's vile. Took prescribed Ranitidine for years but as others have said, hypothyroidism often goes hand in hand with reduced stomach acid, and I think the Ranitidine has caused/exacerbated stomach issues so no longer take it. What I do find helps is to cut out all caffeine. Not being able to survive without tea and coffee, I drink decaffeinated of both!! If you like strong tea like me, Sainsbury's own decaff teabags (light blue box) are the tastiest, though that might be affected by the very hard water area I live in. When I feel very well with my thyroid (not often these days), the reflux is much better.
and of course, caffeine is in chocolate, coca cola, cough medicines etc

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